cnn, enough said, listen i can not help you realize that currency stock market is not merely on economic parameters and is one of the tools to control weaker states, that is entirely upto you. i challenge you and everybody else to explain how is lira weaker when production output is on highest levels for some time?
This isnt a medieval state. This is a modern state. Economy doesnt solely depend on production. Actually this applied even in medieval times.
Production wise we completely f'd up agriculture and animal husbandry btw. I mean like completely ended it.
Anyway, when you dont have the superiority of jurisdiction, when you change central bank govenor overnight, when you end the principle of division of forces and when you give islamic populist preaches everywhere you dont actually give capital the confidence it needs to stay in your country.
Does USA do its best to hurt our economy? Of course they do. But Tayyip literally gives them everything they need to destroy our economy. Such as changing the just appointed central bank governor again overnight.
Or interfering and clearly showing his interferation in media with the central bank policies. I mean who the f are you to interfere with those policies? You are just an ex-IETT driver, an imam hatip graduant.
You know he needs to relax his small dick syndrome, he needs to prove he understands the economy. We must all say Tayyip is the best. Oh Tayyip you are magnificent! You for sure know when to increase the interest you show them!
So when the markets see these small dick dictator syndrome symptoms they escape.