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Despite greek ambitions they have no real capabilities. For example what Turkey was able to do in Libya the greeks couldnt do, what Turkey is able to do in syria or iraq, they can't do. They literally need a nation or nations to declare war on Turkey, but outside the USA whose going to do that?

Before the Ukraine war i thought only two nations have significant strength to launch an invasion against Turkey, one was Russia and the other the USA. With Russia i thought they could attempt an invasion but it wouldn't succeed, only the USA could. But even then they needed 400,000 thousand troops to take saddam hussein out whose nation was already split in 3 a complete ruin. To deal with Turkey they would need millions of men, i can't seem them bringing that sort of firepower to Turkey.

Even if the USA did declare war on Turkey, all that happens is they force Turkey onto Russia and Iran's side, they cant occupy Turkey or take her over. Then their games in the middle became an even bigger nightmare to accomplish.

Turkish domestic capabilities is only growing now, she's in no rush really to do anything other then to pick and choose where she wants to commit some resources. But greece has no ability to do the same.

For example they supported haftar and made many photo shoots with the warlord terrorist, but they didnt have the balls to back him with military power. While Turkey backed the government of Libya who was under attack from Russia, France, gulf states and the EU was against her.

greeks need to be able to win on the battlefield, everything else is just in the piss wind. The western world is continuously blowing smoke up their arses in the hope they do something stupid and in a conflict the outsider will make gains from it while both Turkey and Greece lose from it. At least that's their hopes.

This is why the western world works so hard to stir minorities up within Turkey, they cannot conquer Turkey from outside, but they need to achieve the same games they achieved against the Ottomans.

The people of Turkey cannot ignore these tricks they have to get active. The PKK is an atheist marxist terrorist organisation who hates Muslims, most Kurds in Turkey are Muslim and thus ideologically opposed to it. Many Kurdish groups in Syria and Iraq are allied to Turkey against the PKK. The narrative of Innocent Kurds being slaughtered by Turks is a western conspiracy against the Turkish state.

And lets not forget how Kurdish refugees were treated recently when the approached the Polish border. It wasn't about innocent Kurds, it was about an "invasion" "hybrid war" and the Poles were protecting Europe's borders from these Kurds.
Why does everybody always think about an invasion? Not every war is about invasion. The war against Turkiye will be to cripple the Turkish industry, especially the defense industry, and isolate Turkiye in Anatolia. Invading Turkiye is impossible unless the attacker uses nuclear weapons. The US strategy for GR and TR hasn't changed for ages. According to the US, both countries should have a military balance (7/10) so none of them can change the status quo therefore both countries should suck the US hard for gaining favors. In recent years, the balance strongly shifted in favor of Turkiye when Turkiye established an advanced defense industry. Turkish defense industry reached such a point that it is impossible to stop it by underhanded tactics anymore so the only way to keep a military balance between TR and GR is to arm the GR and set up bases in critical positions so that if something happens US troops should be a natural barrier for any Turkish advance.

There is only one way Turkiye loses land and it is demographic engineering. Bring millions of foreigners, in a few decades turn them into a minority with a huge population, create conflict and chaos, and profit from it. In 2050 YPG can attack and grab southeast TR with a 100k strong force while the 25 million Syrians rise up against the Turkiye.


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Why does everybody always think about an invasion? Not every war is about invasion. The war against Turkiye will be to cripple the Turkish industry, especially the defense industry, and isolate Turkiye in Anatolia. Invading Turkiye is impossible unless the attacker uses nuclear weapons. The US strategy for GR and TR hasn't changed for ages. According to the US, both countries should have a military balance (7/10) so none of them can change the status quo therefore both countries should suck the US hard for gaining favors. In recent years, the balance strongly shifted in favor of Turkiye when Turkiye established an advanced defense industry. Turkish defense industry reached such a point that it is impossible to stop it by underhanded tactics anymore so the only way to keep a military balance between TR and GR is to arm the GR and set up bases in critical positions so that if something happens US troops should be a natural barrier for any Turkish advance.

