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September 1, 1921 is the wedding day of the last Ottoman sultan, Vahdettin...
Today we celebrate the 100th anniversary of this magnificent wedding, this marriage...
yes, the last sultan and the Islamic caliph, Mehmet Vahdettin, got married to Ms. Nimet Nevzad on September 1, 1921, and had a wedding at the Yıldız Palace.ım
Vahdettin was 61 years old when he married Mrs.
the bride lady was only 19 years old.
Vahdettin had 2 daughters, one 27 years old and the other 29 years old, when he bought himself a wife of 19 years old.
The more important point here is that on the day of Vahdettin's wedding to his 19-year-old bride, the Greek army had crossed to the east of Sakarya and was forcing the gates of Ankara.
Our national forces under the command of Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Pasha were defending every inch of Anatolia's lands in Sakarya with the philosophy of "There is no line defense, there is only the surface defense, that surface is the whole homeland".
1/3 of the army had fled the war at that time, unfortunately...
those who fled may have thought; "While we are trying to defend the homeland with our heads on the couch, our sultan and caliph are having a wedding with a crispy bride..."
These lands have seen all kinds of treachery.
While the enemy was putting his dagger into the heart of the country, he even saw those who made wedding associations, even the caliphs who married girls who were his grandchildren's age...
Would a person who loves his homeland even a little marry under these conditions?
He's nice, he doesn't care about his homeland, and he doesn't care about his family either.
because while he was escaping from the country with the British battleship, he left behind his young wife, Mrs. Blessing Nevzad, and entrusted him to the British, and took him from this holy homeland.
If a person leaves his homeland and has a wedding, he can of course leave his wife to the enemy soldier...
This homeland, this republic was founded despite the Vahdettins, it was won despite the Vahdettins.
Today, when someone praises Vahdettin to you, slap him in the face of that traitor who praised Vahdettin, that Vahdettin had a wedding during this Sakarya War...
He will be silent, he will be silent, he will not be able to speak, he will not be able to answer...
hey turkish son...
today is 1 september...
100 years ago today, the traitor Vahdettin was having a wedding in Sakarya, while someone was fighting for life and death...
do not forget it...
Only one year after that wedding, Mustafa Kemal Pasha defeated the Greeks, and 99 years ago today, he was giving the following order to the Turkish army;
"Armies, your first goal is the Mediterranean. Forward..."
Dear friends, I see with sadness that there are immoral people among us who defend this wedding, which was held when our country was on the verge of extinction, while our nation was fighting against the invading enemy, and found it normal.
Of course, concepts such as morality, patriotism, honor and honor are always a matter of cibility.
Throughout history, there have been traitors and ignorant people in our society, unfortunately they still exist.
100 years ago today, when Vahdettin was having a wedding, our officers and pashas who fought at the front could have lived a very luxurious life in Istanbul if they wanted to. but they preferred to be honest, moral, honorable people and they were martyred in the Anatolian steppes and became veterans.
See, another small example for you to understand what kind of person Vahdettin is.
Vahdettin, who had a wedding during the War of Independence, had a son-in-law; Ismail Hakkı Tevfik Okday.
Damat Ismail right was working for the national struggle in all this betrayal, he was acting with the police organization. and finally he left the palace and joined the national struggle.
(bkz: the groom who escaped from the palace and joined the national struggle/#42140928)
On the one hand, the groom who left the palace with patriotic morality and went to the front, on the other hand, the father-in-law who had a wedding while the country was burning...
Will you still defend this traitor called Vahdettin???
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A people, even if it does not have the same racial roots, has every legal and moral right to defend the state entity it has created. No one has the right to decide on the partition of another country. In the aftermath of the American-French Revolution and the Enlightenment, such political pursuits became anachronistic practices.
Happy Victory Day