TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics


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Eh, yes, i am afraid that this time Albert Pike's prediction about World War 3 would come true, because everything is coming out of control now.

This situation feels like the unresty atmosphere of the summerdays before World War 1 broke out.

"Those who shed crocodile tears for Ukraine; Now they are silent about the developments in Gaza."

"Those who were worried about Ukraine, support Israel today, their hands are contaminated with spilled blood."

"The Israeli regime and some other parties are behind the scenes of some terrorist groups in northern Syria and Iraq."

"Of course, Israel will not last even 3 days without the support of Western countries. Turkey is trying to introduce Israel as a war criminal in the world."

- Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Erdogan and his clan can go to the frontlines of this war they are stoking, the people are not interested. In fact the people of the globe should not be incited by these agents of global government. If these billionaire politicians were not constantly stoking tensions, no peasant of the world would enter any war.


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another classic seminar in Foreign Policy and Geopolitics by the AKP. On the anniversary of the Republic, they show the nation as a backward Islamic hellhole bent on the same self-destructive, useless rhetoric you see from Islamic extremists.

Maximilien Robespierre

A lot of founding figures in a lot of countries have now become more like figure heads.

George Washington is even having his statues pulled down

I dont think George Washington approve of the USA and its world police foreign policy the reason why the USA was founded was to leave Europe and its problems behind.

In Turkiye, Ataturk has become more of symbolism.
Turkey is not USA my friend I think you are trying to find excuses to attack our founder or I misunderstood what you said.


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President Erdoğan: "Under the concepts expressed by the Israeli rulers at the highest level, a map of betrayal will emerge from all of them including the territory of our country."

Goodbye energy hub goals

The man is promoting conspiracy theories about jews

Are you serious?

The moment the Israelis started supporting the PKK/YPG 3 to 4 years ago, they already admitted that they support the Western plans for dismantling and incorporating Turkish territory into several countries

Why is it wrong for Turkey to try and prevent Israel from achieving complete internal harmony but it is not wrong when Israel do the same towards Turkey? Wasnt Israel the one who supports the Greek Med-East pipeline till this date?

Erdogan is one of the most opportunistic politicians on this bloody planet and he knows very well the consequences of Isreal taking over Gaza and how it would implicate Turkey in the future! Turkey is already known to be on the top Israel's death wishlist due to its growing and sustainable defence industry. You really think Erdo himself cares about this "Ummah" bullshit? If so, then he would have tried to invade and liberate Gazza long ago

I kept reading posts from many members in this forum and all what I can say is that Turkey is lucky for not having you ppl in positions of power
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Maximilien Robespierre

What will prevent the F35 from attacking its own mothership?
I wonder why our F16s don’t attack us ? Oh! Because you are the one who is operating the system.

All this crap about F35 CAN BE LOCKED BY USA!!! is just boomer tier theories.
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Turkey is not USA my friend I think you are trying to find excuses to attack our founder or I misunderstood what you said.

Not an attack its basically reality.

Pakistan founding father is Jinnah, Pakistan of today is the complete uturn of its founder.

His also seen as a symbol of a father figure.

Germany's founder is Bismark and Wilhelm I. Germany basically sees them are mere symbols.

In Turkiye's case every political party or ideology from right to left try to fit Ataturk into their ideology.

Necmettin Erbakan an Islamist even said if Ataturk was alive he would be supporting us. Communists in Turkiye know that Ataturk is not a communist was even anti communist but they still see him as a revolutionary figure like Che Guevara.


Think Tank Analyst
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Are you stupid?

The moment the Israelis started supporting the PKK/YPG 3 to 4 years ago, they already admitted that they support the Western plans for dismantling and incorporating Turkish territory into several countries

Why is it wrong for Turkey to try and prevent Israel from achieving complete internal harmony but it is not wrong when Israel do the same towards Turkey? Wasnt Israel the one who supports the Greek Med-East pipeline till this date?

Erdogan is one of the most opportunistic politicians on this bloody planet and he knows very well the consequences of Isreal taking over Gaza and how it would implicate Turkey in the future! Turkey is already known to be on the top Israel's death wishlist due to its growing and sustainable defence industry. You really think Erdo himself cares about this "Ummah" bullshit? If so, then he would have tried to invade and liberate Gazza long ago

I kept reading posts from many members in this forum and all what I can say is that Turkey is lucky for not having you ppl in positions of power
There's nothing wrong with that. Problem is the chances of doing that is much diminished when they already see you as a staunch enemy and as a result you have minimal diplomatic access to Israel, Gaza and the West Bank. It's much easier to manipulate and plan when you seem friendly.


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Are you stupid?

The moment the Israelis started supporting the PKK/YPG 3 to 4 years ago, they already admitted that they support the Western plans for dismantling and incorporating Turkish territory into several countries

Why is it wrong for Turkey to try and prevent Israel from achieving complete internal harmony but it is not wrong when Israel do the same towards Turkey? Wasnt Israel the one who supports the Greek Med-East pipeline till this date?

