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US, Turkey Hold Security Talks in Push to Repair Strained Ties - Bloomberg​

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan and Defense Minister Yasar Guler met the visiting US delegation, which included chairman of the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee Mike Rogers, committee member Adam Smith and Ambassador Jeff Flake.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is widely expected to visit his US counterpart Joe Biden in Washington in May, and the US is also in talks to ramp up purchases of Turkish explosives to support Ukraine against Russia.
In energy, Erdogan has sought to increase liquefied natural gas purchases from the US and re-export some to neighbors as part of an ambition to become a regional energy hub.


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Could you please clarify whom you're addressing? Because I think everybody thinks you're talking to someone else! :p
Bro, everyone knows that this specific post was meant for @Scott Summers as it was his posts that were deleted. I think you too know, whom it was meant for.
But I intentionally left it open ended so that anyone that tries to make sensitive and outrageous claims as such, will have to know they either have to support their claim with valid facts or face the consequences.

When it comes to racial hatred, inciting separatism and terrorism and comments that are conducive to racial separatism, there is no excuse. I am sure you too will agree that these do not have a place in our forum.

Fuzuli NL

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Bro, everyone knows that this specific post was meant for @Scott Summers as it was his posts that were deleted. I think you too know, whom it was meant for.
But I intentionally left it open ended so that anyone that tries to make sensitive and outrageous claims as such, will have to know they either have to support their claim with valid facts or face the consequences.

When it comes to racial hatred, inciting separatism and terrorism and comments that are conducive to racial separatism, there is no excuse. I am sure you too will agree that these do not have a place in our forum.
I knew, brother, hence the tongue in cheek comment. I just wanted to lighten up the thread a bit.


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Citizenship is defined in Article 66 of the Turkish constitution: Everyone bound to the Turkish state through the bond of citizenship is a Turk

So any Turkish citizen claiming the opposite is committing constitutional offence. It is nothing less than inciting separatism.

Today in Anatolia and Thrace we have 85 million citizens with rich cultures that goes beyond several millennia.
Genetically we have Ural-Altaic genome mixed with European, Roman, Ancient Greek, Arabic, etc etc.
From Etruscans (As per Herodotus’ records people that fled from Anatolia’s Aegean coast due to famine) that supposedly founded the Roman Empire, to Sumerians, Hittites, Lydians, Trojans ; Many civilisations have flourished in this land of ours. Today we are all descendants of those civilisations, living under one flag and one identity. Namely Turkish.

If anyone feels inclined to contest the Turkish Nation’s identity, I suggest them to read the article 66 of our constitution.


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If it was Turkey, the Economist and Washington Post and all the rest would be stirring up a tempest in a teapot. But if it is UAE, Armenia or someone else, mum's the word.
I was thinking ,Turkiye should use war in ukraine to get rich from re-export of russian goods and gas just like many other countries do like india, Uae, qatar, etc etc
But erdogan is licking the west again it seems while Turkish economy suffern


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I was thinking ,Turkiye should use war in ukraine to get rich from re-export of russian goods and gas just like many other countries do like india, Uae, qatar, etc etc
But erdogan is licking the west again it seems while Turkish economy suffern
Multiple shell companies, banks, tourism agencies have been doing that since the war started. Gas in the planned "gas hub" is by and large Russian gas.

we've been lowering it lately because US is threatening with economic sanctions and offering carrot and a stick. It's the same with Armenia, Azerbaijan, UAE and Kazakhstan.


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is there other implications or indications for such a move?

Turkey announced its withdrawal from the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE).

You are misinterpreting. The treaty had already become obsolete with Russia's withdrawal. NATO announced its decision to withdraw in response at the end of last year. What was published in the Official Gazette is just a formality regarding the implementation of this decision of the alliance.


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Suspension of implementation.

We did not withdraw from it, just suspended it. since its implementation became impossible to uphold due to some withdrawing.

This is good.

in practice was it ever really enforced? I mean could for example an independent body have complete access to a nation to investigate if its being upheld?


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in practice was it ever really enforced? I mean could for example an independent body have complete access to a nation to investigate if its being upheld?
well, you know, just because something exist doesn't mean it's being enforced or upheld. However our so called allies can always use these as excuses to screw us over, while they ignore their own part in not upholding it.

So just do like your other allies and suspending it is better than withdrawing, it gives us more wiggle room.


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Very important decision!

A joint screening center must be established with Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Russia. Citizens from these countries should go trough a special screening procedure before entering Turkiye. This is a matter of national security.

Our government is as funny as ever. What about the Syrian and Afghani ISIS members and terrorists who enter the country illegally?

Also, Uzbekistan is one of the centres of ISIS, as is the Uighur autonomous region...


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Our government is as funny as ever. What about the Syrian and Afghani ISIS members and terrorists who enter the country illegally?

