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cnn, enough said, listen i can not help you realize that currency stock market is not merely on economic parameters and is one of the tools to control weaker states, that is entirely upto you. i challenge you and everybody else to explain how is lira weaker when production output is on highest levels for some time?

This isnt a medieval state. This is a modern state. Economy doesnt solely depend on production. Actually this applied even in medieval times.
Production wise we completely f'd up agriculture and animal husbandry btw. I mean like completely ended it.

Anyway, when you dont have the superiority of jurisdiction, when you change central bank govenor overnight, when you end the principle of division of forces and when you give islamic populist preaches everywhere you dont actually give capital the confidence it needs to stay in your country.

Does USA do its best to hurt our economy? Of course they do. But Tayyip literally gives them everything they need to destroy our economy. Such as changing the just appointed central bank governor again overnight.
Or interfering and clearly showing his interferation in media with the central bank policies. I mean who the f are you to interfere with those policies? You are just an ex-IETT driver, an imam hatip graduant.

You know he needs to relax his small dick syndrome, he needs to prove he understands the economy. We must all say Tayyip is the best. Oh Tayyip you are magnificent! You for sure know when to increase the interest you show them!

So when the markets see these small dick dictator syndrome symptoms they escape.


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cnn, enough said, listen i can not help you realize that currency stock market is not merely on economic parameters and is one of the tools to control weaker states, that is entirely upto you. i challenge you and everybody else to explain how is lira weaker when production output is on highest levels for some time?

A currency needs some trust, you know.


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
This isnt a medieval state. This is a modern state. Economy doesnt solely depend on production. Actually this applied even in medieval times.
Production wise we completely f'd up agriculture and animal husbandry btw. I mean like completely ended it.

Anyway, when you dont have the superiority of jurisdiction, when you change central bank govenor overnight, when you end the principle of division of forces and when you give islamic populist preaches everywhere you dont actually give capital the confidence it needs to stay in your country.

Does USA do its best to hurt our economy? Of course they do. But Tayyip literally gives them everything they need to destroy our economy. Such as changing the just appointed central bank governor again overnight.
Or interfering and clearly showing his interferation in media with the central bank policies. I mean who the f are you to interfere with those policies? You are just an ex-IETT driver, an imam hatip graduant.

You know he needs to relax his small dick syndrome, he needs to prove he understands the economy. We must all say Tayyip is the best. Oh Tayyip you are magnificent! You for sure know when to increase the interest you show them!

So when the markets see these small dick dictator syndrome symptoms they escape.
you did not disprove my point beside emotional ranting.


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Trust from who? From the same ones were trying to start civil war in Turkiye last 40 years?

I think you wanted to say ''trust for whom''. The answer is the market.

Also what the hell is the relevance? Does USA control the entire capital?

The only thing that USA can do to Turkey economically is to manipulate the markets that Turkey is an unsafe place and yes they did that.

So how did Turkey defend itself against this?

Erdogan brought presidency system, literally ending the principle of division of forces, Erdogan showed he completely interferes with the economy policies of the central bank, Erdogan changed the central bank governor overnight.

Your Erdogan did its best to help US with his small dick syndrome.


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you did not disprove my point beside emotional ranting.

You are incredible! You seriously think it is all on US because you worship that IETT dipshit and you call me the one doing emotional ranting?

You are literally ignorant enough to think an entire modern countrys economy relies on production! Especially a country that has been aggressively made part of neoliberal world thanks to f'ing Turgut Ozal!

When your much beloved president ended the agriculture and husbandry with his dumbass policies,
this country became more reliant on foreign investment than ever!

Then he turned the country into a banana republic. He literally doesnt obey constitution courts desicions, he interferes with everything, he changes governor of central bank overnight, he says what to do with the interest rate, he ended the principle of seperation of forces! He is a populist demagogue that literally destroyed every reason for markets to trust the country!

Capital stays in countries where there is seperation of forces, a reliable jurisdical system.

It doesnt stay in countries ruled by idiots with small dick syndrome!

Everything that US can do to Turkey economically is to make black propaganda about it being authoritarian and unreliable for the market!
But your Erdogan did his best to prove they have a point!

And you people act like Turkeys money is printed in US central bank! You cant get away with your incompetence by blaming it all on US or Gulenists!
US is not even the biggest economy at this point, it is China! If you have so good relations with China and if you believe it is the US that ruined Turkeys economy, why dont you ask China to fix it?


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
You are incredible! You seriously think it is all on US because you worship that IETT dipshit and you call me the one doing emotional ranting?

You are literally ignorant enough to think an entire modern countrys economy relies on production! Especially a country that has been aggressively made part of neoliberal world thanks to f'ing Turgut Ozal!

