Erdogan Is Turning Turkey Into a Chinese Client State


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Erdogan Is Turning Turkey Into a Chinese Client State


Chinese President Xi Jinping shakes hands with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan before their meeting on Sept. 3, 2016 in Hangzhou, China.

Chinese President Xi Jinping shakes hands with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan before their meeting on Sept. 3, 2016 in Hangzhou, China. LINTAO ZHANG/POOL/GETTY IMAGES

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan used to send shockwaves to Beijing with his outspoken support of China’s Uighur minority, a predominantly Turkic-speaking Muslim group in Xinjiang that is subject to horrific human rights violations. “The incidents in China are, simply put, a genocide,” Erdogan said in 2009, when he was prime minister. And it wasn’t just empty words: Turkey has been a safe haven for Uighurs fleeing persecution ever since the Chinese Communist Party took control of Xinjiang in 1949 and hosts one of the largest Uighur diaspora populations in the world.

Then came a sudden, unexpected switch. In 2016, Turkey arrested Abdulkadir Yapcan, a prominent Uighur political activist living in the country since 2001 and initiated his extradition. In 2017, Turkey and China signed an agreement allowing extradition even if the purported offense is only illegal in one of the two countries. Since early 2019, Turkey has arrested hundreds of Uighurs and sent them to deportation centers. And Erdogan’s remarks have turned diplomatically bland, just like any Uighur-related coverage in newspapers controlled by Erdogan and his supporters.

Erdogan’s remarkable U-turn has a simple explanation: His regime and Turkey’s economy are in crisis. With few other friends, Ankara is counting on Beijing to patch things up, and that requires adherence to Beijing’s talking points. Erdogan’s problems are mounting: Turkey’s economy has been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic, which has devastated its primary economic sector, tourism. As Erdogan tightens his control over the central bank and the courts, foreign reserves are shrinking, the trade deficit is rising, and the Turkish lira is plunging. Once seen as a model of democracy and economic development in the region, Turkey is now an authoritarian country; on the Liberal Democracy Index compiled by the University of Gothenburg’s V-Dem Institute, Turkey now ranks among the bottom 20, closer to China than the developed countries to which it once aspired. Western companies and investors, once attracted to Turkey’s fast-growing economy and population, are staying away.

China’s appetite for expansion into Western Asia and Europe offers Erdogan a lifeline. Cooperation has expanded exponentially: Since 2016, the two countries have signed 10 bilateral agreements including on health and nuclear energy. China is now Turkey’s second-largest import partner after Russia. China has invested $3 billion in Turkey between 2016 and 2019 and intends to double that by the end of next year. Cash flowing in from China has become critical for Erdogan’s regime and has strengthened the president’s hand at crucial moments. When the lira’s value dropped by more than 40 percent in 2018, the state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China provided the Turkish government $3.6 billion in loans for ongoing energy and transportation projects. In June 2019, in the wake of Istanbul municipal elections that indicated crumbling support for Erdogan, China’s central bank transferred $1 billion—the largest cash inflow under a swap agreement between the two countries’ central banks that was last renewed in 2012. As Erdogan’s popularity has dwindled this year amid the coronavirus crisis and a severe currency shortage, China came to the rescue again in June. Beijing is now allowing Turkish companies to use the Chinese yuan to make trade payments, allowing them easier access to Chinese liquidity—another step up in financial cooperation.

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) offers Turkey a source of fresh cash—and Beijing a strategic foothold on the Mediterranean Sea. As part of the infrastructure-building initiative, Turkey completed a railroad from Kars in eastern Turkey via Tbilisi, Georgia, to Baku, Azerbaijan, on the Caspian Sea, from where it links to transportation networks to China. In 2015, a Chinese consortium bought 65 percent of Turkey’s third-largest container terminal, Kumport, in Istanbul, acquiring a pivotal position in container transportation. Chinese investors also helped salvage Erdogan’s own poorly managed megaprojects. In January 2020, a Chinese consortium bought 51 percent of the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge connecting Europe and Asia across the Bosporus after revenue projections failed and the Italian-Turkish consortium controlling the bridge wanted out.