Also, Uzbekistan is one of the centres of ISIS, as is the Uighur autonomous region...
Yes, this is a very big problem. Even the Taliban told us "send them back" regarding the illegal Afghan migrants. The Syria topic is also clear. Many young Afghans are coming to Turkiye mainly to work and gain some money for marriage as marriages in Afghanistan are expensive. Only Mehr (bride price) can go up to 40.000$ or even more. The wedding party, the wedding itself is another story, so they are forced to find alternatives for income. In this sense many Afghans come to Turkiye and return to Afghanistan later so they can marry. Ironically they are not the biggest problem when it comes to terrorism.

In short both illegal and legal travel from Central Asia including Afghanistan and Russia is risky. As the majority of the terrorists (ISKP) that are posing threat to Turkish and regional security are Tajik, the government took tight measures restricting the free flow of Tajik citizens.

When it comes to the problem in Central Asia I think it should be countered on the territory of these countries trough tight coordination, intelligence sharing and other security agreements. I think there is a lack of proactive approach and surveillance. We are not talking about war torn countries, but relatively developed countries with tradition when it comes to intelligence. It is clear that IS in these countries limits their offensive activities so they don't bring the attention over them. Rather than attacking they are using the freedom and lack of control to recruit new followers who they radicalize and conduct fundraising activities.

Why am I saying that special screening initiatives should be started? Because the regular IS lone wolf is not a PhD in Physics or a notorious businessman, having a girlfriend, driving a cabriolet around the town. This is why background check of such individuals is a must prior to entering Turkiye or any other country.

Intelligence should be gathered by the local authorities in countries with high risk on neighbourhood principle and a report should be kept about every citizen falling into a certain criteria which is a precondition for him to become a security risk. The people who are falling in this list should be kept under surveillance and regular reports (once monthly) should be written by the responsible case officer regarding developments in his life, his work, travel etc. Every 3 months a conclusion report must be written which is added into a large database in which such risky individuals are categorized according to the security risk they pose and annually such individuals may be excluded from the list. The border guards and institutions that are responsible for migration should have access to the database and determine if an individual is let to cross the border according to the categorization (red, orange, yellow, you name it) and the border security and migration authorities should be able to access the latest conclusion report reviewing the details regarding the categorization of this individual, also a hot line in a joint operative center should exist that is able to provide further support and coordination between partner countries relative authorities, also other partner countries services. All of the countries participating in this intelligence sharing agreement must have access to this database trough a common platform integrated into the border control system of a participant country. Based on border personnel perception of risk and the included report, the individual taking place in this list may be let pass the border point, denied entry or detained/deported if there is a warrant for his arrest.

Yes, I know that this is a lot of work, but taking in account the security risks involved this system will serve well all of the countries that participate in this common platform. There is a risk and we must face this risk with preventive measures and coordination between interested sides. Every country is expected to take seriously the terrorism threat, especially in these times. There is a certain reality that many terrorists are coming from Central Asian countries and we must press these countries to start screening their citizens and make possible for better security evaluation and terrorism prevention otherwise unfortunately it is not possible for Turkiye to accept people from these countries without visa and vise versa. We should either enforce a joint screening database or cease visa free travel. A system that is close to this concept is the Schengen Information System. I think such a coordinated border control initiative may also serve for the future of our international cooperation within the Turkic Council and other regional partners. While we are talking solely about terrorism prevention, I think this system's potential is bigger and its function can be expanded, so the process around border control and customs activities may be optimized (faster border crossing, less waiting time) among participants. This system should be applied as a "bundle" to the existing border security software of these countries no matter if we talk about land border crossings, airports or maritime ports. We should know who is who.

Another reality is that many of these legal or illegal migrants are being radicalized in the countries they migrated in (Turkiye in our case). We should clearly identify how the radicalization process is done, the connected individuals and these nests of snakes should be burned no matter in a legal or a "semi-legal" way. We should give the right message of deterrence!


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I was fearing that but, Kazakhstan and Russia border is huge, Kazakhstans economy is better than Ukraine, while it's population is much smaller,I think its military and equipment is better than Ukraine's around beginning of war. And I think we would be providing them even more support than we did to Ukraine, but don't know if west would do anything to help them. Russia is still struggling while Ukraine front is open so 2 fronts would be rrally difficult, but China's help is starting to really help them ramp up their production. This would only happen if Ukraine war ended.


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I was fearing that but, Kazakhstan and Russia border is huge, Kazakhstans economy is better than Ukraine, while it's population is much smaller,I think its military and equipment is better than Ukraine's around beginning of war. And I think we would be providing them even more support than we did to Ukraine, but don't know if west would do anything to help them. Russia is still struggling while Ukraine front is open so 2 fronts would be rrally difficult, but China's help is starting to really help them ramp up their production. This would only happen if Ukraine war ended.

entirely predictable. Had they been successful in Ukraine, the question then becomes whose next.

rationally Turkey should be moving their army into the nation. Turkey has to create a scenario where if Russia attacks Kazakstan then its war with Turkey too.

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