Defense Minister Gantz signs historic MoU with Bahrain


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Meeting with King, Gantz hails the deepening ties between the two countries.​


Defense Minister Benny Gantz signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz met with King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa and signed a historic public Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Kingdom of Bahrain on Thursday, officially establishing security ties between the two Middle Eastern countries.

The MoU was signed at the Bahrani Defense Headquarters in Manama with his Bahraini counterpart, Minister of Defense Affairs Lt.-Gen. Abdullah Bin Hassan Al Nuaimi and the kingdom’s Commander in Chief Field Marshal Sheikh Khalifa bin Ahmed al Khalifa.

The agreement will set a solid security cooperation framework that formalizes defense relations between the two countries, allowing for increased cooperation in various fields such as intelligence sharing,military-to-military training, the cooperation between defense industries and more.

At the ceremony, Gantz, who was joined by the Director of the Political-Military bureau Zohar Plati, said that the MoU is a “significant security agreement” that will allow for extensive cooperation and will strengthen the security of both countries.

“We have reached new heights today in Israel-Bahrain relations with the important meetings that took place and with the signing of the historic MoU,” he said. “We are building on the groundbreaking Abraham Accords and deepening ties between our nations. Only one year following the signing of the Accords, we have achieved an important defense agreement, which will contribute to the security of both countries and the stability of the region.”


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