TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics


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So what?? We are like these 3rd world shit holes?? All of them are anti democratic countries . Our place is west not east!! Only trade with eastern anti democratic countries!!
Turkey belong exactly where it belong. Between east and west, a unique part of both. But unfortunately, according to the Europeans, turkey is never considered part the Europe! even though the tiny far away cyprus is !

And it never will be! Isn't that long enough for the turks now to realize that? No matter how liberal, secular and democratic turkey get they will find another excuse anyway. Because in the end of the day, turks are still remains too big and powerful 'muslims' for them. just have a listen to the former french president nicolas sarkozy for example.

turkey indeed part of europe geographically. and also culturally at some extent. even though he is refusing to acknowledge that, ironically there is some truth in what he is saying. TURKEY IS A DIFFERENT CIVILIZATION.

And above all, isn't it better to lead your own block instead of just hanging out with either the west or the east ? I thought that's what turkey is trying to do in the 21th century! Growing some spine, strong enough to be the center of its own.
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Damm! He is a solid diplomat.


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Turkey belong exactly where it belong. Between east and west, a unique part of both. But unfortunately, according to the Europeans, turkey is never considered part the Europe! even though the tiny far away cyprus is !

And it never will be! Isn't that long enough for the turks now to realize that? No matter how liberal, secular and democratic turkey get they will find another excuse anyway. Because in the end of the day, turks are still remains too big and powerful 'muslims' for them. just have a listen to the former french president nicolas sarkozy for example.

turkey indeed part of europe geographically. and also culturally at some extent. even though he is refusing to acknowledge that, ironically there is some truth in what he is saying. TURKEY IS A DIFFERENT CIVILIZATION.

And above all, isn't it better to lead your own block instead of just hanging out with either the west or the east ? I thought that's what turkey is trying to do in the 21th century! Growing some spine, strong enough to be the center of its own.

Many of Europe's political leaders descend from the old european aristocratic houses of europe. Sarkozy has direct aristocratic relatives who were killed by the Ottoman army during the battle of Mohacs.

In england pretty much every prime minister we have ever had has been related to the house of windsor. Even Boris Johnson is a blue blood via his mothers ancestry. These aristocrats don't forget history.

One his fathers side a descendent of Turkish ancestry.

On his mothers side a descent of the emperors and kings of Europe's old empires.

If your willing to put the work in, most people will discover that a specific class of people seem to always dominate decision making positions in england.

Why Sarkozy had a hatred of Turks.

"Former President of France Nicolas Sarkozy is of mixed national and ethnic ancestry. He is the son of Pál István Ernő Sárközy de Nagy-Bócsa (Hungarian: nagybócsai Sárközy Pál [ˈnɒɟboːt͡ʃɒi ˈʃaːrkøzi ˈpaːl] ( listen), in some sources Nagy-Bócsay Sárközy Pál István Ernő),[1] a Hungarian nobleman,[2] and Andrée Jeanne "Dadu" Mallah (Paris, 12 October 1925–13 December, 2017), who is of Greek Jewish and French Catholic origin.[3][4] They were married at Saint-François-de-Sales, Paris XVII, on 8 February 1950 and divorced in 1959.[5]"

"Pál Sárközy was born on 5 May 1928 in Budapest into a family belonging to the Hungarian nobility.[6] His paternal ancestor was elevated to the untitled nobility of Hungary on 10 September 1628 for his role in fighting the armies of the Ottoman Empire. The family possessed 285 hectares (700 acres) of land (reduced from an estate of 400–800 ha (990–1,980 acres) in the 18th century),[7] and a small castle in the village of Alattyán, near Szolnok, 92 km (57 mi) east of Budapest.[1] Pál Sárközy's father and grandfather held elective offices in the city of Szolnok. Although the Sárközy de Nagy-Bócsa (nagybócsai Sárközy) family was Protestant, Pál Sárközy's mother, Katalin Tóth de Csáford (Hungarian: csáfordi Tóth Katalin), grandmother of Nicolas Sarkozy, belonged to a Catholic noble family."

I suspect Boris Johnsons family were invited into the aristocratic club and given an aristocratic wife because of his great grand fathers betrayal of the Turks and his sacrifice in the cause of British imperialism.

