Did Huawei ever invent anything?


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But what to do, you have moral obligation to do something and on the other hand west pressed you hard and can not wait for your fall under their feets. It is like catch 22. Most that you can do is to open consulate in eas turkestan and help by diplomatic means.

I fully understand geopolitical realities. Hence why i never questioned Pakistans relations with China. They have no choice and face many great threats. Like wise erdogan has so many enemies that he cannot afford to say anything about China.

The right thing to do would have been for Turkic states to offer an out for Turks of China, let them migrate to Turkic lands. Turkey took in 5 million Syrian refugees and protect another 5 million in Syria. A similar approach should have been taken to these people.

However i am not a state and do not live life according to a states geopolitical realities. Hence why i'm quite comfortable in question CCP propaganda which is truly thick and perverse.

As a human i am always conflicted between pure unemotional reason and then emotional moral obligation. The reasonable part of me says to say nothing, but the human side of me makes me speak out.


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You are right and that isnt really my intention, my intention is that that there is a fierce Chinese propaganda operating across the net that wants to portray a fascist communist dictatorship in a constant positive light. The moment someone moves to question that narrative the Chinese do everything to shut them down. Just like all the Chinese shills who rush to defend the genocide of the Muslims as being nothing more then a myth.

The Chinese is welcome to spam this forum with pro CCP propaganda despite his country destroying the Muslim Turks there, but we need some balance. After all this forum isn't china and the internet isn't completely controlled by the CCP.
Trust me, I have 0 sympathy for the Chinese CCP or their 5 cent troll army. Yes, they are pushing their absurd narrative everywhere. Fortunately, their efforts are laughable as most people outside of China can easily tell.

My only concern is that ALL Chinese people shouldn't be called that.


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the company I work for buys stuff from their competitors to test it to see how it works and to get some copies of certain things you cant have a patend for.. to some degree its normal..

but for chinese they are on a higher level of copy paste :D


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the company I work for buys stuff from their competitors to test it to see how it works and to get some copies of certain things you cant have a patend for.. to some degree its normal..

but for chinese they are on a higher level of copy paste :D
In the early 2000s Cisco caught them with their pants down - even typos in Cisco's manual were copied.


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Not really, you couldnt copy other peoples patented tech here in the UK or most of the world.

If you allow people to steal your knowledge, in the long run you will cripple advancement. Why? Because why would you spend billions to invent something if once invented some chinese company can come and knock it off and sell it for peanuts?

This kind of business is terrible for the world.

The communist way of doing business will destroy human prosperity for everyone eventually.

People are wising up to it now and thus ceiling comes into view for Chinese model in operation (about 25 years) from about 1990 - 2015.

Does not excuse what happened, and those involved letting it to happen (from western investor side) by not doing due diligence and operating on gullible norms.

Westerners really underestimated Chinese (thats the summary), they are not some iteration of USSR or something that needed gravy train and they will change nicely...for some globalist hazy utopia. There is very shrewd cutthroat dynamic behind Chinese society (and it has been there long time, its their conservativism broadly) at large w.r.t liberal west.

But now that the IP theft + learn+subsidize+scale and then kick out (uh why do we need you?) is plain as day, all with the collectivist statist-oriented legal system (there is no rule of law for individual person or entity ground up, check the court cases! ) accelerating it.

So there really is no excuse going forward for any doing same mistake with PRC....by west or anyone else.


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People are wising up to it now and thus ceiling comes into view for Chinese model in operation (about 25 years) from about 1990 - 2015.

Does not excuse what happened, and those involved letting it to happen (from western investor side) by not doing due diligence and operating on gullible norms.

Westerners really underestimated Chinese (thats the summary), they are not some iteration of USSR or something that needed gravy train and they will change nicely...for some globalist hazy utopia. There is very shrewd cutthroat dynamic behind Chinese society (and it has been there long time, its their conservativism broadly) at large w.r.t liberal west.

But now that the IP theft + learn+subsidize+scale and then kick out (uh why do we need you?) is plain as day, all with the collectivist statist-oriented legal system (there is no rule of law for individual person or entity ground up, check the court cases! ) accelerating it.

So there really is no excuse going forward for any doing same mistake with PRC....by west or anyone else.
@Nilgiri - that's like your shortest explanation this year so far.


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The Americans and soviets stole a lot of German inventions without the Muslim navigation skills and chinese printing and gunpowder the west wouldn’t colonize the world as they have

If the Germans didnt want them stolen, pro-tip: don't start a global war (by invading neighbours in all directions) and do genocide on top too (thus prompting foreign intervention, total defeat and those that defeated you ensuring you never do it again).

As for historical knowledge flow, that predates concept of nation state and legal system enshrining rights....it went all different ways across historical periods (and much of it involved trade of its time).

None of that involved the specific (by legal definition even on PRC law) theft China does these days...given China is supposed to have a legal system (and patent office etc) that has been stated by PRC govt (signed and ratified w.r.t WTO when it joined it) to work on international norms.

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