Biological determinism


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Women are also not made for war.

I know this pisses people off but men are physically and mentally stronger to be soldiers or warriors.

Its built in our instinct and our bodies.

Thats why majority of wars were fought with men not women. Women have always been vital for support roles. I dont deny women soldiers or warriors but they have always been a minority.


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Women are also not made for war.

I know this pisses people off but men are physically and mentally stronger to be soldiers or warriors.

Its built in our instinct and our bodies.

Thats why majority of wars were fought with men not women. Women have always been vital for support roles. I dont deny women soldiers or warriors but they have always been a minority.
who says so?



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because kung fu is not part of mma.

This argument is based "cultural differences", but the OP is concerned about "biological differences and determinism", which is not the same thing.

Comparing apples and oranges doesn't do any justice at all because they are clearly different. You might as well post a different article, which has nothing to do with the OP.
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Nation of residence
United Kingdom
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Hong Kong
Women are also not made for war.

I know this pisses people off but men are physically and mentally stronger to be soldiers or warriors.

Its built in our instinct and our bodies.

Thats why majority of wars were fought with men not women. Women have always been vital for support roles. I dont deny women soldiers or warriors but they have always been a minority.

Precisely. For exactly the same reasons that MMA had always been dominated by black and white people, but Chinese have never competed at the highest levels in UFC.

Biological determinism is the underlying root cause, but it's no use arguing that a particular country has never produced any champions because their government are simply not interested.

Because one's natural talent and innate interest in a particular activity are 2 different things which are directly correlated, and thereby, any lack of interest is directly correlated with the lack of talent in a given genetic pool.

Black and white people are clearly more interested in MMA because such an interest is directly correlated with their natural talent and innate propensity to compete in UFC.

Due to their lack of talent, the Chinese are comparatively less interested in MMA.

Anyway, I hope you can see that this graphic example of MMA is used here to illustrate a different sort of talent, which is just as important to winning a military conflict in this modern age.
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"biological differences and determinism"
If your saying differant 'races' are more pre-disposed to certain attributes I would agree. Just look at boxing, sprint etc and see who dominates it.

Here in UK I just read a report that apprently Tasers are 8 times more often used against Black people. This partly could be explianed by their shear size. So if your trying to tackle a bloke weighing at 22 stones and full of muscle, decking out at 6'3'' your most likely will use a Taser to compensate for the size differance.

That we are born differant is a fact we have to accept - that applies to our physical and mental attributes.


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This argument is based "cultural differences", but the OP is concerned about "biological differences and determinism", which is not the same thing.

Comparing apples and oranges doesn't do any justice at all because they are clearly different. You might as well post a different article, which has nothing to do with the OP.

On serious note, what is your thesys, that chinese can not win mma becase they can not or something else?


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Precisely. For exactly the same reasons that MMA had always been dominated by black and white people, but Chinese have never competed at the highest levels in UFC.

Biological determinism is the underlying root cause, but it's no use arguing that a particular country has never produced any champions because their government are simply not interested.

Because one's natural talent and innate interest in a particular activity are 2 different things which are directly correlated, and thereby, any lack of interest is directly correlated with the lack of talent in a given genetic pool.

Black and white people are clearly more interested in MMA because such an interest is directly correlated with their natural talent and innate propensity to compete in UFC.

Due to their lack of talent, the Chinese are comparatively less interested in MMA.

Anyway, I hope you can see that this graphic example of MMA is used here to illustrate a different sort of talent, which is just as important to winning a military conflict in this modern age.

Is it maybe because the Chinese are not a warlike people??


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On serious note, what is your thesys, that chinese can not win mma becase they can not or something else?

Look at the Joint Session of Congress 2021, and it's self explanatory.

That the Chinese cannot compete at the highest levels in MMA is simply meant to illustrate a different point concerning China's military prowess, which I believe to be inferior to Russia, America and NATO.



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Is it maybe because the Chinese are not a warlike people??

China's conventional military prowess is more or less equivalent to any Western nation, excepting the US which is still the most powerful military nation on earth.

However, this OP is not concerned about conventional warfare at all, nor even about nuclear weapons, but China is still vastly inferior in terms of the most modern military doctrines, which are the excess reserve of countries like Canada, US, and the UK.

In such regard, China is vastly inferior to America and NATO due to their lack of familiarity with the most modern military doctrines, which means they are likely to lose the coming war against the American-led international coalition.
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Nation of residence
United Kingdom
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Hong Kong
If your saying differant 'races' are more pre-disposed to certain attributes I would agree. Just look at boxing, sprint etc and see who dominates it.

Here in UK I just read a report that apprently Tasers are 8 times more often used against Black people. This partly could be explianed by their shear size. So if your trying to tackle a bloke weighing at 22 stones and full of muscle, decking out at 6'3'' your most likely will use a Taser to compensate for the size differance.

That we are born differant is a fact we have to accept - that applies to our physical and mental attributes.

