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India Approves $318 Million Project for LIGO Gravitational Field Observatory

The Union Cabinet has approved a gravitational-wave detector project in Maharashtra costing Rs 2,600 crore, estimated to be built by 2030. Union minister Jitendra Singh stated that a 174-acre land has been acquired in Hingoli district for its development.

LIGO-India, the third observatory of its kind, will be built to match the specifications of the LIGO observatories in the US, and will work alongside them. Currently, the project is being collaboratively worked upon by a consortium of Indian research institutions and U.S. observatories along with various international partners.


The first two LIGO observatories are located in Louisiana & Washington state, US

The Indian government granted provisional approval for the project in February 2016. The proponents have now identified and assessed a suitable, stable site for the detector, and are now in the planning phase for the observatory.

The L-shaped LIGO instrument boasts two arms, each measuring 4 km long. Laser pulses are fired simultaneously through both arms, bouncing off the mirrors at the ends to return to the vertex. A detector analyzes whether the pulses coincide upon return. Detecting gravitational waves involves recording and analyzing the slightly out of time pulses in the detector produced by their passage.

In extreme environments, like when black holes collide, very massive objects emit gravitational waves. They provide a way to examine the gravitational characteristics of the source, similar to how light can be used to examine its electromagnetic features.


Concept of Operation of the interferometric gravitational wave observations

Two LIGOs can detect gravitational waves, but a third observatory is needed for better 'triangulation'. Four observatories are even better. Italy and Japan are upgrading detectors with this setup in mind to enhance gravitational wave detection.

The Department of Atomic Energy and the Department of Science and Technology are building LIGO-India in partnership with the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and various national and international research institutions. The United States will supply critical lab components valued at approximately Rs 560 crore ($80 million).

Dr. Souradeep announced that the LIGO-India Observatory will contribute to anticipated astronomical and astrophysical gains from the global LIGO network.



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Airbus showed the project of the space station LOOP. The service life of the ISS is coming to an end and it is already necessary to create a replacement for it. Against the backdrop of what is happening in the world, humanity will either be able to create a new version of the space station accessible to all, or will build its own stations in near-Earth orbit. Airbus unveiled the concept of the new space station LOOP. The new project is a universal three-story station for life and work in space. The station can be delivered into orbit in a single launch of SpaceX's super-heavy launch vehicle. Each floor is 8 meters in diameter and can be converted into living quarters, laboratories and docking stations. The decks are connected at the center of the structure by a so-called "tunnel", which is surrounded by greenhouse modules. The LOOP station is designed for a crew of four, but can be adapted to accommodate up to eight people.



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Elon Musk's Tesla Bot robots have learned to walk slowly. Tesla reported to shareholders on how the development of the universal android Tesla Optimus is progressing, which should become an assistant to a person in everyday life and at work. Also, the engineers of the Elon Musk Corporation taught the Optimus robots to collect things. In the video, anthropomorphic machines shift small items and arrange them in containers. According to Tesla experts, the learning of machines is based on the repetition of certain actions for a person. It is assumed that by the time of release, the Tesla Optimus robot will cost no more than $100,000. In the long term, Tesla Bot robots will bring the company the main income, according to Elon Musk, the demand for them will be up to 10 billion units.



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Spherical building-screen "Sphere" opened in Las Vegas. The world's largest futuristic building in the form of a sphere covered with LED panels is open in Las Vegas. The screen of the unusual building "MSG Sphere" is made of 1.2 million LED panels, the display area is 54,000 sq.m. it is now the largest LED display in the world. There is also a spherical screen inside the building of the sphere, its resolution is 19,000 by 13,500 pixels, 164,000 speakers are installed inside the hemisphere. Thanks to such a large number of LEDs, at night the building is very brightly lit from the outside, and it can be seen even during the day for several kilometers. The MSG Sphere building has a capacity of 17,600 seats or 20,000 standing places and will host major concerts and sporting events. MSG Sphere will officially open on September 29th. The project of an unusual building cost 2.3 billion dollars, and is now considered the most expensive entertainment venue in Las Vegas.