The BRI projects help shore up Erdogan in other ways. They have reinforced Turkey’s strategy to assert itself as a transportation corridor and have boosted Erdogan’s political brand by promoting him as someone who can develop infrastructure, attract funds, and undertake large-scale projects. And the cash keeps coming: This year, China’s Export and Credit Insurance Corp. committed up to $5 billion for Turkey’s Wealth Fund, to be used for BRI projects. The fund’s limited transparency and accountability raise further concerns about where the money is going and Turkey’s ability to repay.

Energy, another sector whose development has been key to Erdogan’s power, has seen even greater investment under the BRI umbrella. China is providing $1.7 billion to build the Hunutlu coal-fired power plant on the Mediterranean Sea, projected to produce 3 percent of the country’s electricity when it is completed. Ankara plans to sign a deal with China’s State Nuclear Power Technology Corp. to build Turkey’s third nuclear power plant.

Beyond infrastructure, Sino-Turkish cooperation involves deepening bilateral military and security ties, including in intelligence and cyberwarfare. Turkey’s Bora ballistic missile—modeled on the Chinese B-611 missile, introduced in 2017, and deployed in the Turkish military operation against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in May 2019—is a product of bilateral defense cooperation, as was the participation of Chinese military officers in Turkey’s Ephesus military exercise in 2018.

Huawei, which has been designated a national security threat in the United States and elsewhere due to its ties to the Chinese government and military, has no such opposition in Turkey. Its share in the Turkish market has grown from only 3 percent in 2017 to 30 percent in 2019. Allegations about Chinese use of telecommunications infrastructure for state surveillance and suppression are especially worrisome in Turkey, where the population relies on the internet and social media for information due to strict control of other media channels. Another Chinese technology company, ZTE, took over 48 percent of Netas, Turkey’s key telecommunications equipment manufacturer, in 2016. Netas manages pivotal projects including the new Istanbul Airport’s telecommunications and the digitalization of national health data.

For now, strengthening relations between China and Turkey appears to benefit both sides. China has found a highly strategic foothold in Turkey—a NATO member with a large market for energy, infrastructure, defense technology, and telecommunications at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa. For Turkey and Erdogan, China provides desperately needed resources to fund high-profile megaprojects and maintain the veneer of development despite the crippling economic reality underneath. Just as importantly, Chinese cash helps Erdogan avoid seeking help from Western-dominated institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, which would require him to commit to reforms and other measures that could undermine his unfettered control over the country’s economy.

There is another reason why Turkey and China are in an ever tighter embrace. Both are increasingly shunned by Western countries for their anti-democratic practices at home and expansionism abroad. Neither has many friends in its region. Both share a vision of challenging the hegemony of the United States and an international order based on Western-created institutions. Casualties of the emerging Sino-Turkish strategic partnership are groups like the Uighurs and dissidents in both countries whose protection requires responsive political systems where rights and freedoms are protected through democratic institutions and processes without making them secondary to economic survival and growth.

Ayca Alemdaroglu is the associate director of the program on Turkey at Stanford University’s Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law.

Sultan Tepe is a professor of political science at the University of Illinois at Chicago.


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Totally nonsense, by this standard, over half of the world are Chinese " client states".


Totally nonsense, by this standard, over half of the world are Chinese " client states".
In this case, what is Erdogan exporting to China and what are they buying from China ? Erdogan has turned Turkey into a transit economy. Low index of economic complexity and export competitiveness. This is before the Belt Road starts going through Turkey to Europe, what will happen then ?


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I am fine by it. Better than being a US, Nato client state. For all these years there was only one global capital: the Atlantic one.

Here is the thing about democracies: he whoever controls the global capital can make his way in your democracy.

That is precisely what happened to Turkey. For all these years we prioritised US and EU's interests over our own interests. Neoliberal journalists even set plots against our patriot soldiers with those scandalous Ergenekon and Balyoz fake suitcases. They replaced them with Gulenists(they attempted a coup in 2016) Gulenists are a US affiliated infiltration group/religious cult. In fact a few days ago I think a video fell to social media. Enes Kanter a well known Gulenist, dating with a Rockefeller family member, eating the symbolic cult dessert of Gulenists: Maklube. It was a huge mindf*ck in entire Turkey.

