Greece Analysis Greece & Libya Relations


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Greece-Libya teleconference was held on Saturday, which included many axes and files, mainly the facilitation of travel procedures and the opening of direct air and shipping lines between the two countries, write Libyan publications.

The Libyan House of Representatives said in a statement that the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives, Youssef al-Akouri, discussed with the Greek embassy in Libya, Ioannis Stamatekos, the exclusive economic zone between the two agreement concluded by the previous Government of National Accord with the Turkey.

Al-Akuri stressed that the House of Representatives, in addition to stability for the country’s national interests, also takes into account the stability of the eastern Mediterranean region and the achievement of a fair and comprehensive agreement on the sharing of resources in the eastern Mediterranean.

He added that the maritime agreement between Libya and Turkey was not resolved by the Libyan government and did not come to the House of Representatives for consideration and discussion.

In November 2019, Turkey announced the signing of an agreement on the demarcation of the maritime border in the Mediterranean with the Government of a National Accord, led by Fayez al-Saraj, as well as an additional agreement on enhanced security and military cooperation.

To continue​

According to the announcement of the Libyan Parliament, Greece and Libya agreed to continue the meetings and to exchange visits for further coordination and discussions on issues of concern to the two countries.

While the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives underlined the very positive position of the parliament for the historical and geographical relations with Greece in all areas, the Greek envoy stressed the “determination” of his country to strengthen the relations with Libya. .

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis had announced in April 2021 that Athens and Tripoli had agreed to hold talks on demarcating the maritime border between the two countries, something that was the subject of controversy after the Saraj government signed an agreement with Turkey.



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Officials Discuss New Maritime Route Between Libya & Greece​

On Sunday, the Mayor of the Tobruk municipality, Faraj Boual Khattabia, held a meeting with the Greek Ambassador to Libya, Ioannis Stamatekos, to discuss the possibility of setting up a maritime route between the Libyan eastern city of Tobruk and Greece. Greece is the closest European country to Tobruk, about 300 km from the city.

He also commended the efforts of the executing Greek firm METKA for the gas-powered electricity plant with a production capacity of 740 megawatts in Tobruk.

METKA is the sustainable engineering solutions business unit of MYTILINEOS S.A., undertaking the development and implementation of sustainable engineering projects, as well as the construction of thermal power plants and selected infrastructure projects.

In addition, Boual Khattabia demanded the necessity of opening an office for the Greek Embassy in Tobruk in order to facilitate the issuance of visas for Libyan citizens.

In April, Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, visited Libya and expressed his country’s readiness to start direct negotiations with Libya on maritime border demarcation.

He also affirmed that the Libyan-Turkish Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed in December 2019 on cooperation on natural gas drilling in the Mediterranean is “illegitimate and legally powerless.” The Prime Minister also pointed out that such MoU breaches “Greece’s sovereign rights.”



lol first you defended the ones who are responsible for killing and bombing libyans now you are talking to them.

Nice hyprocrisy


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lol first you defended the ones who are responsible for killing and bombing libyans now you are talking to them.

Nice hyprocrisy
Greece intervenes politically in Libya, when your country-known as troublemaker of the region- signed a non-existent (MoU) with a puppet government. And practice has shown that it does what a country that really wants peace in a neighboring country should do.


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Greece intervenes politically in Libya, when your country-known as troublemaker of the region- signed a non-existent (MoU) with a puppet government. And practice has shown that it does what a country that really wants peace in a neighboring country should do.

This was the person you enounce as persona non grate when they made EEZ deal with Turkey in 2019. After that youuuu came back and vistited the same person lol....


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This was the person you enounce as persona non grate when they made EEZ deal with Turkey in 2019. After that youuuu came back and vistited the same person lol....
You are misinforming intentionally.
Menfi as ambassador and representative of the Saraj puppet government, was given a 72 hours deadline until 2019-12-5, to deliver a copy of the controversial Turkey-Libya Agreement on the “maritime borders to the Greek goverment.
He failed to comply.


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The Netherlands Correspondent
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You are misinforming intentionally.
Menfi as ambassador and representative of the Saraj puppet government, was given a 72 hours deadline until 2019-12-5, to deliver a copy of the controversial Turkey-Libya Agreement on the “maritime borders to the Greek goverment.
He failed to comply.

Your warlord haftar puppy wasn't elected by the parlement lol, and you don't seem to understand what dumb situation Greece is in. The same person who was sent away was the head of the country and you came to slime to the guy :D .


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You are misinforming intentionally.
Menfi as ambassador and representative of the Saraj puppet government, was given a 72 hours deadline until 2019-12-5, to deliver a copy of the controversial Turkey-Libya Agreement on the “maritime borders to the Greek goverment.
He failed to comply.

