TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics


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with Israel i remember seeing helicopter footage where they are told to gun down their own people, operation Hannibal whatever they call it. I didnt put too much energy into discovering the ins and outs of it because pretty much everything isreal says is total bullshit. So the idea that they killed their own people wasnt a big stretch of the imagination, considering how racist that state is to the core. With white Askanazi being seen as the elites of it. Its already come out that they will kill their own people held hostage.

As for Russia they got a big history of false flags and conspiracy. The whole communist takeover of that state was a conspiracy. And marxist/communists are like cancer that grows within a state, using every trick of the book. Even the guy they poisoned and had killed released a book exposing false flag terror attacks that putin did to justify his invasion of Chechnya.

As for the PKK when terrorism is so common from them, calling shit false flag means little, since they have committed thousands of terrorist attacks in their short shitty history. No one needs a false flag to target them since they have created endless acts of terror, any of which could be used to justify retaliation against them.

All of this doesnt even go into the subculture and fraternal orders that exist and are highly influential, freemasonry for example is more powerful globally then Zionism. From the very first oath they make, they swear allegiance to the lodge. The nation means nothing to them.

Israel gunning their own people is nothing more than incompetence.

Then again Hamas is a insurgent group its easy for them to infiltrate because they are fighting with unconventional methods.

Israel's incompetence mirrors Russia's own with the Beslan massacre where they used Attack helicopters to kill the terrorists which resulted in numerous hostages getting killed.

Same story in the USA with the waco siege where the6 used military tactics against David Koresh and his fanatical followers which not just got them killed but also children.

Algeria also used a attack helicopter against Al qaeda terrorists which took Westerners as hostage in the Sahara.

Friendly fire incidents are just as common. Thats what insurgent groups try to create is a sense of confusion also use it as propaganda.


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Please bro, step outside and take a deep breath. I've heard schizophrenics say similar things. I'm not attacking you, but I'm seriously concerned for you.

This back and forth between Isreal and Iran/Arabs has created endless stupidity beyond imagination. Now with Twitter being an unmoderated mess, all types of bullcrap is being spread.

Truth is that as Turks, why the f*ck should we care about this stupid nonsense? Let them fight. Why are you belittling yourself and repeating the same shi*t which Arabs and Iranians have been crying about for years? Let their blood boil.

Let's just focus on building our defence industry. Let's focus on defeating KCK/PKK once and for all. Let's focus on uniting the Turkic World. Don't waste energy on anything else.

relax dude, clam down its just a forum in which the internet has many. You don't have to agree with me, but if your going to be condescending in a backhanded manner then you got to expect a reply. You dont like it, dont read it, dont respond to it. add me to ignore.

and this absolute fetish you have for shit like twitter, i dont even have a twitter account. For the most part i avoid social media outside of using things like facebook for friends and family.


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Israel gunning their own people is nothing more than incompetence.
I watched bodycam footage from IDF's ops.
I admit I don't know much about that operator life but even I can tell that they're a bunch of high-tech, aloof boy-scouts.
They literally just pull the trigger. Most of the job was done by the time they get there due to constant f-35 abovehead with full satcom coverage and the fact that the "terrorist" is at the end of his means.

They are comfortably dumb.


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Another Mavi Marmara loading?


Join the Freedom Flotilla for the Freedom of Gaza!

Freedom Flotilla Coalition, established with the initiatives of non-governmental organizations from 12 different countries; It is sailing to the Mediterranean with ships carrying 5,500 tons of humanitarian aid and activists from various countries to break the blockade in Gaza and mobilize conscience against the silence of the world.



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Another Mavi Marmara loading?


Join the Freedom Flotilla for the Freedom of Gaza!

Freedom Flotilla Coalition, established with the initiatives of non-governmental organizations from 12 different countries; It is sailing to the Mediterranean with ships carrying 5,500 tons of humanitarian aid and activists from various countries to break the blockade in Gaza and mobilize conscience against the silence of the world.

They tried it short after the start of the Israeli operation and Gaza with the cooperation of another international organization, attacked the Incirlik airbase by spreading the propaganda of it being an "US airbase", their ear was pulled by Erdogan and they were put on their places. I think this will end in the same way. I don't think Erdogan will allow such idiots to dictate the foreign politics of the State while we still have the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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They tried it short after the start of the Israeli operation and Gaza with the cooperation of another international organization, attacked the Incirlik airbase by spreading the propaganda of it being an "US airbase", their ear was pulled by Erdogan and they were put on their places. I think this will end in the same way. I don't think Erdogan will allow such idiots to dictate the foreign politics of the State while we still have the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ihh did their homework when the ship was at international waters.