So long story short for all these years World was unipolar and centered around US. For this countries had to either obey or go rogue and close itself like Iran, N.Korea or Russia. But nowadays it is different. Nowadays thanks to China a new global capital is borning and World is taking a more multi-polar shape.
This makes regional powers more important than they were before and benefits Turkey.

US also supports Pkk-Ypg in Syria, so we really have bad blood with them. We are still in Nato only because we have veto power inside Nato. In a global war between US and China Turkey will for sure stand with China.


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The only reason that US and the west need Turkey is because of Russia, the west designs to use Turkey as cannon fodder, a buffer state and sacrifice Tureky in case of war with Russia to gain some time. If Turkey improves relations with Russia, then all bets will be off and the west will turn ugly. it's not wise for a country to be in a partnership which is designed for the country's destruction.


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US is backstabbing their ally (Turkey) and like to interfere the internal affairs of other countries. For me China is better than US...


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In a global war between US and China Turkey will for sure stand with China.
I doubt that.
Depending on what kind of war.
Turkey minds its own interests.
Turkey is for de-dollarization as US Dollar is weaponized. At that point it is aligned with China.
Other than that Turkey is indifferent.


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US has to understand it's no longer a sole dominant power, all US allies, EU, Japan, Korea, Australia and US itself have China as their biggest trading partner, China is also the biggest trading partner of ASEAN, Africa and middle east. US had already lost it economic leverage over other countries, US ability to sanction other countries now is a thing of the past.
The only thing US still enjoys some far leading influence is its military power, but with the gone economic might, how much longer it can hold on to the military edge? US should climb down a peg or two and and to learn to treat other naitons as equals.


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I am fine by it. Better than being a US, Nato client state. For all these years there was only one global capital: the Atlantic one.

Here is the thing about democracies: he whoever controls the global capital can make his way in your democracy.

That is precisely what happened to Turkey. For all these years we prioritised US and EU's interests over our own interests. Neoliberal journalists even set plots against our patriot soldiers with those scandalous Ergenekon and Balyoz fake suitcases. They replaced them with Gulenists(they attempted a coup in 2016) Gulenists are a US affiliated infiltration group/religious cult. In fact a few days ago I think a video fell to social media. Enes Kanter a well known Gulenist, dating with a Rockefeller family member, eating the symbolic cult dessert of Gulenists: Maklube. It was a huge mindf*ck in entire Turkey.

So long story short for all these years World was unipolar and centered around US. For this countries had to either obey or go rogue and close itself like Iran, N.Korea or Russia. But nowadays it is different. Nowadays thanks to China a new global capital is borning and World is taking a more multi-polar shape.
This makes regional powers more important than they were before and benefits Turkey.

US also supports Pkk-Ypg in Syria, so we really have bad blood with them. We are still in Nato only because we have veto power inside Nato. In a global war between US and China Turkey will for sure stand with China.

Allah will be proud. As Muslims are murdered and raped by Chinese communists, you are fine with it.

If the US or China ever went to war, Turkey should stand with what's in her interests. That position should be balanced. No extremes since both powers are bad for Turkey. One arms pkk commie terrorists to balkanise the region, while the other literally slaughtered millions of Muslim Turks while raping their women and forcing them to marry Chinese communists.

As for Erdogan who made enemies with everyone that he finds himself having to bow his head to a regime that is committing open genocide of Muslims. No wonder Allah keeps punishing the Muslims for such shameful and low behaviour.

Tomorrow if Turkish women in Turkey are raped and murdered by an outside occupying force, i hope Turks somewhere in the world have more honour then the ones today. Otherwise enjoy watching it all happen while the rest of 1billion Muslims justify it.

Its disgusting to see my people become so weak of the mind. A race that only knew how to conquer, turned into a race that acts like pussies.

As Turks we look down on the shameful behaviour of many muslim majority states, yet when it comes to the Muslims occupied by China we keep quite.


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The good thing about China can sell you weapons without putting the so called human rights like the EU and American do to Saudi Arabia for example


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Allah will be proud. As Muslims are murdered and raped by Chinese communists, you are fine with it.

If the US or China ever went to war, Turkey should stand with what's in her interests. That position should be balanced. No extremes since both powers are bad for Turkey. One arms pkk commie terrorists to balkanise the region, while the other literally slaughtered millions of Muslim Turks while raping their women and forcing them to marry Chinese communists.