Ahh yes Haftar with its salafist militias backed by Sisi's Egypt, UAE, Russia with its Wagner mercs are so legitamate right?

You guys were trying to steal libyas eez until you got caught. The reason why libya could not do anything about greece stealing their waters due to them being weak along with a civil war which destroyed their country.

By the way before you paint us as supporting isis in libya it was the Turkish backed GNA which took Sirte back in a long bloody fight.


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You guys were trying to steal libyas eez until you got caught. The reason why libya could not do anything about greece stealing their waters due to them being weak along with a civil war which destroyed their country.
You are misinforming intentionally.
Libya itself states that Greece wanted an EEZ agreement, according to the principle of drawing a middle line as remark in UNCLOS.


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You are misinforming intentionally.
Libya itself states that Greece wanted an EEZ agreement, according to the principle of drawing a middle line as remark in UNCLOS.

You really think this means anything you guys tried to use unclos to steal their eez. Bad luck the Turks and Libyans signed a win/win deal.

Turks in Libya are seen as a positive force. Ataturk and Enver Pasha are a legend there. Omar Mukhtars son talked about how the locals still talk about Turkish officers and soldiers who fought in Libya against the Italian invaders. Mind you even a Ottoman prince fought there.


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You really think this means anything you guys tried to use unclos to steal their eez. Bad luck the Turks and Libyans signed a win/win deal.
Again : you are misinforming intentionally.
Bad luck the Turks and Libyans signed a win/win deal.
Regarding this issue, I provide the following information:
  • The current conflict in Libya can be traced to 2014, when a coalition of Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist elements from Misrata violently took over Tripoli after Islamists resoundingly lost the democratic elections
  • Supporting this violent removal of the elected parliament was Turkey and Qatar, which supplied the militias with arms and logistical support and who continue to resist elections, fight the national army to this day and promotes the so called UN-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) of Fayez al-Sarraj, that is strongly influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist elements
  • Acording the article 8 of the Skhirat Agreement prohibits the Libyan Prime Minister or GNA from solely clinching international deals without consent of all the cabinet members.
  • This agreement is null and void since it was not endorsed by the House of Representatives of Libya, as required by article 8, paragraph 2 (f), of the Libyan Political Agreement of 2015, approved by the UN Security Council through its resolution 2259 (2015).
  • This agreement was unequivocally rejected by the President of the House of Representatives of Libya, Aguila Saleh Issa, in a letter sent to the UN Secretary-General.
  • Egypt, EU, USA, Russia, etc., general the International Community do not recognize the agreement.
  • Final, the Turkish-GNA memorandum on maritime zones was cancelled by the Al-Bayda Court of Appeals of Libya in its 27 January 2021 ruling


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Again : you are misinforming intentionally.

Regarding this issue, I provide the following information:
  • The current conflict in Libya can be traced to 2014, when a coalition of Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist elements from Misrata violently took over Tripoli after Islamists resoundingly lost the democratic elections
  • Supporting this violent removal of the elected parliament was Turkey and Qatar, which supplied the militias with arms and logistical support and who continue to resist elections, fight the national army to this day and promotes the so called UN-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) of Fayez al-Sarraj, that is strongly influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist elements
  • Acording the article 8 of the Skhirat Agreement prohibits the Libyan Prime Minister or GNA from solely clinching international deals without consent of all the cabinet members.
  • This agreement is null and void since it was not endorsed by the House of Representatives of Libya, as required by article 8, paragraph 2 (f), of the Libyan Political Agreement of 2015, approved by the UN Security Council through its resolution 2259 (2015).
  • This agreement was unequivocally rejected by the President of the House of Representatives of Libya, Aguila Saleh Issa, in a letter sent to the UN Secretary-General.
  • Egypt, EU, USA, Russia, etc., general the International Community do not recognize the agreement.
  • Final, the Turkish-GNA memorandum on maritime zones was cancelled by the Al-Bayda Court of Appeals of Libya in its 27 January 2021 ruling

GNA Is the legit government of Libya its even UN recognised. Al Bayda court ran by the LNA has no ruling.

Who was trying to violently take power it was the lna led by warlord haftar. Funny how you guys are backing a warlord who is trying to take power violently. Haftars army is also full of salafi islamist militias along with mercs from sudan and russia like wagner.

Lna violently tried to takeover Tripoli. Gna is also supported by Turkey, Qatar and Italy.


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GNA Is the legit government of Libya its even UN recognised. Al Bayda court ran by the LNA has no ruling.

