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A point of view. We all have one.
It was clear that the system was broken. I am glad that Shekhar Gupta put it out in readable English and enabled it to be given wide publicity.With the Shekhar gupta analysis vids in general, I tend to agree/strongly agree with a lot/most of what he says (though I sometimes staunchly disagree with certain parts or even whole premises too, but that is only natural with any other person in the world).
But it is rare I strongly agree 100% (with him or anyone else more generally).
Here is recent example of one where I do (and pretty much word for word too):
Would like to hear any and all interested members comments on it.
In my case, I got a pretty strong sniff that something was wrong with these spate of arrests/detentions lately from what I saw of them in the news headlines in cursory way (in my limited browsing time).
But I didn't understand (till this video) just how bad the problem is and where exactly the core of it has developed and is metastasizing.
To me there needs to be some way to hold police and lower court judges to account (and anyone else involved where evidence is produced) when they have clearly violated the law and legal procedures themselves.
Those indulging in Bad faith and/or criminal application here (most ironically in a system supposed to combat crime and deliver justice) need to be made examples of and punished suitably. There is no other way.
Maybe @Saiyan0321 , joe or another can explain how that even works (or is supposed to work) under current framework (or if the framework itself needs reforming with ample due deference to the challenge presented by the level of corrupted reality.... and how that might look like if so) I am not well versed in that w.r.t the region (which I expect it to hold true for at broad level) especially.
It is important that enough laypeople are made aware of and approach such things with "if Shoe was on the other foot" principle as far as this is most directly accessible/explainable to most regular folks IMO (having argued with/debated an increasing number over the years...and being a regular joe myself who's opinions and positions have been influenced or even changed by such strong potent higher principle).
You cannot just do "Chalta hai" approach in these matters (of highest fundamental first principle investing core basic rights at the individual level), especially when its politically convenient (as though this is any kind of argument over a basic principle).
You also cannot complain when it is done to your side (or has been done to your side before) and is/was wrong just by politically inconvenience.
It is indeed the open road (if left unchecked and not countered long enough) to majoritarian mobs, extreme collectivist authoritarianism from that and then ultimately totalitarian evil.
I understand even more now so now what @Joe Shearer valid concerns are about there being a slow coup taking shape.
@VCheng @Jackdaws
Even more thug-babus coming up (I do thank Mr. Gupta/print for taking these developments head on and concisely for folks like me with limited time):
Worldwide (IMO) people are (relatively) getting increasingly attracted to the wielding of a stick and seeing the stick in action....rather than recognising the sanctity of the larger principle of what exactly is being beaten upon...and how it may one day be their turn by the established precedence set.
It is quite alarming to me that seemingly more than ever before that frustration, anger, apathy are all being manipulated and misdirected to get a small emotional rush....with no basic thinking to the long term dependency and what an overdose would do.
This is why again I feel all opposition forces (of whatever stripe) to creeping authoritarianism (of whatever stripe) must as far as possible use the honed "if the shoe were on the other foot" argument first...rather than spread too thinly trying to counter everything weakly and predictably.
I feel (from personal experience, sure tells you who is a friend and who isn't more than anything else) it will be this subconsciously nuanced but focused harnessing of "do onto others as you would want them to do to you" is what will determine the long term contours of civilised, rational existence.
What is it that nearly all humans know deep down as right over matter how different we all are and disagree on so much.... Surely that will always be there?