There is only one way Turkiye loses land and it is demographic engineering. Bring millions of foreigners, in a few decades turn them into a minority with a huge population, create conflict and chaos, and profit from it. In 2050 YPG can attack and grab southeast TR with a 100k strong force while the 25 million Syrians rise up against the Turkiye.
While I do agree about demographic war against Turkey
I personally dont think that the US will wait until 2050 to see Turkey fall. HOWEVER, by 2050 is how much would the TSK defense industry have improved is the question to ask! A super strong domestic military may be able to resist such uprisings like in China!
The US primary goal, IMO, is to crumble the Defense industry ASAP! Anything else is after it! The US is suspected to lose a large market share if the TSK developed the way Ismail Demir wants it to and lets not forget that the primary way in which US controls foreign countries is by weapons sale

Rn, US's hegemony is crumbling and international actors are getting even more emboldened to face the US
Turks wont fight for the US as hard as it did long ago and I honestly dont think that the Greeks would even sacrifice a thing for the US
The French and Germans are already unreliable as far as the term "allies" go and all what you will be left with is US, UK, Canada, and probably Australia only
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1 1,528
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Despite greek ambitions they have no real capabilities. For example what Turkey was able to do in Libya the greeks couldnt do, what Turkey is able to do in syria or iraq, they can't do. They literally need a nation or nations to declare war on Turkey, but outside the USA whose going to do that?

Before the Ukraine war i thought only two nations have significant strength to launch an invasion against Turkey, one was Russia and the other the USA. With Russia i thought they could attempt an invasion but it wouldn't succeed, only the USA could. But even then they needed 400,000 thousand troops to take saddam hussein out whose nation was already split in 3 a complete ruin. To deal with Turkey they would need millions of men, i can't seem them bringing that sort of firepower to Turkey.

Even if the USA did declare war on Turkey, all that happens is they force Turkey onto Russia and Iran's side, they cant occupy Turkey or take her over. Then their games in the middle became an even bigger nightmare to accomplish.

Turkish domestic capabilities is only growing now, she's in no rush really to do anything other then to pick and choose where she wants to commit some resources. But greece has no ability to do the same.

For example they supported haftar and made many photo shoots with the warlord terrorist, but they didnt have the balls to back him with military power. While Turkey backed the government of Libya who was under attack from Russia, France, gulf states and the EU was against her.

greeks need to be able to win on the battlefield, everything else is just in the piss wind. The western world is continuously blowing smoke up their arses in the hope they do something stupid and in a conflict the outsider will make gains from it while both Turkey and Greece lose from it. At least that's their hopes.

This is why the western world works so hard to stir minorities up within Turkey, they cannot conquer Turkey from outside, but they need to achieve the same games they achieved against the Ottomans.

The people of Turkey cannot ignore these tricks they have to get active. The PKK is an atheist marxist terrorist organisation who hates Muslims, most Kurds in Turkey are Muslim and thus ideologically opposed to it. Many Kurdish groups in Syria and Iraq are allied to Turkey against the PKK. The narrative of Innocent Kurds being slaughtered by Turks is a western conspiracy against the Turkish state.

And lets not forget how Kurdish refugees were treated recently when the approached the Polish border. It wasn't about innocent Kurds, it was about an "invasion" "hybrid war" and the Poles were protecting Europe's borders from these Kurds.

Every Turkish leftist who read this post, would call you

A) a AKP-fan
B) racist MHP-fan
C) conspiracy theorist


1 1,528
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I am very doubtful that Greece will actually try to attack Turkey. But if it does, Turkey will be in the right because it will be the defender so you point doesn't make sense.

I highly doubt that. Greece and Greko-Cypriots attacked the Turkish Cyoriots and started the conflict but Turkey as a defender got the blame. Europeans are hypocrites, they doesnt care who starts, they will ruin and isolate our economy like they did with Russia even if Greece starts with attacking. You know this if you born and live in Europe and know their public infrastructure and mentality.


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I am very doubtful that Greece will actually try to attack Turkey. But if it does, Turkey will be in the right because it will be the defender so you point doesn't make sense.

Turkey was in the right intervening in Cyprus to protect the Turkish Cypriots from genocide. Still today many decades later the Turkish Cypriots are discriminated against.

Even in the recent Azerbaijan war, you guys were entirely in the right the west still portrayed you guys and especially Turkey as the bad guys, Turks got sanctioned over that conflict too by the west. Armenia on the other hand despite being allied to Russia was untouched by the west.