Israelis attacked which became a propaganda victory for ihh.

Israelis were also stupid enough to take the bait.

Ama if the Russians or the Chinese did the same thing the West would have been crying about it like John Kirby crying over Ukrainian children.


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Might be significant - the KRG minister of interior has said that the KRG and Iraq do not consider the PKK a terrorist group.

Where Erdogan has abandoned the KDP, Iran is making major gains. It was only a few years ago through KDP oil we were making large monthly bags of cash every month and making Barzani call PKK a terrorist group. Today, even this domino is collapsing.


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Ihh did their homework when the ship was at international waters.

Israelis attacked which became a propaganda victory for ihh.

Israelis were also stupid enough to take the bait.

Ama if the Russians or the Chinese did the same thing the West would have been crying about it like John Kirby crying over Ukrainian children.
IHH takes independent steps from the official State policy and this pisses off greatly President Erdogan. It is known that Erdogan criticized IHH's irresponsive moves many times. Their whole organization is existing to serve the State in its affairs, but they went rogue and crossed some lines. They didn't learnt their lessons and want to try again the same stupidity as the last time in which people lost their lives and no help reached the Palestinian people in the end.

There are different types of Islamists in Turkiye with more moderate or radical views. If the ordinary citizens with an Islamist views, the common Erdogan supporters are 1 in the scale of 5, the guy who would die solely in the name of his persona without asking questions is 3, ISIS is 5 then the types of IHH guys together with Hizbul Tahrir are 4.

Those are the same guys which think that Al-Shabaab are a mujahideen against the corrupt Somali government, the same types that think Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham in Syria is a revolutionary force against the Assad and the corrupt Turkish supported forces and sees organizations like the Taliban, Hamas and Al-Qaeda as legitimate forces and sides representing the Muslim world.

Such organizations are easy to exploit due to the fact that their leadership, personnel and supporters are consisted of highly motivated people who know what they are doing and have the needed contacts in jihadist circles. While they were very useful on many occasions for the Turkish Intelligence, they started to become more radical and rogue with the years. One of the sole reasons for many countries to slander Turkiye and the National Intelligence Organization for their alleged support to the global jihadism is this organization. While they have a great humanitarian role all around the world, this is a great mask for covering up their support for different jihadist organizations and MIT operations abroad when they are useful.

The problem with IHH is that the damage it does starts to exceed their good deeds and service by trying to dictate the foreign affairs of Turkiye over the decision making capacity of President Erdogan and they even want to influence internal processes in the country by organizing illegal gatherings, taking place in organizing attacks against foreign diplomatic facilities and military installations where foreign forces are stationed.

The name of this organization is present in intelligence reports in connection to the global terrorism all around the world. In earlier raids against this organization by the Turkish security forces weapons, explosives and Al-Qaeda related persons were found, seized and arrested. In the recent 5 years such organizations intensified its activities in Turkiye, started their own religious magazines with the aim of propagating radical Islam and even leadership figures that are taking place in lists containing the names of businessmen financing terrorism with life imprisonment sentences in other countries were let to meet Turkish official figures within the Diyanet and even people within the provincial administration in Turkiye.

An example of a terrorist that was allowed to roam freely, connected to the financing the global terrorism is Hakem Al-Mutairi. A Kuwaiti businessman taking place in the "terror lists" of several Gulf countries and Egypt. He was sentenced to life imprisonment in relationship with attempts of overthrowing the government system, espionage in Kuwait, but managed to acquire an unlimited residence from Turkiye's migration authorities. The same authorities who allowed millions of illegal migrants from Syria, Africa and the Central Asian republics of which there are thousands of terrorists.

After multiple reports reached the Turkish security forces he was arrested and was going to be extradited to Kuwait within the search warrant in the INTERPOL system. Unfortunately the Turkish government bent their knees before the Muslim Brotherhood officials who stated: "Such stances destroy Turkey’s image in the Islamic world." and he was released on the next day. He is allowed to propagate dangerous Salafism including in universities and his literature (banned in many countries) is translated and published in Turkiye. It contains critics towards the secular ruling system in Turkiye and open insults towards Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

While I fully support asymmetric approaches in achieving different military and political objectives I am against such people to be let operating so freely in Turkiye. President Erdogan likes to use the example with the snake who bites back. The snake which is growing up in Turkiye is very venomous and has the potential to not only endanger the moderate Islamic views of the majority of Turks in favor of more radical ones, but it can also endanger President Erdogan himself.