Who was trying to violently take power it was the lna led by warlord haftar. Funny how you guys are backing a warlord who is trying to take power violently. Haftars army is also full of salafi islamist militias along with mercs from sudan and russia like wagner.

Lna violently tried to takeover Tripoli. Gna is also supported by Turkey, Qatar and Italy.
  • The current conflict in Libya can be traced to 2014, when a coalition of Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist elements from Misrata violently took over Tripoli after Islamists resoundingly lost the democratic elections
  • Supporting this violent removal of the elected parliament was Turkey and Qatar, which supplied the militias with arms and logistical support and who continue to resist elections, fight the national army to this day and promotes the so called UN-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) of Fayez al-Sarraj, that is strongly influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist elements.
  • The House of Representatives remained in Tobruk since then, as the capital of the country and the Western region became occupied by militias.
  • GNA was in fact, an unelected and expired entity which was never ratified by the Libyan House of Representatives.
  • On March 2015, the elected Libyan parliament and the only internationally recognized parliament of Libya appointed Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar to head the Libyan National Army (LNA) and combat terrorism, militias, and to restore Libyan sovereignty from the ISIS strongholds that established in the country.


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  • The current conflict in Libya can be traced to 2014, when a coalition of Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist elements from Misrata violently took over Tripoli after Islamists resoundingly lost the democratic elections
  • Supporting this violent removal of the elected parliament was Turkey and Qatar, which supplied the militias with arms and logistical support and who continue to resist elections, fight the national army to this day and promotes the so called UN-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA) of Fayez al-Sarraj, that is strongly influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist elements.
  • The House of Representatives remained in Tobruk since then, as the capital of the country and the Western region became occupied by militias.
  • GNA was in fact, an unelected and expired entity which was never ratified by the Libyan House of Representatives.
  • On March 2015, the elected Libyan parliament and the only internationally recognized parliament of Libya appointed Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar to head the Libyan National Army (LNA) and combat terrorism, militias, and to restore Libyan sovereignty from the ISIS strongholds that established in the country.

If the gna cared about violent removal they would have been marching on Benghazi.

Instead the opposite happened. Haftar tried to seize power through violent means and was backed by various militias and mercs.

He also laid siege to tripoli and the siege lasted a whole year.

Remember which is UN recognozed it is the GNA not the lna.


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Greece intervenes politically in Libya, when your country-known as troublemaker of the region- signed a non-existent (MoU) with a puppet government. And practice has shown that it does what a country that really wants peace in a neighboring country should do.
Elected goverment = puppet
Warlord supported by petro monarchies = legitimate goverment
Logic = 0
Hotel = trivago


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EEZ according to Greece.


EEZ according to Libya

Only dumb warlord Haftar likes would sell ther country for power, so thats why people like Akritas call Saraj people puppets, because the are fighting for ther rights :D .

Western style democracy is over, the people will choose ther leader and not a puppet selected by Western powers.


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Greece is definitely an enemy for libya .. libya is extremely affected by greece expansionist behavior esp with their alleged EEZ which steal a huge area of libyan EEZ .. they take advantage of egy-uae-france puppet "hafter" who give no shit except to be the ruler .. but things started to change .. hafter failed .. he is about to be out of the scene .. turkey started to rebuild the bonds with east libya .. couple months ago senior officials who are also members of libyan parliament (represent the east ) said that turkish mavivatan is absolutely go along with libyan interest .. so its a huge change .. imo greek map came to an end .. and became a joke


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EEZ according to Greece.

View attachment 39622
You understand that your map is not valid and is a product of Turkish propaganda.
The map below is the official one, published in 2011, according to the middle line and UNCLOS.


I note that the eastern border has already been recognized by Egypt, Greece is just waiting for Libya to get a government, for trilateral talks to take place, and for the process to go as provided by the UNCLOS



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EEZ according to Libya
View attachment 39623
This map is according the agreement Turkey and Sarraj, not between Turkey and Libya.
The tragic, funny thing is that you are talking about an EEZ, while your country, Turkey, has not signed the treaty that recognizing the EEZ, the so-called UNCLOS.
I also remind you again of what you did not read:
  • This agreement is null and void since it was not endorsed by the House of Representatives of Libya, as required by article 8, paragraph 2 (f), of the Libyan Political Agreement of 2015, approved by the UN Security Council through its resolution 2259 (2015).
  • This agreement was unequivocally rejected by the President of the House of Representatives of Libya, Aguila Saleh Issa, in a letter sent to the UN Secretary-General.
  • Egypt, EU, USA, Russia, etc., general the International Community do not recognize the agreement.
  • Final, the Turkish-GNA memorandum on maritime zones was cancelled by the Al-Bayda Court of Appeals of Libya in its 27 January 2021 ruling

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