As for Erdogan who made enemies with everyone that he finds himself having to bow his head to a regime that is committing open genocide of Muslims. No wonder Allah keeps punishing the Muslims for such shameful and low behaviour.

Tomorrow if Turkish women in Turkey are raped and murdered by an outside occupying force, i hope Turks somewhere in the world have more honour then the ones today. Otherwise enjoy watching it all happen while the rest of 1billion Muslims justify it.

Its disgusting to see my people become so weak of the mind. A race that only knew how to conquer, turned into a race that acts like pussies.

As Turks we look down on the shameful behaviour of many muslim majority states, yet when it comes to the Muslims occupied by China we keep quite.
What the difference he bowing down to NATO which kill Muslims?!


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What the difference he bowing down to NATO which kill Muslims?!

NATO is bad news, but for Turkey it was an unfortunate evil when Stalin threatened war against Turkey to take Istanbul. To make matters worse most muslim states in the region were pro communist, the same communists who were destroying their Turkic Muslim population. Just look how egypt was supporting the greeks against the Turks.

Even then Turkey whenever she can, opposes NATO and next to no one in Turkey talks about NATO being a good thing. For Turkey its bad or worse. We opposed NATO when we went into Cyprus, we opposed NATO when we moved into Syria, we opposed them when we moved on Libya, we oppose them where we can, but how can Turkey alone take on the greatest power on earth and all her European lackeys?

We are only nation on earth that is facing off against both the US and Russia at the same time.

The issue i have is all sucking off of china and ignoring their evil crimes. What has and is happening to the Muslims in China is a thousand times worse then what is happening to the Palastinians.

So if you are Muslim stop sucking off these communists.


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while the other literally slaughtered millions of Muslim Turks while raping their women and forcing them to marry Chinese communists.
No one in their sane mind will believe this. You can't develop a region by locking up the local population and raping their women. Xinjiang's develpment and growth is the highest in China, GDP per capita grew from hundreds of dollars per year a decade ago to today's level even higher than Turkey.
Xinjiang's police forces are mostly made up by ethnic Uighurs, many Uighur men and women serve in PLA, they are all well armed, but no even one police officer or soldier turned their weapons against the government and Han civilians in Xinjiang, if China really commit the atrocitieis as you claimed, rebels and insurgencies would be everywhere in the region like Kashmir and India.


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What has and is happening to the Muslims in China is a thousand times worse then what is happening to the Palastinians.
Did you ever visit Xinjiang to make such a claim? besides, China's biggest Muslim group is Hui Muslims, not Uighurs. I personally have many Hui friends.


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Allah will be proud. As Muslims are murdered and raped by Chinese communists, you are fine with it.

If the US or China ever went to war, Turkey should stand with what's in her interests. That position should be balanced. No extremes since both powers are bad for Turkey. One arms pkk commie terrorists to balkanise the region, while the other literally slaughtered millions of Muslim Turks while raping their women and forcing them to marry Chinese communists.

As for Erdogan who made enemies with everyone that he finds himself having to bow his head to a regime that is committing open genocide of Muslims. No wonder Allah keeps punishing the Muslims for such shameful and low behaviour.

Tomorrow if Turkish women in Turkey are raped and murdered by an outside occupying force, i hope Turks somewhere in the world have more honour then the ones today. Otherwise enjoy watching it all happen while the rest of 1billion Muslims justify it.

Its disgusting to see my people become so weak of the mind. A race that only knew how to conquer, turned into a race that acts like pussies.

As Turks we look down on the shameful behaviour of many muslim majority states, yet when it comes to the Muslims occupied by China we keep quite.
I dont care about Alahs proudness. If he existed he would be proud of his work the mess this world is in. I wonder if you believe in China genociding Uyghurs do you also believe in Turkey genociding Kurds, Greeks, Armenians, Assyrians?
Because thats what the very same western media has been saying. It is the same New York Times or whatever that accuse China of genociding Uyghurs that also bullshits on how we "genocide Kurds" right now in Syria and Iraq by fighting Pkk-Ypg.

There is Turkestan Islam Party literally Isis' Turkestan branch. These people are literally Isis militants. China is fighting against them.

Why would China out of all these times, now, decide to get rid of Uyghurs? In such a critical time when they are getting the World hegemony from west? Uyghurs are labor force thats it. Why would they eradicate them now?