If this organization gets out of control they may turn into a national security threat for Turkiye. President Erdogan is aware of all this and despite numerous attempts at violating the official State policy their ear including the ear of IHH was pulled and them put on their places. Especially with the events in Syria and Turkiye, the Turkish security services started to look very seriously on the jihadist threat. Multiple operations were conducted both in Syria and in Turkiye against jihadists endangering the national security and the national interests of Turkiye. IHH also got its fair share.

Erdogan despite his controversial politics knows about the dangers of these organizations. I am only concerned about his ability of balancing the processes and the possible loss of control.

Let's see what Erdogan's comment on IHH and Bulent Yildirim was in 2016 (there was a video of the speech but got removed after IHH attacked Incirlik and Turkish security forces responded earlier this year :) ) :

President Erdogan:

"Did you even ask the Prime Minister regarding the issue of sending humanitarian help? We are already giving the required assistance to Gaza and Palestine. But while we are giving assistance we are not doing it as a demonstration of power but we always did it and we are doing it within the international diplomacy"

My warning to those who support these organizations in opposition to the national security and national policy decisions of the Republic of Turkiye is to return from this mistake while there's still time. There are not much things that are hitting harder in life than the Turkish SOF hitting your door at 4:30 in the morning. ✍️✍️✍️


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A snake cannot control its nature. It will bite your hand no matter how hard you try. Using these groups to further state agenda was wrong 15 years ago and it is wrong now and it will only keep detoriating.


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Well that’s not going anywhere.

The European Council has tied any progress with Turkey to the resolution of Cyprus talks

• Considering past failed attempts like the Annan plan and Crans Montana. Ankara remains skeptical about Greek (Cypriot) willingness to make concessions to find middle ground



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Well that’s not going anywhere.

The European Council has tied any progress with Turkey to the resolution of Cyprus talks

• Considering past failed attempts like the Annan plan and Crans Montana. Ankara remains skeptical about Greek (Cypriot) willingness to make concessions to find middle ground

The economy is weaker than ever, sacrifices may be made


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Well that’s not going anywhere.

The European Council has tied any progress with Turkey to the resolution of Cyprus talks

• Considering past failed attempts like the Annan plan and Crans Montana. Ankara remains skeptical about Greek (Cypriot) willingness to make concessions to find middle ground

They admitted Cyprus into the EU before the problem got solved.

IHH takes independent steps from the official State policy and this pisses off greatly President Erdogan. It is known that Erdogan criticized IHH's irresponsive moves many times. Their whole organization is existing to serve the State in its affairs, but they went rogue and crossed some lines. They didn't learnt their lessons and want to try again the same stupidity as the last time in which people lost their lives and no help reached the Palestinian people in the end.

There are different types of Islamists in Turkiye with more moderate or radical views. If the ordinary citizens with an Islamist views, the common Erdogan supporters are 1 in the scale of 5, the guy who would die solely in the name of his persona without asking questions is 3, ISIS is 5 then the types of IHH guys together with Hizbul Tahrir are 4.

Those are the same guys which think that Al-Shabaab are a mujahideen against the corrupt Somali government, the same types that think Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham in Syria is a revolutionary force against the Assad and the corrupt Turkish supported forces and sees organizations like the Taliban, Hamas and Al-Qaeda as legitimate forces and sides representing the Muslim world.

Such organizations are easy to exploit due to the fact that their leadership, personnel and supporters are consisted of highly motivated people who know what they are doing and have the needed contacts in jihadist circles. While they were very useful on many occasions for the Turkish Intelligence, they started to become more radical and rogue with the years. One of the sole reasons for many countries to slander Turkiye and the National Intelligence Organization for their alleged support to the global jihadism is this organization. While they have a great humanitarian role all around the world, this is a great mask for covering up their support for different jihadist organizations and MIT operations abroad when they are useful.

The problem with IHH is that the damage it does starts to exceed their good deeds and service by trying to dictate the foreign affairs of Turkiye over the decision making capacity of President Erdogan and they even want to influence internal processes in the country by organizing illegal gatherings, taking place in organizing attacks against foreign diplomatic facilities and military installations where foreign forces are stationed.

The name of this organization is present in intelligence reports in connection to the global terrorism all around the world. In earlier raids against this organization by the Turkish security forces weapons, explosives and Al-Qaeda related persons were found, seized and arrested. In the recent 5 years such organizations intensified its activities in Turkiye, started their own religious magazines with the aim of propagating radical Islam and even leadership figures that are taking place in lists containing the names of businessmen financing terrorism with life imprisonment sentences in other countries were let to meet Turkish official figures within the Diyanet and even people within the provincial administration in Turkiye.