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A robot dog with a flamethrower, Thermonator, was presented by the American company Throwflame. The robot is based on the four-legged robot Unitree Go1 from the Chinese company Unitree. The robot can be controlled using a wireless controller and has autonomous functions. The robot has an artificial intelligence system to navigate or detect people. On the back of Thermonator there is a modular ARC flamethrower with an electric drive, powered by gasoline or a mixture of gasoline and diesel fuel, which allows the robot to throw a stream of flame approximately 10 meters within 30 seconds. When equipped with the most powerful battery available to the robot, it will operate for up to 45 minutes. The cost of the Thermonator robot has not yet been announced. The manufacturer does not specify for what purposes the robot can be used.



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Russian satellite Internet, Bureau-1440 company. The Russian analogue of satellite Internet Starlink has been successfully tested. The Bureau 1440 company, part of ICS Holding, announced the successful testing of the Russian satellite Internet; the connection was made to three Rassvet-1 type satellites launched earlier by a launch vehicle from the Vostochny cosmodrome. During the tests, data was transmitted at a speed of about 12 Mbit/s, and the delay was 41 ms, in the future the speed is expected to be 100 Mbit/s or more. After the completion of the necessary experiments, all Rassvet-1 satellites will be deorbited, after which Bureau 1440 will begin to prepare for mass production similar devices. From 2025, it is planned to launch 10-12 rockets into orbit per year, about 15 satellites are placed in one rocket. It is planned that the Russian satellite Internet service will begin its work in 2027, and by 2035 the constellation of satellites will reach 900 devices , which will ensure Internet coverage throughout the country.



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Robot pilot PIBOT can replace pilots. As you know, automation and robotization are gradually reducing the number of workers; it would seem that this would not affect pilots so quickly, but progress has affected them too. Engineers and researchers at the Korea Institute of Advanced Science and Technology have created the first robotic airplane pilot. The robot pilot PIBOT controls the plane with its own hands, it is not yet known whether it can replace pilots, but the robot is quite well made. The humanoid robot uses data from the aircraft's sensors and what it sees itself using a camera. The creators claim that in some areas it is even superior to humans - for example, it holds the plane more smoothly during takeoff and landing. The robot is able to read and remember flight maps and emergency protocols, while quickly responding to emergency situations. Unlike other systems, the robot does not require modification of the aircraft to operate - it can control any aircraft. The robot can already control all operations of the simulator aircraft, such as taxiing, takeoff, landing and flight. The project is expected to be fully developed in 2026.



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Robot "Figure-01" for heavy work is shown in the USA. The American startup Figure showed the first video of its robot Figure 01 walking, which will have to replace people when performing heavy mechanical work. The company was able to attract $70 million in investments into the project in just a year. The company's founder, Brett Adcock, recruited professionals from companies such as Boston Dynamics, Google Deepmind, Tesla and Apple. Figure, a humanoid robot, is designed to perform simple tasks in a warehouse, such as moving items. However, over time its functionality will expand. Now the 168-centimeter Figure robot is already capable of carrying loads weighing up to 20 kg. To train the robot to become a loader, the company even built a warehouse.



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The first flight of the Russian long-haul passenger aircraft Il-96-400M took place. The flight of the prototype aircraft took place at an altitude of up to 2000 meters, at a speed of up to 390 km/h and lasted 26 minutes. The aircraft can accommodate up to 370 passengers, and the new navigation system is created from Russian components taking into account current international requirements. The aircraft is a modernized version of the Il-96-300, features a fuselage lengthened by 9.35 meters and is equipped with more powerful Russian PS-90A1 engines. The aircraft may have a cargo configuration. The maximum flight range of the Il-96-400M in a two-class passenger configuration is 8.1 thousand km. During the first flight, stability, controllability, systems, and radio equipment were checked.



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IBM supercomputer center; they keep making supercomputers while mainstream computers are already super.

Includes a surprise at around 10:30.

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Will Niron magnets dethrone neodymium magnets?




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The Aeromax company announced the launch of production of a new model of the Russian unmanned cargo helicopter SH-3000. The SH-3000 helicopter-type drone was developed very quickly, its development began a year ago. The first prototypes of the helicopter will appear in 2024 and testing will begin then. So far, only civilian versions of drones have been reported. The SH-3000 drone is adapted for flights in difficult weather conditions. The length of the helicopter is about 13 meters. Its maximum speed reaches 210 km/h. The drone is capable of staying in the air for up to five hours and covering a distance of up to 900 km. The cargo drone is designed to transport cargo weighing up to 1000 kilograms. It is planned to use the helicopter in hard-to-reach regions of Russia.



