This would be extremely stupid...if true
Yeah, doesn't seem wise. What's up with President Erdogan? Doesn't he listen to his advisors or what?
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This would be extremely stupid...if true
I'm pretty sure US and israel have approved and want this to happened.
This would be extremely stupid...if true
I'm curious as to how many Turks actually give a damn about the Israeli/Palestinian shitfest as opposed to, ahem, "guests" in the country.
Another great example of how foreign and domestic policy are so interdependent
Looks bad for western countries and markets, looks good for domestic voterbase
How can you compare these festival attacking, women, elederly & children kidnapping Islamists with our Independence movement? This is beyond stupid.
Germany has long lost its respectable place in international arena.Thoughts?
While President Erdoğan's visit to Iraq continues, German President Steinmeier arrived in Istanbul. He will meet with Ekrem İmamoğlu today. He will meet with Erdoğan on Wednesday. German media DW published a news article describing Steinmeier's first meeting with İmamoğlu as a message to Erdoğan.
All of gulf countries like Kuwait, Qatar and KSA will also be stakeholders in this logistics system very soon. For the friendly states to the south of us, a secure and stable connection with Europe depends on the TAF guarantee. Everyone will realize this sooner or later.
Türkiye and Iraq sign an agreement on the Development Road Project. The project, which will connect the Persian Gulf to Europe via Türkiye, will be completed in 2028. It is expected to cost 17 billion dollars. Qatar and the UAE also signed memorandum of understanding on cooperation for the Development Road Project.
Türkiye and Iraq sign an agreement on the Development Road Project. The project, which will connect the Persian Gulf to Europe via Türkiye, will be completed in 2028. It is expected to cost 17 billion dollars. Qatar and the UAE also signed memorandum of understanding on cooperation for the Development Road Project.
Memorandums of understanding and agreements signed in Baghdad, today, April 22, 2024, between Iraq and Turkey:
1-The strategic framework agreement between the government of the Republic of Iraq and the Republic of Turkey.
2- A memorandum of framework agreement for cooperation in the field of water between the government of the Republic of Iraq and the Republic of Turkey.
3- Memorandum of Understanding for the Development Road Project, between the Ministry of Transport and the Turkish Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure.
4- A memorandum of understanding to form a joint economic trade committee (JETCO) between the Iraqi and Turkish ministries of commerce.
5- An agreement to encourage, protect and exchange investments between the National Investment Authority and the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology.
6- A memorandum of understanding between the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce and the Turkish Foreign Economic Relations Council.
7- A memorandum of understanding for technical, scientific and economic cooperation in the field of small and medium enterprises, between the Ministry of Industry and the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology.
8- A memorandum of understanding in the field of military training, between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Defense.
9- A memorandum of understanding on training and cooperation in the field of military health, between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Defense.
10- A memorandum of understanding for strategic cooperation between the Military Industrialization Authority and the Turkish Defense Industries Secretariat.
11- A memorandum of understanding for security cooperation between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Interior.
12- A memorandum of understanding between the Foreign Service Institute and the Turkish Strategic Studies Institute, and between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Foreign Affairs.
13- A memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of youth and sports, between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Youth and Sports.
14- A memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of health and medical sciences, between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Health.
15- The Agricultural Working Group Plan for the period 2024-2025, between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Agriculture.
16- Memorandum of understanding on scientific and technological research, between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council.
17- A memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the educational field, between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Education.
18- A memorandum of understanding in the field of tourism cooperation, between the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities and the Turkish Ministry of Tourism.
19- A memorandum of understanding in the field of employment and social security, between the Iraqi and Turkish Ministries of Labor and Social Affairs.
20- A memorandum of understanding in the field of social and family affairs, between the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the Turkish Ministry of Family and Services.
21- Memorandum of understanding regarding government documents and archives, between the Ministry of Culture and the Turkish Government Archives.
22- A memorandum of understanding in the field of product security and technical barriers to trade, between the Ministry of Planning and the Turkish Ministry of Trade.
23- A memorandum of understanding in religious affairs between the Sunni Endowment Office and the Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs.
24- A memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of judicial training for students, judges, assistants and prosecutors, between the Iraqi Judicial Institute and the Turkish Justice Academy.
25- Memorandum of understanding in the field of electricity, between the Ministry of Electricity and the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources.
26- A memorandum of understanding in the field of media and communications between the Media and Communications Authority and the Turkish Communications Presidency.
This would be extremely stupid...if true