For a long time in europe, the best way for a peasant to elevate his status was to fight against the Turks.
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Also many Muslims of the world should understand we are not European to these people simply because we are Muslim. Europeans for a period of time were bending over backwards in the hopes that we would become Christian. Mehmed was offered by the pope of Rome that should he convert to Christianity he will be recognised as emperor of Europe.

The Viking nobility that conquered Europe would write in their battles with the Turks that it was a great shame that the Turks were not Christian. So instead of joining the belittling narrative of these Europeans today, show a little respect. Talks of growing a spine about a nation that never got colonised is such dummy talk.

Its time Muslim nations with massive populations start achieving something, you can't keep expecting the Turks to do all the fighting and all the dying. Bangladesh has a population of 170 million. You should be a serious power with that sort of manpower. Turkey less then a hundred years ago was only 10 million, its a new thing for us to have a population relative to the european powers.


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I didnt know he was so popular in the US.

White Caucasians, Afro-Americans, Hispanics, Asian-Americans, everyone runs for a picture with him.



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I didnt know he was so popular in the US.

White Caucasians, Afro-Americans, Hispanics, Asian-Americans, everyone runs for a picture with him.

It would have been golden if they played

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Erdogan interview was really good tbh
He knows what he is doing and what he was saying during the interview

He clearly supported Ukraine's integrity while locking hands with Putin a few days ago in the Shanghai summit.
He stated how the EU kept turkey from EU membership for nearly 60 years and are bitching when Turkey starts to search for alternatives!
He clearly demonstrated Turkey's role as a regional power as well as a mediator on an international level and that Turkey is capable of leaving its mark even when the players are of the big 5!

And yet ppl believes that he was the one who completely destroyed Turkey's perfect foreign policy pre-2022; Although the true reason for the current antagonisation against the Turks is the miraculous rise of the Turkish defence industry. The Europeans are afraid of the rise of a new Turkish superpower in the international arena and a new uncontrollable power dominating the Europeans in the future; thus, they will ensure to destroy the TSK defence industry while it is still groeing and havrnt yet reached the maturation phase otherwise it will be too late to stop the Turks from taking back what is theirs and protecting their interests

Excellent post!


Erdogan interview was really good tbh
He knows what he is doing and what he was saying during the interview

He clearly supported Ukraine's integrity while locking hands with Putin a few days ago in the Shanghai summit.
He stated how the EU kept turkey from EU membership for nearly 60 years and are bitching when Turkey starts to search for alternatives!
He clearly demonstrated Turkey's role as a regional power as well as a mediator on an international level and that Turkey is capable of leaving its mark even when the players are of the big 5!

And yet ppl believes that he was the one who completely destroyed Turkey's perfect foreign policy pre-2022; Although the true reason for the current antagonisation against the Turks is the miraculous rise of the Turkish defence industry. The Europeans are afraid of the rise of a new Turkish superpower in the international arena and a new uncontrollable power dominating the Europeans in the future; thus, they will ensure to destroy the TSK defence industry while it is still groeing and havrnt yet reached the maturation phase otherwise it will be too late to stop the Turks from taking back what is theirs and protecting their interests
yeah bro fucking up our economy with his bullshit nepotism he is a great president right!

lets not forget his pro refugee and islamist policies that pushed Turks into becoming non muslim and Racist


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He is just weak
Not really
Just listen to the interview and you will realise that all of his responses are spot on!
Think about it; why on Earth should Turkey completely support Ukraine, antagonise Russia and for most of the Turkish ppl to freeze during the winter for the European masterrace theory and yet the Europeans will never still accept the Turks

yeah bro fucking up our economy with his bullshit nepotism he is a great president right!

lets not forget his pro refugee and islamist policies that pushed Turks into becoming non muslim and Racist
The greatest miatake of Erdogan's govt is the refugees issue

However, as for the Turkish economy, it is so complicated that it wont be solved by just raising the interest rates


Not really
Just listen to the interview and you will realise that all of his responses are spot on!
Think about it; why on Earth should Turkey completely support Ukraine, antagonise Russia and for most of the Turkish ppl to freeze during the winter for the European masterrace theory and yet the Europeans will never still accept the Turks

The greatest miatake of Erdogan's govt is the refugees issue

However, as for the Turkish economy, it is so complicated that it wont be solved by just raising the interest rates
Ok bro


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Also many Muslims of the world should understand we are not European to these people simply because we are Muslim. Europeans for a period of time were bending over backwards in the hopes that we would become Christian. Mehmed was offered by the pope of Rome that should he convert to Christianity he will be recognised as emperor of Europe.

