European Defence Against Strategic Nuclear Missiles

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European Defence Against Strategic Nuclear Missiles
America in Danger: SARMAT with 15 Nuclear Warheads Can Wipe The Entire US East Coast
America's Nuclear Triad
The defence systems that I am designing, they are suitable, by design, to be used, specifically, by relatively small countries, for defending their freedom, mostly against a relatively larger aggressor country.
Therefore, in order for eliminating the possibility of a quantitatively asymmetric confrontation between opposing infantry, the complete exclusion of the infantry of both sides it could be imposed by employing the proposed GSAD System.
In such a case, the two countries they would had started a a quantitatively asymmetric confrontation by using, technologically advanced, missiles (both countries) and anti-missiles (the defending country.
Again, this second asymmetry is not welcomed as, the smaller country’s missiles reserves, by definition, they shall be exhausted, catastrophically, sooner than, those of the larger country.
Here is my proposal for defeating this asymmetry.
Currently, the missiles, a. they are one-time-usage (expendable) and b. they carry explosive charge.
My proposal is about, anti-aircraft and simultaneously, anti-missiles, missiles that,
1. they are reusable, (they land on wheels and/or by parachute)
2. they do not carry explosive charge
3. they shoot explosive projectiles against missiles and aircrafts
4. they are air-breathing and they can be refuelled while flying
5. from 0 to Mach 3.2 they use 2 jet engines; from 3.2 to Mach 6 they use 1 dual mode Ramjet/Scramjet engines at the Ramjet Mode; and from Mach 6 to around Mach 10 they use the Scramjet Mode.
6. the front air-intake is movable in order to support the switching from the jet-engine to the twin-Scramjets
7. for the subsonic flights, there should be two folding wings.
By using these non-expendable and very much less costly than fighter-jets, the smaller country it could exhaust the entire missiles reserves of the larger country.
There is a possibility for the larger country to employ the same technology against the smaller country.
However, the incoming, into the smaller country’s territory, reusable missiles of the larger country, they would had suffered, inability to refuel, and the proximity with ground and/or otherwise, based laser weapons.
Christos Boumpoulis
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Innovation – Ramjet Engine Much Faster Than Mach 6
These days I am designing the conceptual model of an innovative Ramjet engine that is capable of achieving hypersonic speeds much faster than the ordinary Ramjet engine’s Mach 6, and probably close, or even faster, than Mach 10.
Making a nice looking computer 3D animation of this conceptual model is my intention, though such a CAD 3D model and even worst, under the inadequate circumstances within which, I am struggling to progress such demanding work, it takes some time to make a publicly presentable work.
I got the impression that, such time is not available due to the current political circumstances in Europe and even worst, due to the specific nature of this supposed innovation because, in the case that, it might be proven practically exploitable, then, reusable anti-missiles missiles can be made; and then, the nuclear arsenal of the countries which they posses one of such, it is, probably, becoming severely degraded, among others, as a means of imposing settler-colonialism to other Nations.
In other words (jokingly), the prospect of my present work to succeed, it seems highly unlike e.g. for the Americans, to become so thrilled that, they might offer to me as presents, a highly productive oilfield at Dallas, Texas along with a luxurious mansion there, just besides the mythical J.R. Ewing’s (from the “Dallas” soap-opera) luxurious mansion.
With this article I publicize two pictures of the upper and lower page of a hand-drawn sketch of the above mentioned innovation.
At the profile sketch of the air-distributor, for simplicity, I deliberately designed the relief outlets to be wrongfully 45 degrees relative to the distributor’s axis of symmetry, away from its intended position.
There are many crucial technical issues, the corresponding solutions of which, they do not appear in this rough sketch.
The following days, I intend to make the appropriate means of visual presentation of my conceptual model.
Also, there is an issue of proportions.
The proportions of the sizes of the details of this machine, they can be calculated by using aerodynamics’ mathematical formulas which they are available, in the Internet and in related books, at the University libraries, and through experimentation. However, due to the shortage of time and due to the unsuitable circumstances, I shall nee
d a lot of time to process these aerodynamics' mathematical formulas.
Christos Boumpoulis
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These are aspects of the, under development, conceptual model of a reusable, hypersonic missiles/aircraft, anti-missile and the related FRamjet engine (Fast-Ramjet engine).
I believe that, with good luck, this machine may "demolish" the U2RIT's nuclear arsenal.
Christos Boumpoulis
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Air-Distributor – Rough-Sketch
Here are two perspectives of a very rough 3D model of how I think, the air-distributor it should be.
I consider, the air-distributor to use a part of the incoming air’s kinetic energy for conveying power to an electricity generator.
Christos Boumpoulis
P.S.: Such a rough 3D model I decided to publicize due to the current political circumstances, in Europe.


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The Rusty Reusable Anti-Missiles Missile
In the above pictures I wish to display the current form of development of the air-distributor.
Christos Boumpoulis


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  • FRamJet20230116airdfront.png
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