The first S-70B6 of the Hellenic Navy begins the maintenance and restoration procedures in a company in Greece
Today, Thursday 25 February, in the context of the implementation of the recent Transnational Agreement Greece - USA, which concerns the subsequent support (Follow On Support) of the Navy helicopters by a certified domestic repair body, the first S-70 helicopter was transferred to the premises of Aeroservices .
The support of the Sikorsky helicopters of the Navy will be carried out by a certified domestic repair body through FMS credits, in parallel with the structures of the Navy, while it will include repair, inspection, maintenance and upgrade works.
This process significantly strengthens the work of supporting the Navy helicopters, while ensuring their high operational availability as well as the acquisition of know-how by domestic agencies in specialized repair work.

Today, Thursday 25 February, in the context of the implementation of the recent Transnational Agreement Greece - USA, which concerns the subsequent support (Follow On Support) of the Navy helicopters by a certified domestic repair body, the first S-70 helicopter was transferred to the premises of Aeroservices .

The support of the Sikorsky helicopters of the Navy will be carried out by a certified domestic repair body through FMS credits, in parallel with the structures of the Navy, while it will include repair, inspection, maintenance and upgrade works.

This process significantly strengthens the work of supporting the Navy helicopters, while ensuring their high operational availability as well as the acquisition of know-how by domestic agencies in specialized repair work.

ΕΞΕΛΙΞΗ: Το πρώτο S-70B6 του ΠΝ ξεκινά τις διαδικασίες συντήρησης και επαναφοράς σε πτητική κατάσταση σε εταιρεία στην Ελλάδα - Πτήση
Σήμερα Πέμπτη 25 Φεβρουαρίου, στο πλαίσιο υλοποίησης της πρόσφατης Διακρατικής Συμφωνίας Ελλάδας – ΗΠΑ, που αφορά στην εν συνέχεια υποστήριξη (Follow On Support) των ελικοπτέρων του Πολεμικού Ναυτικού από πιστοποιημένο εγχώριο επισκευαστικό φορέα, το πρώτο ελικόπτερο S-70 μεταφέρθηκε στις...