Its all about power and control, they don't want a strong Turkey so no matter what we do that good for us they will be against it, no matter how morally right we are.
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Why does everybody always think about an invasion? Not every war is about invasion. The war against Turkiye will be to cripple the Turkish industry, especially the defense industry, and isolate Turkiye in Anatolia. Invading Turkiye is impossible unless the attacker uses nuclear weapons. The US strategy for GR and TR hasn't changed for ages. According to the US, both countries should have a military balance (7/10) so none of them can change the status quo therefore both countries should suck the US hard for gaining favors. In recent years, the balance strongly shifted in favor of Turkiye when Turkiye established an advanced defense industry. Turkish defense industry reached such a point that it is impossible to stop it by underhanded tactics anymore so the only way to keep a military balance between TR and GR is to arm the GR and set up bases in critical positions so that if something happens US troops should be a natural barrier for any Turkish advance.

There is only one way Turkiye loses land and it is demographic engineering. Bring millions of foreigners, in a few decades turn them into a minority with a huge population, create conflict and chaos, and profit from it. In 2050 YPG can attack and grab southeast TR with a 100k strong force while the 25 million Syrians rise up against the Turkiye.

Yep that's their long game. Flood Turkey with minorities and then stir these minorities under accusations of genocide. They are all ready doing this day and night with the Kurds.

Ultimately its how they brought the Ottomans down.

There is reason why that border was demined before the syrian civil war began and there is a reason why erdogan keeps inviting millions of refugees in despite Turkey not having the capacity for it.

Part of me thinks erdogan seeks external conflicts to distract the Turks from his domestic acts of treason.


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Yep that's their long game. Flood Turkey with minorities and then stir these minorities under accusations of genocide. They are all ready doing this day and night with the Kurds.

Ultimately its how they brought the Ottomans down.

There is reason why that border was demined before the syrian civil war began and there is a reason why erdogan keeps inviting millions of refugees in despite Turkey not having the capacity for it.

Part of me thinks erdogan seeks external conflicts to distract the Turks from his domestic acts of treason.
i feel like Erdogan keeps them for leverage. y'know, do as i say or ill yeet these "aliens" inside your country sorta affair.


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i feel like Erdogan keeps them for leverage. y'know, do as i say or ill yeet these "aliens" inside your country sorta affair.

What have we gained from that leverage? What have we won from it and what has the cost been?

Leverage would have been to leave the door open, then the EU would be begging us to do something and we could list our demands. They would have begged us to intervene in Syria from day 1 to stop the exodus.

Because the EU is an insanely racist place, you let those 10 million refugees in Turkey leave to the EU and those nations will be tearing each other apart. To give an idea of this racism in Ukraine when the Africans wanted to leave Kiev at the onset of the war, the Ukrainians were kicking them off the trains to prioritise white people. Ironically the UK was one of the least racist EU members.

No, those refugees are a long term agenda against Turkey. We closed our doors on Turkic peoples suffering, but we invited millions of non-Turks, the intention is that the main western players intend to use them against Turkey. To destabilise the nation.

The entire media spectrum today pushes the narrative that the Turks are slaughtering the Kurds, this happened previously against the Ottomans. The last time i visited Turkey and met with people, in which many of them were also Kurdish, i would joke with them so how's the genocide going against you guys here. They would always look at me confused, then i would tell them that in england according to the media the Turkish state is murdering indiscriminately the Kurdish people, they wouldnt believe me.

Turkish people are shockingly naïve.

This doesnt mean that i'm against the refugees, not at all. But its clear to me where this heading, if it takes them a hundred years they will take a hundred years. Just look at the kurdistan agenda, it doesnt matter which presidents of the USA or Prime minsters of the UK came into power the agenda is always the same, following the same incremental path.


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What have we gained from that leverage? What have we won from it and what has the cost been?

Leverage would have been to leave the door open, then the EU would be begging us to do something and we could list our demands. They would have begged us to intervene in Syria from day 1 to stop the exodus.

