A country the size of Kazakhstan will need more than 3 ANKA. Hopefully after using ANKA and being satisfied, they will place a follow-up order of 3-6 units.Export of 3 ANKA UAVs to Kazakhstan.. with more export countries to be revealed soon
"Negotiations continue with many countries for the export of ANKA UAV system. It is even stated that some of them have reached the final stage."
TUSAŞ’tan Kazakistan’a 3 ANKA İHA ihracatı..
Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayi AŞ (TUSAŞ) tarihinde ilk milli, özgün ve yerli tasarım platform hava aracı ihracatını geçen yıl aralık ayında, 3 ANKA İHA sistemi satışıyla Tunus'a gerçekleştirmişti. Kısa süre önce ise TUSAŞ ikinci ANKA ihracatını Kazakistan'a yaptı. Uzun süredir Kazarnaulyexport...www.haberturk.com
Tunisia - 3
Kazakhstan - 3
They’d end up in the hands of the cartel.What about South America, against drug kartells?
As long as they payed the UAV.They’d end up in the hands of the cartel.
Yeah... delivery by Anka or TB2. Either MAM or white powder. Both guarenteed effect timely delivery. Should rightfully rename them to Angel of Death White Dust or Black SmokeAs long as they payed the UAV.
The innovation displayed is what is really important here. Having the means to produce it and export is very precious as well.