When your much beloved president ended the agriculture and husbandry with his dumbass policies,
this country became more reliant on foreign investment than ever!

Then he turned the country into a banana republic. He literally doesnt obey constitution courts desicions, he interferes with everything, he changes governor of central bank overnight, he says what to do with the interest rate, he ended the principle of seperation of forces! He is a populist demagogue that literally destroyed every reason for markets to trust the country!

Capital stays in countries where there is seperation of forces, a reliable jurisdical system.

It doesnt stay in countries ruled by idiots with small dick syndrome!

Everything that US can do to Turkey economically is to make black propaganda about it being authoritarian and unreliable for the market!
But your Erdogan did his best to prove they have a point!

And you people act like Turkeys money is printed in US central bank! You cant get away with your incompetence by blaming it all on US or Gulenists!
US is not even the biggest economy at this point, it is China! If you have so good relations with China and if you believe it is the US that ruined Turkeys economy, why dont you ask China to fix it?
First of all, he is not mine, he is yours elected president, i am outsider who observe and acknowledge achivements under his leadership and they are not small. your country produce today what could not imagine 20 years ago. your problem is that you think Turkey can mimic western democracies and pollute same results in game, it is not set that way.
you have two options on road, to continue to give the heck what anybody else including usa thing about your country and whine on every impuls from western media or workout on your internal strenghts where when you manage to gain enough of it and then you could give a middle finger for those opinions, choice is yours.


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First of all, he is not mine, he is yours elected president, i am outsider who observe and acknowledge achivements under his leadership and they are not small. your country produce today what could not imagine 20 years ago. your problem is that you think Turkey can mimic western democracies and pollute same results in game, it is not set that way.
you have two options on road, to continue to give the heck what anybody else including usa thing about your country and whine on every impuls from western media or workout on your internal strenghts where when you manage to gain enough of it and then you could give a middle finger for those opinions, choice is yours.
Turkey doesnt need to obey to anyone.
Turkey has obstacles on its way true. US is one of them true. Erdogan is another one of them.

Turkey can continue to show midfinger to US and not give away its economy.
All it has to do is to be a democratic, trustworthy country that values human rights and the principle of division of forces.

If you think some rockets and drones are enough to jump a countrys economy well nothing actually because you already proved you dont understand from economy. Plus, Erdogan completely demolished agriculture and husbandry in Turkey.

US, the outer powers, damaging our economy is true but thats what foreign countries do. Blaming it all on them is Erdogans propaganda, it is his excuse to get away from the fuck up he did.

I am jsut asking you this: if it is US that destroys Turkeys economy, why doesnt China for example make it better? Chinas economy is bigger than US right now.


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Turkey doesnt need to obey to anyone.
Turkey has obstacles on its way true. US is one of them true. Erdogan is another one of them.

Turkey can continue to show midfinger to US and not give away its economy.

All it has to do is to be a democratic, trustworthy country that values human rights and the principle of division of forces.

If you think some rockets and drones are enough to jump a countrys economy well nothing actually because you already proved you dont understand from economy. Plus, Erdogan completely demolished agriculture and husbandry in Turkey.

US, the outer powers, damaging our economy is true but thats what foreign countries do. Blaming it all on them is Erdogans propaganda, it is his excuse to get away from the fuck up he did.

I am jsut asking you this: if it is US that destroys Turkeys economy, why doesnt China for example make it better? Chinas economy is bigger than US right now.

on bold, genuily curios how to do that?

i see small steps in that direction, but that is road to be ridden, no fast results.


18 4,642
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So what you are saying is, Erdogan is too weak and can't fight off our outside enemies. Sound to me like he shouldn't be the leader of this country then and it is time to replace him with someone strong who actually can fight against the US and protect our economy.

Is that what you are saying?

Or is there actually no outside force interested in destroying Turkey's economy because the incompetence in command is already doing it with is ego driven decisions that have led the economy to where it is today over the last four years?

You can't have both either he is an incompetend egomaniac that thinks he can do whatever he wants and has destroyed the economy with his dumb decisions or he is too weak to fight off our enemies and protect our economy and people and we need a new leader.


In any path Erdogan comes out as the sole responsible one and those who have enabled his grand delusions for far too long to benefit from it financially.

This country needs someone who puts the people and its military first, who can seduce the west without giving away what is ours and who doesn't bow down the second pressure comes his own way.

It is time for change, and the majority of Turks agree.

The next 2 years will the worst this country has seen for a long time, after that there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel.


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Trust from who?
Turkish people? Dolarization is all time high now. Even turkish people itself doesnt trust TL BecauseTL keeps loosing value. So when turkish people doesnt trust TL ,why would a foreign inverstor do it? What do you gonna say about it? All turkish people are puppet of london?