Erdogan is one of the most opportunistic politicians on this bloody planet and he knows very well the consequences of Isreal taking over Gaza and how it would implicate Turkey in the future! Turkey is already known to be on the top Israel's death wishlist due to its growing and sustainable defence industry. You really think Erdo himself cares about this "Ummah" bullshit? If so, then he would have tried to invade and liberate Gazza long ago

I kept reading posts from many members in this forum and all what I can say is that Turkey is lucky for not having you ppl in positions of power

Thanks to Israel that the Usa constantly gets into the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia too.

I always said this before only way Turkiye will achieve something in the Middle East is a nice iron fist.


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I wonder why our F16s doesn't attack us oh because you are the one who is operating the system.

All this crap about F35 CAN BE LOCKED BY USA!!! is just boomer tier theories.
Think harder, some of them are made when the Turks were ailready deemed dead and harmles. And some we managed to avoid allowing them on our soil. Some may be waiting to ambush at the right time. You are denying the possibility of it happening any time, so delusional.

Maximilien Robespierre

Think harder, some of them are made when the Turks were ailready deemed dead and harmles. And some we managed to avoid allowing them on our soil. Some may be waiting to ambush at the right time. You are denying the possibility of it happening any time, so delusional.
*Turks were ailready deemed dead and harmles. And some we managed to avoid allowing them on our soil*

So you are saying that Turks did not fought off the entente forces? All of those martrys were fake right?


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*Turks were ailready deemed dead and harmles. And some we managed to avoid allowing them on our soil*

So you are saying that Turks did not fought off the entente forces? All of those martrys were fake right?
You obviously are not aware of it but in the 1980's and for most of the modern history Turks were deemed as cannon fodder. The duty of Turkiye in NATO was to hold the Soviets at our borders for just one day after which NATO would or maybe not come to our support. That was shocking when I first heard of this.

On the other hand it is understandably not just Turks fighting Greeks off that fended off all other enemies, they left themselves after achieving their goals.

Maximilien Robespierre

You obviously are not aware of it but in the 1980's and for most of the modern history Turks were deemed as cannon fodder. The duty of Turkiye in NATO was to hold the Soviets at our borders for just one day after which NATO would or maybe not come to our support. That was shocking when I first heaard of this.
So you are saying Turks did not won the Independence war but given?

Also every country had their mission in NATO what are you blabbering about we supposed to hold russians there while other members were supposed to held them back in europe don't talk about matters you have no idea like how cold war plans were conducted, Western germans were more of a cannon fodder in that era.
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So you are saying Turks did not won the Independence war but given?

Also every country had their mission in NATO what are you blabbering about we supposed to hold russians there while other members were supposed to held them back in europe don't talk about matters you have no idea like how cold war plans were conducted, Western germans were more of a cannon fodder in that era.
You maybe wanting to shed some light into what was actually the case as you are already going overboard making claims.

Maximilien Robespierre

You maybe wanting to shed some light into what was actually the case as you are already going overboard making claims.
I was asking for you to shed some light into what you said, what I got from your point is that western powers created us to be used in future conflicts very Interesting theory, I must say zafer.


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I was asking for you to shed some light into what you said, what I got from your point is that western powers created us to be used in future conflicts very Interesting theory, I must say zafer.
It is a known fact that Türkiye had no power. Isn't it obvious from the fact that we could only make under 20% of the weapons we needed just two decades ago.

Maximilien Robespierre

It is a known fact that Türkiye had no power. Isn't it obvious from the fact that we could only make under 20% of the weapons we needed just two decades ago.
So we had no power and war against the entente was a lie?


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What is happening in #Türkiye #Foreignpolicy explained in short: There is a proverb in Turkish, which is translated like this: "My daughter, I'm telling you, my daughter in law, you should understand.." Means like, what I am saying is actually meant for you, but I am doing it indirectly, so you understand the message..

Many foreign observers still read Turkey in their orientalist way and take words by its meaning, instead to understand the Turkish way of life, their indirect messages and signs and are too much serious in their observations when looking into our internal politics

Close observer's and those with realistic Turkey views, without woke romantics, actually have seen Turkey and President Erdoğan the last two years in most of his foreign policy very much pro-West with a few exceptions, pro-Nato, pro-EU, compromised in his policies regarding Greece, Eastern Mediterranean, reconciled with most of the Gulf countries, Egypt and also Israel. Despite of its former close but uneasy relation with Russia, provided Ukraine with important weapons and technology, acted as a "mediator".

So what happened now suddenly, that President Erdoğan came out with harsh statements about the Israel-Palestine issue, risking even a huge diplomatic rift with the West and Israel, which has already started? When almost all opposition parties made hard statements about Israel and even his coalition partner, he tried over a week to be on the silent side and his speeches were very careful and balanced. So why now?

The reason is, just like the proverb at the beginning, a message that doesn't go actually to Finland or Sweden for the NATO accession, or to Israel in its Gaza operation and has only partly to do with these countries, but actually the recipient is directly and only:

The United States of America.

