I think it's important to not underestimate the weapons being bought from India. Better to err on being cautious than to get a bad surprise. For all Arms purchases for that matter.
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I think it's important to not underestimate the weapons being bought from India. Better to err on being cautious than to get a bad surprise. For all Arms purchases for that matter.
I think it's important to not underestimate the weapons being bought from India. Better to err on being cautious than to get a bad surprise.
LOL, they didnt even wait for that to throw doodoo on the IndiansI pointed out in the past on here that the danger with selling weapons to armenia is that when they lose a war they start, they will start throwing shit on whoever helped them.
You can't be sure maybe they sent the good ones. No wonder India is not listed in the top 25 weapons exporters list while listed as the top importer.LOL, they didnt even wait for that to throw doodoo on the Indians
Good point! Needless to say I'm not worried at all.No wonder India is not listed in the top 25 weapons exporters list while listed as the top importer.
and 10 million more live outside especially in California and France hence the Armenian lobby2.78 mio Armenians live in Armenia. Not really a threat. More a headache.
Oh really? Good foreign policy, you say?
Good foreign policy please, not this strongman dumb shit
Also laughed at the tweets calling Aliyev a Kurd for lighting the bonfire before the 21st
@ him, he needs to see this.I am sure that Goats Milk knows what I mean by this.
Oh really? Good foreign policy, you say?
Like what exactly? Azerbaijan cleansed Armenians? That's the talke of people with whom you want Azerbaijan to have " good" diplomatic relationships? The same people that think that Azerbaijan should negotiate about the territory that even Armenians never recognised? At the same time all those people arming or whatnot Armenia? All those people want cheap gas and oil from Azerbaijan, no?
It seems to me that you have plenty suggestions how people should behave, don't you? Are you some expert here? And what's your opinion anyway? You don't have one , do you? . As I have said many times to you, it is only what you dislike.
It is pretty obvious that you have always some complain in any subject that Turks have some interest?
You think the president of Azerbaijan should be concerned about the feelings of Le Figarro journalists? Maybe you are but then Mr Aliyev is the president and you're in the upper parts of Green Lanes . I am sure that Goats Milk knows what I mean by this.
Yes what exactly?
Yes what exactly?
Any criticism of let's say any Western government, institutions etc ? There are plenty things there that are not so diplomatic? Don't tell me that many of those statements or acts are very diplomatic?
But you are diplomatic though, it is always criticism of Turkish interests or at least, you are trying to put it the pessimistic light, of course it is always under the guise of not liking Erdoğan? Very diplomatic isn't it ?
It is very " diplomatic " of that in one of your posts in the Ukrainian forum you expressed the sorrow for those victims but in Palestine forum you ain't taking about so called Hamas victims anymore????
You see , Aliyev can learn a lot from you.
But on the serious note , when I was 15 years old I could has seen through your " ideas" . That's how much is your " diplomacy " worth.
So buddy , the world is much bigger place than Yasar Halim shop in the green lanes and that progressive library near Suleymania mosque on green lanes , stuffed with 150 kilos women orcas ain't much of read.
Goats Milk can attest to that
Good point! Needless to say I'm not worried at all.
Just gonna post this here,everyone feel free to tell me how many drones they hit.
Which will never hand a gun and fight.and 10 million more live outside especially in California and France hence the Armenian lobby