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on bold, genuily curios how to do that?

i see small steps in that direction, but that is road to be ridden, no fast results.
For beginners Erdogan can start from stopping changing the governor of central bank in every few months midnight. Clearly the governor has nothing to do with it and it gives more unconfidence to market if anything.
Second, stop interfering with the interest rate policies pr any policies of the central bank.
Third, obey the desicions of your constitutional court. Prove that jurisdical system is independent. This is the hardest challange of all.
Forth, give up some of your power to the assembly. One man controlling an entire country doesnt give confidence to the market.
Fifth, make peace with at least some of the countries. Being at throats with every single neighbour doesnt help. Regardless of being right or wrong the market sees you like a rogue state. At least make peace with Syria, Egypt and rest of the Arab World. All you have to do for this is to stop your Ikhwanist agenda. Arab world doesnt like Turkey interfering with their inner politics. So they strike with all their media institutions and make your anti-propaganda.
Sixth stop your stupid ideologic bans like porns or incredible tax rates on alcohol and preservatives. These tax rates make Turkey lose more than earn more. He does these so people dont buy them because he is an ideologic fool.
Seventh, stop bleeding the countrys agriculture and husbandry with your destructive policies. Since he came in power one thing he constantly did was to attack these two sectors. I dont even know why.

For further development I think it is too late for Erdogan, he already quite a bad authoritarian reputation for himself so we need the government to change but doing these above will at least help a bit.

Erdogan has already given enough ''reformation'' promises and showed he has no real intention of doing so. So he has become a liar shepherd in this regard but maybe he does these above he will give Turkish society one last breathe before he f's off in 2023.


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yep, you proved my point, irrationality and shadow players dictate currency stock markets, what else remains once you remove physics from calculations.

Who gives a shit about your or any opinion. No one does, the markets defines the correct price of a currency or goods. Supply and demand, the invisible hand, Adam Smith.

The markets were willing to look away when he jailed politicians, killed democracy, but they won't look away when it comes to money.


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
For beginners Erdogan can start from stopping changing the governor of central bank in every few months midnight. Clearly the governor has nothing to do with it and it gives more unconfidence to market if anything.
Second, stop interfering with the interest rate policies pr any policies of the central bank.
Third, obey the desicions of your constitutional court. Prove that jurisdical system is independent. This is the hardest challange of all.
Forth, give up some of your power to the assembly. One man controlling an entire country doesnt give confidence to the market.
Fifth, make peace with at least some of the countries. Being at throats with every single neighbour doesnt help. Regardless of being right or wrong the market sees you like a rogue state. At least make peace with Syria, Egypt and rest of the Arab World. All you have to do for this is to stop your Ikhwanist agenda. Arab world doesnt like Turkey interfering with their inner politics. So they strike with all their media institutions and make your anti-propaganda.
Sixth stop your stupid ideologic bans like porns or incredible tax rates on alcohol and preservatives. These tax rates make Turkey lose more than earn more. He does these so people dont buy them because he is an ideologic fool.
Seventh, stop bleeding the countrys agriculture and husbandry with your destructive policies. Since he came in power one thing he constantly did was to attack these two sectors. I dont even know why.

For further development I think it is too late for Erdogan, he already quite a bad authoritarian reputation for himself so we need the government to change but doing these above will at least help a bit.

Erdogan has already given enough ''reformation'' promises and showed he has no real intention of doing so. So he has become a liar shepherd in this regard but maybe he does these above he will give Turkish society one last breathe before he f's off in 2023.
initially i agree with you and your points, it puzzles me to with some moves but i have a feeling based on mood of turkish online community that there is no certainity if alternative would be rational in way you putted together arguments and fear that they could bring things worse then they are.


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Trust from who? From the same ones were trying to start civil war in Turkiye last 40 years?

The markets. Or are you one of those that believe in an interest lobby and that everyone is against Turkey hülog?


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Who gives a shit about your or any opinion. No one does, the markets defines the correct price of a currency or goods. Supply and demand, the invisible hand, Adam Smith.

The markets were willing to look away when he jailed politicians, killed democracy, but they won't look away when it comes to money.
adam smith/ibn khaldun is abandoned long time ago, if it is only factor you would be perfectly fine.


2 961
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I think you wanted to say ''trust for whom''. The answer is the market.

Also what the hell is the relevance? Does USA control the entire capital?
Every credit rating agency which designates is a country worth investing or nor is on U.S.' payroll.

The markets. Or are you one of those that believe in an interest lobby and that everyone is against Turkey hülog?
Not interest but another lobby.Any country happens to be same geography with certain country and not ruled by a dictator/goverment loyal U.S. atacked specially if they are muslim majority country.
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