The Ministry of Defense has decided to deploy the state-of-the-art stealth fighter F35A at the Air Self-Defense Force Komatsu Air Base (Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture). A government official revealed on the 2nd. First deploy four aircraft to prospect the year 2025. It will be replaced with F15 fighters one by one, and the number of aircraft will be about 20 in the future. The Kinki-Chubu Defense Bureau will explain to the locals on the 3rd.
At Komatsu Base, where the only fighter unit on the Sea of Japan side is located, a total of about 40 F15 fighters are deployed in two squadrons, and emergency launches (scrambles) to suspicious aircraft are being carried out. Of these, the F35A will be replaced with aircraft that are not subject to repairs such as longer range, which is being promoted by the Ministry of Defense.
The F35A is a state-of-the-art fighter called the "5th generation" and features high stealth. Currently, only 23 aircraft are deployed at Misawa Air Base (Misawa City, Aomori Prefecture). The Ministry of Defense has included the cost of procuring four aircraft in the FY2009 budget.

The Ministry of Defense has decided to deploy the state-of-the-art stealth fighter F35A at the Air Self-Defense Force Komatsu Air Base (Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture). A government official revealed on the 2nd. First deploy four aircraft to prospect the year 2025. It will be replaced with F15 fighters one by one, and the number of aircraft will be about 20 in the future. The Kinki-Chubu Defense Bureau will explain to the locals on the 3rd.
At Komatsu Base, where the only fighter unit on the Sea of Japan side is located, a total of about 40 F15 fighters are deployed in two squadrons, and emergency launches (scrambles) to suspicious aircraft are being carried out. Of these, the F35A will be replaced with aircraft that are not subject to repairs such as longer range, which is being promoted by the Ministry of Defense.
The F35A is a state-of-the-art fighter called the "5th generation" and features high stealth. Currently, only 23 aircraft are deployed at Misawa Air Base (Misawa City, Aomori Prefecture). The Ministry of Defense has included the cost of procuring four aircraft in the FY2009 budget.

F35A、小松基地配備へ 3日地元に説明―防衛省:時事ドットコム