TR Turkey's Internal Counter-Terrorism Operations


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4 PKK terrorists, who attempted to infiltrate the Sırnak/Uludere district from northern Iraq with 2 paramotors, were neutralized in a joint operation by the Turkish Armed Forces and the Gendarmerie.

Let's draw an estimated route. Their exit point is Gara. They did not choose to fly over the operation area. They passed over the Claw-3 and Claw-Kaplan operation areas. They may have planned to infiltrate Cudi, Bestler Dereler or Beytussebap from the Dugun Mountain area.


Another possibility is that they tried to infiltrate for a sensational action such as the last attack on the Ministry of Interior.

We wiped out the organization on the ground, but they are also looking for other ways. Kamikaze UAVs and paramotors are one of these ways. Metina, Haftanin and the Border Guards need to be much more vigilant now.



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The weapon used is silenced Beretta 70 7.65mm.

This weapon model carries a symbolical importance and the fact that the assassin left it at the scene is creating even more questions, but without further do let me name it based on my assumptions.

MOSSAD came for a party and I hope we give it to them in the appropriate way.


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The weapon used is silenced Beretta 70 7.65mm.

This weapon model carries a symbolical importance and the fact that the assassin left it at the scene is creating even more questions, but without further do let me name it based on my assumptions.

MOSSAD came for a party and I hope we give it to them in the appropriate way.
Official statement from the Istanbul Directorate of Security:

Upon detection of an armed fight in Kağıthane, Istanbul at around 22:20 on Sunday, August 18, immediately a team was dispatched to the scene and a comprehensive investigation was initiated by the Istanbul Police Department.

In the investigations carried out at the scene, it was understood that the individuals identified as A.A.E.Q, F.M and E.K were injured as a result of gunfire. The first examinations carried out by the health officials Following the intervention, it was determined that the person named A.A.E.Q died at the scene.

While F.M, who was taken to the hospital, is in critical condition, E.K's treatment continues in a conscious state.

During the field work, the footage of the s CCTV recordings from the scene and the surrounding was examined in detail and it was determined that a suspect had opened fire with a gun at the victims in the vehicle and the weapon used as a tool of the crime and 8 empty cartridges were seized at the scene.

The suspect who carried out the armed attack fled the scene on foot, It was determined that the suspects got into a vehicle waiting near the location and drove away, and it was understood that the individuals used 3 different vehicles to cover their tracks. 2 suspicious vehicles were found, and it was determined that the vehicles were rented during the examinations, and 1 gun was seized from one of the vehicles during the searches.

Within the scope of the investigation, it was determined as a result of interviews with their families that the persons named G.S, T.S, S.A, S.A.S.O, L.E.E and H.B committed the crime because of a debt.

It was determined that the suspects, G.S, T.S and S.A, who opened fire on the victims and fled the scene by changing 3 different vehicles, left the country from Kırklareli province at 00.48 on 19 August 2024 (approximately 2.5 hours after the incident). The search for the other suspects continues.

According to the archive research, the person named L.E.E was determined to be the perpetrator of the incident. It was determined that he was the person who provided transportation for the other suspects and that an armed attack was carried out against him in the Şişli district on June 6, 2023, that he was injured at the scene and was discharged after his treatment.

In the ongoing work, 4 people named L.E.E, I.A, A.F M.M and P.Y, who were acting together with the suspects and helping them escape, were caught and 2 weapons were seized during the searches.

A large-scale investigation into the matter is ongoing.



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Official statement from the Istanbul Directorate of Security:

Upon detection of an armed fight in Kağıthane, Istanbul at around 22:20 on Sunday, August 18, immediately a team was dispatched to the scene and a comprehensive investigation was initiated by the Istanbul Police Department.

In the investigations carried out at the scene, it was understood that the individuals identified as A.A.E.Q, F.M and E.K were injured as a result of gunfire. The first examinations carried out by the health officials Following the intervention, it was determined that the person named A.A.E.Q died at the scene.