The Viking nobility that conquered Europe would write in their battles with the Turks that it was a great shame that the Turks were not Christian. So instead of joining the belittling narrative of these Europeans today, show a little respect. Talks of growing a spine about a nation that never got colonised is such dummy talk.

Its time Muslim nations with massive populations start achieving something, you can't keep expecting the Turks to do all the fighting and all the dying. Bangladesh has a population of 170 million. You should be a serious power with that sort of manpower. Turkey less then a hundred years ago was only 10 million, its a new thing for us to have a population relative to the european powers.
I know these history in details but i don't understand what part of my post you are disputing.

And i think you misunderstood my comment. Growing spine is not meant to be in sense of national entity. ( which turkey has better than any other muslim country ) but in the sense of greater geopolitical struggle and in term of great power competition. ( in a broader sense, Turkey took a relatively independent foreign policy only for the last one or two decade.)

And I think, i have more than enough respect for turkey and its people. you don't have to be to nationalistic about it ( fun fact, personally I have a deep and strong turkic ancestry in my veins. However, that's not the reason for my respect. I don't think pan ethnicity is a good idea in 21th century ) And Yes, one of the important attributes of turkey that, it is the only country in muslim world that never been colonized physically. Probably only three major countries in the world has that privilege. UK russia and turkey. And to understand the significance of the implications of that privilege, one only has to look at other two countries.

The uk was basically the forehead of the English speaking world in 18th and 19th century and world biggest superpower and relatively at a large extent the the center of the western civilization and still is one the few core of west. And in case of russia. Until the 1990 it was the world second superpower and the center of the independent civilization. ( Even though they lost but never the less they rivaled the west for sometimes. )

So in that sense. no wonder how much significant turkey hold among muslim countries. Hundred years ago turkey was center of islamic civilization. And it is the only country in the muslim world that were able to survive the destruction of colonization. Every other muslim nations were havoced in socio-cultural and socio economical domain. So it is not surprising at all that, everybody will be looking for a 'turkish model'. Everybody will want partnership and cooperation with turkey in technology economy and trade. I don't know if you find it problematic, but I think it's very natural. WITH GREATER POWER COMES GREATER RESPONSIBILITY. And it is equally true for everybody regardless of every nation.

You said bangladesh has population of 170 million and then concluded what we should ect, ect. You are comparing bangladesh in reference to what ? Turkey ? It is true that, bangladesh has twice of turkish population but our is half of the turkish gdp. But this kind of straight forward comparison is tremendously flawed because it doesn't take into account the historical context of the compared countries.

For example, in the same logic it can be argued 'turkey should have on per with germany in term of economy and technology when it has similar population size and bigger land mass and relatively more natural resources than germany and most importantly unlike germany it wasn't havoced by world war two. But turkish economy only one fifth of german one. Or it can be said turkey has nearly twice the population of south Korea but it's ecomony less than half of Korean economy despite the fact korea was havoced by japanese invasion prior world war ii and later by the korean war. These are all just dumb comparison because it doesn't take everything into account.

But if we wanna have a fair comparison between turkey and Bangladesh it will look like that. Firstly, Geographically turkey has much bigger landscape and much more natural resources than bangladesh. Now, let's talk about last hundred year. After world War I and turkish independent war for nearly last hundred years turkey had relative stability no war on its soil and probably had only one major natural disaster ( 1939 Erizincan earthquake with 32000 casualties ) and in last 70 years around 100k people died in earthquakes in turkey.

and what happened with bangladesh? World war one.
1. Than in world war ii, bangladesh was the near Frontline against the brutal japanese. And that's wasn't bad enough .
2. British created the bengal femine at the same time which killed 4 to 5 million bengali.
3. And then the subcontinent independent.
4. And then 1965 war.
5. And then 1970 world most deadliest cyclone in history left nearly one milion Bangladeshi dead.
6. And then 1971 independent war which killed another million.
And then 1974 femine which killed another million.
7. And then in 1990 world second deadliest cyclone.
And these are just human casualties forget about the properties that has been lost! Every renowned economist and the experts in the world were dead sure bangladesh won't survive as a nation. It is simply not possible after everything that happened. it just going to collapse. And that's what they said that time over and over again.