An example of a terrorist that was allowed to roam freely, connected to the financing the global terrorism is Hakem Al-Mutairi. A Kuwaiti businessman taking place in the "terror lists" of several Gulf countries and Egypt. He was sentenced to life imprisonment in relationship with attempts of overthrowing the government system, espionage in Kuwait, but managed to acquire an unlimited residence from Turkiye's migration authorities. The same authorities who allowed millions of illegal migrants from Syria, Africa and the Central Asian republics of which there are thousands of terrorists.

After multiple reports reached the Turkish security forces he was arrested and was going to be extradited to Kuwait within the search warrant in the INTERPOL system. Unfortunately the Turkish government bent their knees before the Muslim Brotherhood officials who stated: "Such stances destroy Turkey’s image in the Islamic world." and he was released on the next day. He is allowed to propagate dangerous Salafism including in universities and his literature (banned in many countries) is translated and published in Turkiye. It contains critics towards the secular ruling system in Turkiye and open insults towards Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

While I fully support asymmetric approaches in achieving different military and political objectives I am against such people to be let operating so freely in Turkiye. President Erdogan likes to use the example with the snake who bites back. The snake which is growing up in Turkiye is very venomous and has the potential to not only endanger the moderate Islamic views of the majority of Turks in favor of more radical ones, but it can also endanger President Erdogan himself.

If this organization gets out of control they may turn into a national security threat for Turkiye. President Erdogan is aware of all this and despite numerous attempts at violating the official State policy their ear including the ear of IHH was pulled and them put on their places. Especially with the events in Syria and Turkiye, the Turkish security services started to look very seriously on the jihadist threat. Multiple operations were conducted both in Syria and in Turkiye against jihadists endangering the national security and the national interests of Turkiye. IHH also got its fair share.

Erdogan despite his controversial politics knows about the dangers of these organizations. I am only concerned about his ability of balancing the processes and the possible loss of control.

Let's see what Erdogan's comment on IHH and Bulent Yildirim was in 2016 (there was a video of the speech but got removed after IHH attacked Incirlik and Turkish security forces responded earlier this year :) ) :

President Erdogan:

"Did you even ask the Prime Minister regarding the issue of sending humanitarian help? We are already giving the required assistance to Gaza and Palestine. But while we are giving assistance we are not doing it as a demonstration of power but we always did it and we are doing it within the international diplomacy"

My warning to those who support these organizations in opposition to the national security and national policy decisions of the Republic of Turkiye is to return from this mistake while there's still time. There are not much things that are hitting harder in life than the Turkish SOF hitting your door at 4:30 in the morning. ✍️✍️✍️

IHH could have actually got themselves some armed private security incase they get attacked.

Ihh before the ship started sailing talking about how their activists will die as martyrs.

Once again they had no problem sending their own to their deaths.

If IHH was looking for a fight it was pretty logical for them to arm up or at least have some protection they did not even do it because it wasnt good for propaganda.


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The Cyprus issue should have had closed to any discussion so far!!
I think we should not give any f… about EU or Customs Union. We should make our way and open to Asia as well Turkic States more.
EU can go and f… themselves!


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The Cyprus issue should have had closed to any discussion so far!!
I think we should not give any f… about EU or Customs Union. We should make our way and open to Asia as well Turkic States more.
EU can go and f… themselves!

Turkey should tie the refugee issue to Cyprus. No recognition and the refugees can go to europe which will increase domestic support for the anti-EU parties.


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The European Commission has launched a 2-year project with a budget of €4 million for the "integration of Turkish Cypriot companies into the island-wide economy and the EU single market".
The project was initiated to support the development of the private sector in the Turkish Cypriot community and Green Line trade.

Strategy for a single unitary republic


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New way to make money,importing African students. I guess the European initiative failed.

As long as they go back to their countries. They will bring expertise and help build the country up.

If they learn Turkish too on top of it. Turkish soft power.

I hope one day Tanzania grants a base in Zanzibar. I know im dreaming but imagine how strategic it is.


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strategy to try and enslave TC companies to the stolen republic. They can fuck off.

Thats the strategy keep the Turkish Cypriots poor as fck to the point where they begin to start seeing Turkiye as an enemy and the EU as the future.

They are aiming it at young people not the old.

They know deep down old people would not sacrifice their dignity. They suffered enough they know independance cant be sacrificed for a temporary good life.

Turkish Cyprus should just be ruled autonomously. I dont like Turkiye constantly interfering in their affairs. Erdogan needs stop this bullshit let the TC rule by themselves.

Turkiye just has to protect them with military support.

Turkish Cyprus is Turkiye and Turkiye is Turkish Cyprus. Both cant be divorced.

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