While F.M, who was taken to the hospital, is in critical condition, E.K's treatment continues in a conscious state.

During the field work, the footage of the s CCTV recordings from the scene and the surrounding was examined in detail and it was determined that a suspect had opened fire with a gun at the victims in the vehicle and the weapon used as a tool of the crime and 8 empty cartridges were seized at the scene.

The suspect who carried out the armed attack fled the scene on foot, It was determined that the suspects got into a vehicle waiting near the location and drove away, and it was understood that the individuals used 3 different vehicles to cover their tracks. 2 suspicious vehicles were found, and it was determined that the vehicles were rented during the examinations, and 1 gun was seized from one of the vehicles during the searches.

Within the scope of the investigation, it was determined as a result of interviews with their families that the persons named G.S, T.S, S.A, S.A.S.O, L.E.E and H.B committed the crime because of a debt.

It was determined that the suspects, G.S, T.S and S.A, who opened fire on the victims and fled the scene by changing 3 different vehicles, left the country from Kırklareli province at 00.48 on 19 August 2024 (approximately 2.5 hours after the incident). The search for the other suspects continues.

According to the archive research, the person named L.E.E was determined to be the perpetrator of the incident. It was determined that he was the person who provided transportation for the other suspects and that an armed attack was carried out against him in the Şişli district on June 6, 2023, that he was injured at the scene and was discharged after his treatment.

In the ongoing work, 4 people named L.E.E, I.A, A.F M.M and P.Y, who were acting together with the suspects and helping them escape, were caught and 2 weapons were seized during the searches.

A large-scale investigation into the matter is ongoing.

Suspects named GS, TS and SA, who left our country after the armed attack in Kağıthane, Istanbul, were caught in Romania.

We will continue to fight against criminal groups that threaten our peace and security, wherever they are and wherever they flee to



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4 PKK terrorists, who attempted to infiltrate the Sırnak/Uludere district from northern Iraq with 2 paramotors, were neutralized in a joint operation by the Turkish Armed Forces and the Gendarmerie.

Let's draw an estimated route. Their exit point is Gara. They did not choose to fly over the operation area. They passed over the Claw-3 and Claw-Kaplan operation areas. They may have planned to infiltrate Cudi, Bestler Dereler or Beytussebap from the Dugun Mountain area.

View attachment 70142

Another possibility is that they tried to infiltrate for a sensational action such as the last attack on the Ministry of Interior.

We wiped out the organization on the ground, but they are also looking for other ways. Kamikaze UAVs and paramotors are one of these ways. Metina, Haftanin and the Border Guards need to be much more vigilant now.

The identities of the 4 killed terrorists that tried to infiltrate Turkiye with the mean of a paramotor are revealed.

The important ones are:

Terrorist taking place in the "RED" Most Wanted List, code name "Serhat Patnos", Veysel Sevinc.


Terrorist taking place in the "GREY" Most Wanted List, code name "Hebat", Resit Cevik.


It is thought that Veysel Sevinc was going to be deployed in Turkiye as a so called province leader. He was most probably sent as a morale support to the remaining terrorists in Turkiye.

While such a deployment must be accomplished in a top secret manner, the PKK choose the method of a paramotor infiltration. This only shows how much they are pressured in the corner. Mistake after mistake.


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Striking claim from Al Monitor:

Three reliable sources who spoke to Al-Monitor claimed that preliminary talks are underway between the Turkish government and jailed PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan for a possible resumption of negotiations.

Sources speaking to Amberin Zaman claimed that Öcalan was allowed to directly talk with PKK leaders in Qandil. “Öcalan told them it was time to negotiate to lay down their arms,” one of the sources said.

According to one of our main sources for the counter-terrorism operations against PKK, Turkish officials are very cold to the idea of a new "peace process". It is thought that soon we will see an official statement by Turkiye on the issue.

