Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to the rest
& Good day to the rest
Look at the Turkish flag on his shoulder!Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to the rest
From third attempt Russians finally made a correct mapFirst Russian map:
Updated Russian map:
No more Russian posts in Agdam region on new map.
Look at the Turkish flag on his shoulder!
Azerbaijanis are truely our closest brothers despite the Soviet influence and domination for 70 odd years, and despite our differences in many areas, including sectarian and weltanschauung in general,
our brotherly blood bound is unbreakable!
The Turkish army was already in Karabagh in the hearts and souls of these heroes!
A Powerful diaspora with 500.000 members. Compared to our laughable joke diaspora with 4.5 mio in Germany.
Organize and implement, and keep it going. Fetö ppl did/do this, which is why they spread.despite the kurds (must be at least 90% of all kurds in germany in our town 99%) that are falsly count as turks and are Pkk supporter up to active command structure and we have turks wich are also cancer for us the leftist scum, the wannabe european lost ones, up to special areas in the west of turkey
our people are lazy, arrogant egoistic and will never take a fight for people here.. you cant count on them like you cant count on support from turkey for their diaspora.. they could get rid of us and are happy to lost some weight..
its all about money one of them let it be from turkey or not has more money than the other he does not want to lose it and is jalous that annother one has more..
I say to you without a continiuously call from outside organisations like chp, akp,mhp, iyi, diyanet and many other groubs (so you cover many people) nothing will happen..
ok sounds a little bit like a joke but its true, Turks have that mindset and you can say: "because people will not agree to my idea because its my idea and not their own!"
yeah, for years I called up people and remind them about uyghur people in china no one listened ("because it was my idea") until one of the organisations said something and than it got into the ears of people..Organize and implement, and keep it going. Fetö ppl did/do this, which is why they spread.
But it’s important because it is Azerbaycans land so they need a checkpoint, and a bordergate at Lacin.Azerbaijani checkpoint in front of Russian checkpoint near Shusha
View attachment 7060
Checkpoint Charlie the sequel.
View attachment 7061
According to tweet a monastry in Lacin region is going to br under armenian control. Monastry’s and such places are often at strategic points, it would be a mistake to allow such a thing.
Let me be clear. I really don't like that! Those trucks must be searched one by one even their cabins, tires, fuel tanks, frame, everything. Humanitarian convoys are the best way to smuggle illegal things like weapons and explosives in a war zone.