Despite all the efforts mentioned before and the mostly conform policies over the last two years with the West, including not using the S-400s until now, has not brought a single cent of investment from the West. After two years, the F-16 orders are still standing in question for a 70 years NATO member, but at top of all, the number one enemy of Turkey and Turkish people, YPG, nowadays called SDF from the US in Northern Syria, a direct affiliate of the PKK, worldwide recognized Terror organisation, stands with our allies help in front of our door, trained, armed from tip to toe..

As this wasn't enough, the US has downed a Turkish drone just a few days ago, when Iranian rockets are flying without any hindrance to US bases and even declared Turkey as an aggressor for a few days ago when the Israeli-Palestine fight was ongoing, regarding Turkeys terror operations in Northern Syria.

Now, after one week of silence and balance, we have seen the US and almost all our other allies in the West, silencing any opposition in their country and abroad against Israel's so called fight against Terror and forgot all their wannabe "human rights" speeches and embargoes which they very often use against Turkey, sending weapons, aircraft carrier, moral visits one after another to Israel.

All of this did not go unnoticed for the Turkish foreign policy..

The one way street, which was built as a trap for Turkey from our own western allies, slowly became unbearable and combined with a large public dissatisfaction and pressure after seeing the horrible pictures out of Palestine, brought us again back to the Status Quo, or how they say "You have not left anything what we can lose anymore" situation..

In short, nobody in Ankara seriously care about Israel or Sweden as a counterpart in all of this mess and see them as equals. The message is going for very long to Washington, but it seems, that American diplomacy has lost its reality for long ago and don't understand how serious the Turks mean it. Water is boiling here and if the US doesn't get the message soon, we may see that two NATO partners collide, eventually even militarily and that's total collapse.



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I wonder why our F16s doesn't attack us oh because you are the one who is operating the system.

All this crap about F35 CAN BE LOCKED BY USA!!! is just boomer tier theories.

But the mysterious deaths of Aselsan engineers is really suspicious man.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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Are you stupid?

The moment the Israelis started supporting the PKK/YPG 3 to 4 years ago, they already admitted that they support the Western plans for dismantling and incorporating Turkish territory into several countries

Why is it wrong for Turkey to try and prevent Israel from achieving complete internal harmony but it is not wrong when Israel do the same towards Turkey? Wasnt Israel the one who supports the Greek Med-East pipeline till this date?

Erdogan is one of the most opportunistic politicians on this bloody planet and he knows very well the consequences of Isreal taking over Gaza and how it would implicate Turkey in the future! Turkey is already known to be on the top Israel's death wishlist due to its growing and sustainable defence industry. You really think Erdo himself cares about this "Ummah" bullshit? If so, then he would have tried to invade and liberate Gazza long ago

I kept reading posts from many members in this forum and all what I can say is that Turkey is lucky for not having you ppl in positions of power
Ignoring all of your politically nonsensical points, are you really so dumb as to not realize the difference between doing something quietly and doing something out in the open? Gaza is realistically none of Turkey's business but assuming that Israel is somehow a super-massive threat that must be contained at all costs, WHY IN THE EVERLOVING F**K would you openly broadcast that to everyone including Israel?

I don't agree with a single thing you said but even putting myself in the shoes of people like you for one second makes it obvious that this is a braindead move. And I have a strong suspicion that you are not defending it in good faith. Your track record is too obvious to buy that and all I can say is that Turkey is extremely unlucky to have people who share the same mentality as you in positions of power.

Marquis de Sade

If the Gulf States want (SA, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrein), they can do a lot:

- halt all contacts with Israel and break the Abraham Accords and de-recognize Israel.

- Halt all the delivery of oil to US and EU. All of it, no drop Arabian oil to the West, but all to China.

- Stop all investments in the West immediatly and sell all the assets without restrictions (Manchester City, Disneyland, Uber, Starbucks, Newcastle United, Lucid Motors, Electronic Arts, Disneyworld, Activison Blizzard, Meta, Vodafone etc). There are 693 firms from the UAE investing in the West and the Saudi and Qatari states have both established a wealth fund and with that fund they investing billons in Western companies. In almost every Western firm they have a share with assets.

- Sell immediatly all Western statebonds and obligations and buy Russian or Chinese statepapers.

They can do it. They can bleed the West to the death, and if the West goes bankrupt, than Israel doesnt have a wealthy sponsor anymore.

The West has a big energy problem and every EU-state battles with rising energyprices after the Russian gas-sactions. If the Arabs also cut their oil, this winter we will see a inferno in Europa and maybe civil war.

We are not talking about billions of dollars here, but trillions. Every tank, jet or rifle is bought and upgraded with money. Soldiers are paid with daily wages. Countries cant keep up a costly war without a healthy and wealthy economy. The Israeli economy is not self-sufficient, they import a lot.

But no, they dont lift a finger. Not one finger. None.

Instead, they are screaming that Turkey should send her army to sacrifice Turkish blood.
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