Because the EU is an insanely racist place, you let those 10 million refugees in Turkey leave to the EU and those nations will be tearing each other apart. To give an idea of this racism in Ukraine when the Africans wanted to leave Kiev at the onset of the war, the Ukrainians were kicking them off the trains to prioritise white people. Ironically the UK was one of the least racist EU members.

No, those refugees are a long term agenda against Turkey. We closed our doors on Turkic peoples suffering, but we invited millions of non-Turks, the intention is that the main western players intend to use them against Turkey. To destabilise the nation.

The entire media spectrum today pushes the narrative that the Turks are slaughtering the Kurds, this happened previously against the Ottomans. The last time i visited Turkey and met with people, in which many of them were also Kurdish, i would joke with them so how's the genocide going against you guys here. They would always look at me confused, then i would tell them that in england according to the media the Turkish state is murdering indiscriminately the Kurdish people, they wouldnt believe me.

Turkish people are shockingly naïve.

This doesnt mean that i'm against the refugees, not at all. But its clear to me where this heading, if it takes them a hundred years they will take a hundred years. Just look at the kurdistan agenda, it doesnt matter which presidents of the USA or Prime minsters of the UK came into power the agenda is always the same, following the same incremental path.

Kurds are brown and majority of them are Muslim.

Europeans are supporting them as proxies against us once Kurds stary stepping foot in Europe their tune changes.

Europeans will use non whites and non Turks against us as proxies but they will change their tune once these people come to their doorstep.

All that bs tolerance gets thrown the door.

If the Americans and Australians are racist they say the Europeans are much worse lets not forget how monkey chants are normal in football games in Spain and Italy. Europeans love to believe they are "tolerant". They use this arguments against the USA and Australia. Euros still call Australians as racist convicts.

A lot of them rushed to open their doors for Ukrainians because Ukrainians fit their bill they are European, Christian, Blonde and White.

Russia vs Ukraine also has anti Turkism in the mix. The Ukrainians are portrayed as the Blue Blonde eyed white people defending Europe against the Orcs aka the Russians.

Because the Russians have Turkic and Mongol blood and stayed under their rule the Russians are promoted as Asiatic invaders trying to extinguish European and Western civilisation.

This is why I caution the use of Orc because Orcs have always been portrayed as Turks and Mongols. Since the Russians were ruled or dominated by them or influenced them the Russians are seen as outsiders.


Kurds are brown and majority of them are Muslim.

Europeans are supporting them as proxies against us once Kurds stary stepping foot in Europe their tune changes.

Europeans will use non whites and non Turks against us as proxies but they will change their tune once these people come to their doorstep.

All that bs tolerance gets thrown the door.

If the Americans and Australians are racist they say the Europeans are much worse lets not forget how monkey chants are normal in football games in Spain and Italy. Europeans love to believe they are "tolerant". They use this arguments against the USA and Australia. Euros still call Australians as racist convicts.

A lot of them rushed to open their doors for Ukrainians because Ukrainians fit their bill they are European, Christian, Blonde and White.

Russia vs Ukraine also has anti Turkism in the mix. The Ukrainians are portrayed as the Blue Blonde eyed white people defending Europe against the Orcs aka the Russians.

Because the Russians have Turkic and Mongol blood and stayed under their rule the Russians are promoted as Asiatic invaders trying to extinguish European and Western civilisation.

This is why I caution the use of Orc because Orcs have always been portrayed as Turks and Mongols. Since the Russians were ruled or dominated by them or influenced them the Russians are seen as outsiders.
Kurds claim to be scythians💀💀💀💀

Also ryder used "brown" because according to europe kurds are white europeans.


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Do people believe that bs that the Iranic peoples are Aryan race. All that nazi crap is obsolete.

I know Indo-European is a language family I can see the connection. But I doubt Persians and Kurds are accepted as white. White supremacists see them as a threat because they are Brown many have olive skin.

Skin colour supremacy is retarded. Skin colour has always been determined by the climate and environment people lived in.


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What have we gained from that leverage? What have we won from it and what has the cost been?

Leverage would have been to leave the door open, then the EU would be begging us to do something and we could list our demands. They would have begged us to intervene in Syria from day 1 to stop the exodus.

