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A peace process is not possible as long as they impose an embargo on Gaza.![]()
Turkey hopes for better relations with Israel, Erdoğan says
Turkey has not fully cut off its relations with Israel and continues to cooperate with the country in the intelligence field, President Recep
Looks like ties may finally be reestablished with Israel. We'll see where this leads.
Another source:
Erdogan says Turkey interested in improving relations with Israel
Earlier this month, Ankara reportedly appointed Ufuk Ulutas, 40, from its Foreign Ministry as an Ambassador to
On the contrary Israel has stepped out of its calm policy and is slowly causing alarms to go off as to how Israel is a threat to the region. Israel needs to ease its tension more than Turkey does.I think the Syria issue is more important, and the terrorist state they’re trying to build there. FP wise I don’t see Turkey in any strong position or a need for Israel to mend ties as of now.
In my eyes Turkey is more in dire needs of allies than the other way around.
1. Rule of Dealing With Israel:On the contrary Israel has stepped out of its calm policy and is slowly causing alarms to go off as to how Israel is a threat to the region. Israel needs to ease its tension more than Turkey does.
It's not an embargo un Turkey, it's Gaza. Maybe it's very important for radical Islamists and Jihadists. but not for the regular citizens of Turkey.A peace process is not possible as long as they impose an embargo on Gaza.
Your observation is far from reality. A few people sampled on the net do not paint the picture.I see that lot of turks simp for israel, that is kimd ironic as cionist with help of britain screwed ottoman empire. Nowerdays it is kind of necessity and i can not critique it much as long your eggs are not in one basket.
For me natural alloes of turkey in ideal setup are iran and pakistan with exstension to southeast asia amd central asia amd that is where futue lies, demogrhapic potentital of this countries is huge and evemtually it will reflect on economy to, it would be chatastrofic if you miss that train.
- Russia : Welcome to the resistance.
According to jerusalem post Turkey and Russia increase cooperation to push US out of ME.