Fuzuli NL

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Striking claim from Al Monitor:

Three reliable sources who spoke to Al-Monitor claimed that preliminary talks are underway between the Turkish government and jailed PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan for a possible resumption of negotiations.

Sources speaking to Amberin Zaman claimed that Öcalan was allowed to directly talk with PKK leaders in Qandil. “Öcalan told them it was time to negotiate to lay down their arms,” one of the sources said.

According to one of our main sources for the counter-terrorism operations against PKK, Turkish officials are very cold to the idea of a new "peace process". It is thought that soon we will see an official statement by Turkiye on the issue.
Al-Monitor = take it with a pinch bucket of salt.


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I wish other fundamentalist terrorists who want change constitutional democratic secular regime would go hell with him.

Please don't forget FETÖ was fundamentalist terrorist organization against Atatürk principals.

Now all former hizmet gönüllüleri appear to be against F G!!!

Some people* are not against Fetö because FETÖ was fundamentalist terrorist organization, they were against him just because he betrayed them on the way of construction of religious country.

Disgusting people..

All Fetö Supporters have a common: being Hillbillies!

(Bugünlerde Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin anayasasını değiştirmeye çalışanlara örnek olsun. Hepsinin mezarını sikeyim)

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One more bites the dust. His health was progressively deteriorating, so no shock for me. He looked like a mummy on his latest photos.

No one should think that it is over. The interesting part starts. There is a struggle for power within the organization and I hope MIT manages to exploit this fact so we can finish them for good.

There are still many important members of FETO that are free and active, so we should intensify our efforts in fighting this terrorist organization.

The only thing I am sad about is that he died from elderness and health implications and not by our hand. Nevertheless a good riddance.

Congratulations to the Turkish Nation!


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Rest in piss, ripbozo.

Wonder what his myriad followers will do now, in the west. Their kids seem very well integrated in their respective countries, living rich lives. I don't think they will give a shit about their pathetic cause.


16 1,669

İhsan Arslan aka Palace's business man. even today is erdogan's close ally and friend his son was AKP member of parliament

as you can see here in internet they say he has only 1 child but that is not true he has a daughter that has been deleted from internet her name is ayşe arsalan


and she is merried to Mevlüt Hilmi Çınar. fetö's right hand man who control the fetö's tarikat while gulen was in coma


Mevlüt Hilmi Çınar. with biden he had another picrue with head of cia but when mike doren complained the picture compeletly deleted from internet


Mevlüt Hilmi Çınar with his allies in congress

now guess who was the witness to the Mevlüt Hilmi Çınar and ayşe arsalan's wedding ??? yup it was none other then Recep Tayyip Erdogan


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Good fucking riddance. This piece of shit was the architect of countless shit we had to (and still) endure.
The only thing I am sad about is that he died from elderness and health implications and not by our hand.
Couldn't agree more mate, couldn't agree more.


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The first thing I knew about Fethullah Gulen was his prayer book. It's an excellent compilation of unique Sufi like prayers. Back then I had no idea an allegedly CIA agent could write something like this.🤦‍♂️


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The first thing I knew about Fethullah Gulen was his prayer book. It's an excellent compilation of unique Sufi like prayers. Back then I had no idea an allegedly CIA agent could write something like this.🤦‍♂️
They had this idea of "the Green Belt" against the advance of communism and also to use the minorities in Russia and China to destabilize. The textbooks for Mujahideen madrasas in Pakistan which were produced by University of Nebraska with calls for Jihad with pictures of Kalashnikovs are one small but famous page in this history. The Madrasas in south and southeast Asia were coordinated and funded through Saudis, and the Madrasas in Central and West Asia were funded with help from various organizations in our country, Gulen and his Cemaat being the main one. It's the MO of U.S. intelligence that when they find out that they can use something to finance their operations, they bring it back home (the Crack Cocaine thing has been documented in various scholarly works), and this was no exception; hence in early aughts already, the Gulen schools were the largest network of charter schools in U.S. with billions of dollars in revenue.

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