Okay, such a difference in terms of their physical and mental attributes is "biologically determined", but the CCP have tended to downplay the significance of biology, whilst preferring to emphasise the importance of environmental factors.

However, I believe that biology is the primary root cause of behavioural differences and differential abilities in stark contrast with the CCP's insistence that environmental factors are more important.

Basically, I think it is errant, delusional, and wishful thinking to have assumed that such differences are primarily explained by the environment, but instead, genetics are the primary root cause of such differences, which implies that such differences cannot be overcome by hard work and proper nutrition.


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United Kingdom
Because MMA has only been around for 30 years. Also have you seen Thailand? Anything those little people can do, the Chinese can do. The fact is MMA isn't real life, its all about wrestling and BBJ, striking is less important than in real life. In China I doubt wrestling and BBJ are big deals. The real question is why hasn't China had any great boxers, like every other east Asian nation.


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United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
China's conventional military prowess is more or less equivalent to any Western nation, excepting the US which is still the most powerful military nation on earth.

However, this OP is not concerned about conventional warfare at all, nor even about nuclear weapons, but China is still vastly inferior in terms of the most modern military doctrines, which are the excess reserve of countries like Canada, US, and the UK.

In such regard, China is vastly inferior to America and NATO due to their lack of familiarity with the most modern military doctrines, which means they are likely to lose the coming war against the American-led international coalition.
China has by far the most powerful military in the world now. Has done for the past decade. The Chinese have followed a successful strategy built around dominating the South China sea and pushing the American carrier groups out. At which point the American military is actually very, very weak. Russia/Japan have stronger overall military's. I would argue that the British have a better military now as well.

The American military is big, but the British military was big, so was the Soviet military when those Empire fell. The US is going through the same process now. The US has lost any ability to project power, lost any ability to control its southern border and the Caribbean sea and also lost its manufacturing to China/Japan. At this point the Chinese aren't taking Taiwan because they don't want to upset the Korean's and Japanese, the Americans are a non-factor.


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Look at the Joint Session of Congress 2021, and it's self explanatory.

That the Chinese cannot compete at the highest levels in MMA is simply meant to illustrate a different point concerning China's military prowess, which I believe to be inferior to Russia, America and NATO.

View attachment 29589
I see and disagree. Chinese exell in lot of competitions related to human anatomy with their own warrior culture heritage but all that is inferior in terms of modern warfare were the physical condition is worldwide standardized exept elite formations which they have their own things. I find it as to simplified conclusion.


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United Kingdom
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Hong Kong
Because MMA has only been around for 30 years. Also have you seen Thailand? Anything those little people can do, the Chinese can do. The fact is MMA isn't real life, its all about wrestling and BBJ, striking is less important than in real life. In China I doubt wrestling and BBJ are big deals. The real question is why hasn't China had any great boxers, like every other east Asian nation.

The CCP have falsely claimed that they have no desire to invest their resources into recruiting the best talent, but the government's lack of interest is due to the general lack of talent within the genetic pool.

Basically, they are not prepared to move out of their comfort zone due to the inexorable impact of biological determinism, which is a biological ceiling that cannot be overcome.

The OP has cited the example of MMA to disparage China's military prowess in a more general sense.
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Nation of residence
United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
The CCP have falsely claimed that they have no desire to invest their resources into recruiting the best talent, but the government's lack of interest is due to the general lack of talent within the genetic pool.

Basically, they are not prepared to move out of their comfort zone due to the inexorable impact of biological determinism, which is a biological ceiling that cannot be overcome.

The OP has cited the example of MMA to reference China's military prowess in a more general sense.
Chinese have Tibet, need to get those monks trained up, that's what I think.


Nation of residence
United Kingdom
Nation of origin
Hong Kong
I see and disagree. Chinese exell in lot of competitions related to human anatomy with their own warrior culture heritage but all that is inferior in terms of modern warfare were the physical condition is worldwide standardized exept elite formations which they have their own things. I find it as to simplified conclusion.

Sorry, but I think you have missed the point.

Have you actually seen the Joint Session of Congress 2021 inside the link, and allowed me to argue my case?


Nation of residence
United Kingdom
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Hong Kong
Chinese have Tibet, need to get those monks trained up, that's what I think.

It's debatable whether or not you could get them out of Tibet, but certainly, they should be recruited into our "special intelligence unit and military regiment" to assist Britain in the coming war between China and the American-led coalition.

Due to their hatred of the Chinese regime, they would be useful allies in regards to the "special operations" of this military regiment.

Hatred is a key and vital ingredient within the military doctrine devised by Jareth Tempest, it is what provides "fuel" to increase the power of the curse on a massive scale.

Having said that, the Tibetans would simply be exchanging one group of overlords for another group in its stead. I'm not sure whether the Allies are really concerned about the long term "liberation" of Tibet.

However, they are more likely to cooperate with their new Western overlords than the Chinese whom they clearly detest.

In Tibet, the Europeans are generally more respected than the CCP.

However, I appreciate your suggestion by No.10 in conjunction with the MI.
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