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The Russian company Geoksan has begun serial production of the Geoscan 801 drone. The Geoscan 801 compact quadcopter is equipped with a thermal imager with a resolution of 640 by 512 and a camera with 14x magnification. The drone records video in 4K format and transmits it over a distance of up to 10 km thanks to a special noise-resistant receiver. The drone is equipped with a cooling system for electronics and heating the battery, so it can fly in any weather, -20 to +40 °C. The drone can be used for a variety of purposes, from entertainment to reconnaissance. For now, the drone is more expensive than its foreign counterparts, but as production increases, the price should drop; there are already orders for the first batch of drones. The drone weighs 1.5 kilograms, flight time is up to 40 minutes, at an altitude of up to 4000 meters. The elemental part of the drone is partly foreign-made.



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Iran launched a Salman rocket with a biocapsule inside. This launch is part of Iran's space program to send humans into space. The capsule weighed about 500 kilograms and was launched to an altitude of 130 kilometers; it was equipped with the necessary equipment to study the conditions of human beings in space. Iran did not disclose which animal was in the biocapsule and imitated the astronaut. Previously, 10 years ago, Iran sent two monkeys into space in a biocapsule.



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The Russian manufacturer ODK-Aviadvigatel showed what the PD-14 aircraft engine consists of. The PD-14 aircraft engine is the first in the history of modern Russia to have its own certified engine for civil aviation, created taking into account international standards and requirements. In terms of the scale of technical, technological, economic, and marketing problems in the field of aircraft engine building, the creation of the PD-14 engine has become the most ambitious project in Russia over the past 30 years.Currently, only four countries - Great Britain, Russia, the USA and France - possess the technologies for the full cycle of creating modern turbojet engines.
The first ground tests of the PD-14 took place in 2012, the first flight tests in 2015. In January 2020, the PD-14 underwent additional tests to comply with new international standards for smoke and non-volatile particle emissions. New high-strength Russian titanium and nickel alloys were used to create the engine. The engine nacelle structure consists of 65% composite polymer materials In total, about 20 new Russian materials were used in PD-14. It is expected that the operating costs of PD-14 engines will be 14-17% lower than those of existing similar engines, and the life cycle cost will be 15-20% lower. The PD-14 engine was developed for the promising Russian airliner MS-21-310. The first flight of MS-21-310 with PD-14 engines took place on December 15, 2020 at the airfield of the Irkutsk Aviation Plant. Today the aircraft continues to fly as part of certification tests. The MC-21 aircraft will replace its competitors Airbus A320 and Boeing 737-800 in Russian airlines.



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Tests of the MS-21 Russian aircraft, emergency evacuation of passengers. The first all-Russian aircraft MS-21 received approval to carry the maximum number of passengers. To obtain a certificate of approval from Rosaviatsi, the aircraft was tested for emergency evacuation of passengers. Previously, the MC-21 aircraft was allowed to carry no more than 175 people, but tests of emergency equipment showed that it complies with all aviation safety standards and can carry up to 211 passengers. As a result of training tests, it was possible to carry out an emergency evacuation of aircraft passengers faster than 90 seconds, which are provided for by aviation safety standards. The actual evacuation time was 81 seconds. The tests were carried out on an aircraft with the most dense passenger compartment layout. 211 passengers, as well as crew members, 3 pilots and 5 flight attendants were successfully evacuated from the plane. In accordance with the requirements of airworthiness standards, emergency evacuation tests from the aircraft were carried out in conditions as close as possible to the most severe. The evacuation was carried out in the dark, and only half of the aircraft's available emergency exits were used.



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In Russia, Tu-214 passenger aircraft are being returned to service. Red Wings Airlines received the first Tu-214 from the Kazan aircraft plant. It is worth noting that the aircraft with tail number RA-64518 was produced in 2009 at the Kazan aircraft plant. It was used first by Transaero for its flights, and then by its current owner, Red Wings. At the end of 2017, it was decided to put the aircraft into storage “due to the acquisition of more profitable aircraft to operate” - the Airbus A321. For the airline, maintaining the Airbus was more economical, because fuel consumption was lower, and the crew consisted of only two people. The return to service of the Tu-214 aircraft is a temporary solution until the production of completely Russian Superjet 100, MC-21-310RUS and Tu-214 is established; it still uses 13% of imported spare parts. The process of replacing spare parts with Russian analogues is underway, but this may take several years.


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