Imagine Turkey is their long time Nato ally(at least right now and officially) but because over the past 5 years we have gone against their interests and defeated their coup attempt in 2016 they represent us in their media as a thug state that constantly genocides its neighbours.
They literally made us a gangster state that only causes problems.
We have been their allies for 70 years and we still fight against Russia in Libya, Syria and Ukraine but they do all these black propagandas towards us. In 24 April Biden will most likely finally recognise Armenian genocide too.

Imagine what the dipshits that do these antipropagandas to Turkey, a country posing as small of a threat as Turkey, would do to China. A country that literally threatens their World hegemony.

Think accordingly to that.

Even if there was/is sth it is no brainer that they would exaggerate it to the point of holocoust. We know the strength of their anti propaganda bias, their black lies first hand as Turks. Just go read about Turkey in reddit. Just go look at r/geopolitics, r/worldnews and r/europe.

I did exagerrate to demonstrate my feelings towards US by saying we would war against them along with Chinese but actually we are already doing this is in a sense (we are already warring against them, this is what wars of 21st century look like and we are allied with Chinese in a sense, US' sparing its focus on them benefits us and vice versa).

Despite all the points I have made here you may go on and believe China does what the west says(as if west would care about Uyghurs cultural genocide normally) but at least see the benefit of the doubt solely because of their decades old antipropagandas towards yourself.
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We are only nation on earth that is facing off against both the US and Russia at the same time.

The issue i have is all sucking off of china and ignoring their evil crimes. What has and is happening to the Muslims in China is a thousand times worse then what is happening to the Palastinians.

So if you are Muslim stop sucking off these communists.

May I ask what makes you believe that Turkey is the only nation on Earth that is facing off against both the US and Russia at the same time?

To the best of my knowledge, Turkey remains a NATO member and therefore, a formal ally of the USA and has been aspiring to be a member of the EU for decades. Many domestic policies related to its legal system, economy, trade, democracy and many other socioeconomic factors were influenced by European standards.

Moreover, I do not recall Turkey fighting Russia in a war in the last 21 years. Could you kindly direct me to at least one such incident where the Republic of Turkey declared war on the Russian Federation or vice versa since 2000?

I believe citizens of countries like Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, Myanmar, Bolivia and many others have stronger reasons to feel they have been fighting the "entire world" for many years now.

To illustrate this point, I may cite the incidents of United Nations Security Council imposed sanctions upon Iran or North Korea that were fully approved by not only the USA, France and UK but also Russia and China.

Moreover, if you truly believe that Turkey is the only country in the world that is fighting both the USA and Russia, how much sense would it make to create an enemy out of China so that Turkey would be fighting the USA, Russia and China simultaneously?


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May I ask what makes you believe that Turkey is the only nation on Earth that is facing off against both the US and Russia at the same time?
Actually China was the only country to fight both US and USSR during the 1960's, 1970's and 1980's, it's not good. Military conflicts with US took place in Korea and Vietanam, and border clashes happened between China and USSR in 1969. At a point both US and USSR wanted to nuke China.


Actually China was the only country to fight both US and USSR during the 1960's, 1970's and 1980's, it's not good. Military conflicts with US took place in Korea and Vietanam, and border clashes happened between China and USSR in 1969. At a point both US and USSR wanted to nuke China.

Those conflicts did not occur simultaneously.

When Chinese relationship with USSR turned sour, they turned to the USA for assistance. As a result, the USSR was surrounded by NATO in its Western flank, Southern flank (Turkey), Far Eastern flank (Japan and Korea allied to the USA although not members of of NATO) and with China as an adversary, they were surrounded on all sides.


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Those conflicts did not occur simultaneously.

When Chinese relationship with USSR turned sour, they turned to the USA for assistance. As a result, the USSR was surrounded by NATO in its Western flank, Southern flank (Turkey), Far Eastern flank (Japan and Korea allied to the USA although not members of of NATO) and with China as an adversary, they were surrounded on all sides.
Absolutely simultaneous in the 1960's and 1970's, 苏修美帝,a slogan and catchphrase during that time, China's top two arch enemies. in the late 1970's China and US normalised their relations, in the late 1980's relations between China and USSR started to thaw.
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