Because the EU is an insanely racist place, you let those 10 million refugees in Turkey leave to the EU and those nations will be tearing each other apart. To give an idea of this racism in Ukraine when the Africans wanted to leave Kiev at the onset of the war, the Ukrainians were kicking them off the trains to prioritise white people. Ironically the UK was one of the least racist EU members.

No, those refugees are a long term agenda against Turkey. We closed our doors on Turkic peoples suffering, but we invited millions of non-Turks, the intention is that the main western players intend to use them against Turkey. To destabilise the nation.

The entire media spectrum today pushes the narrative that the Turks are slaughtering the Kurds, this happened previously against the Ottomans. The last time i visited Turkey and met with people, in which many of them were also Kurdish, i would joke with them so how's the genocide going against you guys here. They would always look at me confused, then i would tell them that in england according to the media the Turkish state is murdering indiscriminately the Kurdish people, they wouldnt believe me.

Turkish people are shockingly naïve.

This doesnt mean that i'm against the refugees, not at all. But its clear to me where this heading, if it takes them a hundred years they will take a hundred years. Just look at the kurdistan agenda, it doesnt matter which presidents of the USA or Prime minsters of the UK came into power the agenda is always the same, following the same incremental path.
i have a gut feeling Erdogan's gonna open a hypothetical "battle" of Greece with refugee caravans instead of tanks.


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"Finland and Sweden so far has been more reasonable in their response vis-a-vis PKK."

Direct quote. If you have nothing else to add, accept defeat and stop before this gets stupider.

As I wrote, u know what ur attempting, I do so as well so careful.


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veto et

Turkey blocks start of talks on Sweden and Finland's Nato bids​

Sources tell MEE that Turkey has blocked negotiations, which are supposed to start today

Ragip Soylu
Published date: 18 May 2022 13:33 UTC | Last update: 32 mins 52 secs ago

Turkey has blocked the start of Nato talks regarding Finland and Sweden's bids to join the allience, two sources told Middle East Eye.
At a Nato ambassadorial-level meeting on Wednesday in Belgium's Brussels, Turkey voted against commencing the discussion, citing its objection to the bid.
A source with knowledge of the matter said Turkey publicly made clear its objection to Finland and Sweden’s accession to Nato, and acted as it promised.
Finland and Sweden formally applied to join the Nato alliance on Wednesday.
All 30 of Nato's members need to approve their admission for it to be successful.



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veto et

Turkey blocks start of talks on Sweden and Finland's Nato bids​

Sources tell MEE that Turkey has blocked negotiations, which are supposed to start today

Ragip Soylu
Published date: 18 May 2022 13:33 UTC | Last update: 32 mins 52 secs ago

Turkey has blocked the start of Nato talks regarding Finland and Sweden's bids to join the allience, two sources told Middle East Eye.
At a Nato ambassadorial-level meeting on Wednesday in Belgium's Brussels, Turkey voted against commencing the discussion, citing its objection to the bid.
A source with knowledge of the matter said Turkey publicly made clear its objection to Finland and Sweden’s accession to Nato, and acted as it promised.
Finland and Sweden formally applied to join the Nato alliance on Wednesday.
All 30 of Nato's members need to approve their admission for it to be successful.

Nato does not want more libtards and sjws.

What do both offer apart from being libtards and a nation overrated the fck out of everybody. All I ever hear is how great sweden or finland.

Australia is 100 times better than either country. Not to mention Australia can easily offer so much more to nato if they allowed us to Join.


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Turkiye track record in Nato

-fighting terrorism
-fighting off russia in syria, caucasus and libya
-helping ukraine and georgia
-containing iranian ambitions
-turkish influence gives nato a foothold in central asia especially Turkic countries
-control of the straits
-building a badass military industry.

Finland and Sweden shitty track record.

-never joined nato only wanted to join because they shit their pants
- country is ran by weak men and sjw women
-one country has a shitty king
-sweden is not secular because their king aka is apointed by God also they have a state religion
-they support terrorism against Turkiye with weapons and funding
-both sanctioned Turkiye now they beg for Turkiye's support

Real question is what they have done against Russia?


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Funny how Poland and the Baltic countries eagerly joined nato eventough there was no russian threat technically.

Nato was actually offered to Sweden, Finland and Austria they constantly rejected it until now.

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