You see, probably no other nation in the world faced what we faced in last 75 years And yet here we are in 2022. It is a miracle that where we stand today.

last but not the least where did you find the idea that I am expecting turks to do all the fighting and dying? Did bangladesh told turkey to intervene in syria and libya? No! Turkey did it on its own for its own interests. And please don't pretend that turkey is the only one who do all the fighting for good.

Why do you think bangladesh has the 1st place in UN peacekeeping mission? There are way more larger nations and more larger and powerful militaries out there! China, usa, india, indonesia, brazil and pakistan And yet by and large we have the most contributions in peacekeeping. Over the decades In africa bangladesh peacekeepers at least by and large prevented or contained two conflict which could have killed thousands of africans. At least, in syria and libya turkey has major geopolitical interests along with the humanitarian causes. but what interest bangladesh have in africa ?
So I think you can have some respect for us too.
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Not really
Just listen to the interview and you will realise that all of his responses are spot on!
Think about it; why on Earth should Turkey completely support Ukraine, antagonise Russia and for most of the Turkish ppl to freeze during the winter for the European masterrace theory and yet the Europeans will never still accept the Turks

The greatest miatake of Erdogan's govt is the refugees issue

However, as for the Turkish economy, it is so complicated that it wont be solved by just raising the interest rates
>destroy turkey with islamist ideas
>enter syria(can't act without russia or america)
>buy s400
>Put people who don't even have license for those jobs into places
>talk about we have allah all the time
Yeah bro

Oh lets not forget only arresting Turks but not kurdish pkk supporters in turkiye
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>destroy turkey with islamist ideas
>enter syria(can't act without russia or america)
>buy s400
>Put people who don't even have license for those jobs into places
>talk about we have allah all the time
Yeah bro

Oh lets not forget only arresting Turks but not kurdish pkk supporters in turkiye

Soon we will send this backwards islamist goverment to arabs desert you can be sure on that.
Entering Syria was one of the best decisions the AKP ever took in their lifetime
It is thx to such decisions that the mortality rate of turkish citizens is below 10 per year and even reaches 0 during the last 4 years
If TSK didnt enter Syria, then the PKK would have been commiting terrorist attacks within Turkey as if it is a picnic

As for the S400, I still believe that it was good to say fq you to the Americans. Moreover, it is thx to this incodent that the TFX was given utmost priority and now it enters the assembly phase

Iam happy to see such projects come to fruition


Entering Syria was one of the best decisions the AKP ever took in their lifetime
It is thx to such decisions that the mortality rate of turkish citizens is below 10 per year and even reaches 0 during the last 4 years
If TSK didnt enter Syria, then the PKK would have been commiting terrorist attacks within Turkey as if it is a picnic

As for the S400, I still believe that it was good to say fq you to the Americans. Moreover, it is thx to this incodent that the TFX was given utmost priority and now it enters the assembly phase

Iam happy to see such projects come to fruition
You don't even live here.

We entered syria and now what? We ain't doing shit while we are getting attacked 24 7 because of your precious georgian(He is georgian) Turkish soldiers are dying for what? for qataris and others to buy up our land?


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Damm! He is a solid diplomat.
Erdogan interview was really good tbh
He knows what he is doing and what he was saying during the interview

He clearly supported Ukraine's integrity while locking hands with Putin a few days ago in the Shanghai summit.
He stated how the EU kept turkey from EU membership for nearly 60 years and are bitching when Turkey starts to search for alternatives!
He clearly demonstrated Turkey's role as a regional power as well as a mediator on an international level and that Turkey is capable of leaving its mark even when the players are of the big 5!

And yet ppl believes that he was the one who completely destroyed Turkey's perfect foreign policy pre-2022; Although the true reason for the current antagonisation against the Turks is the miraculous rise of the Turkish defence industry. The Europeans are afraid of the rise of a new Turkish superpower in the international arena and a new uncontrollable power dominating the Europeans in the future; thus, they will ensure to destroy the TSK defence industry while it is still growing and havent yet reached the maturation phase otherwise it will be too late to stop the Turks from taking back what is theirs


Its funny to see only erdogan supporters here are non turks arabs-albanians-bangladeshis says a lot about our current status.

Also lets not forget countless pakistani extremist brought to Turkey to defend islamist goverment.

I can't take this stuff anymore really while we are suffering under this people who doesn't even live here have audacity to lecture us.

Lets not forget precious erdogan and süleyman soylu are running a drug operation.

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