Here Is Why Blaming China Is Always Politically Right


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Here Is Why Blaming China Is Always Politically Right.​

In 2020, the United States no longer call rioters in China's Xinjiang as terrorists, and created rumors that millions of Uygurs are in concentration camps, look at the pictures of ordinary people in Xinjiang, don't you think they are not happier than people in the free world?

Taiwan is another trump that has been used to restrict China. in recent years, Taiwan people have to pay extremely high prices to buy outdated weapons and air crafts from the US. most of which can hardly enhance Taiwan's security at all. Taiwan has literally become the A T M of the united states. if the reunification really begins, we do not know whether the US air craft carriers will appear, putting themselves under the possible bombarding of missiles from China Mainland. by the way, even US generals admit that China's missiles are at the same level, is not stronger, with the United States.

Taiwan has a population of about 24 million, or less. while China mainland has a population of 1.44 billion, 60 times bigger than that of Taiwan. and even the United States wants to help Taiwan, how many troops should it send, to defend the so called freedom of 24 million Taiwanese? and there is a very interest question here: if China becomes the world's number one superpower, how many Taiwanese people are willing to express their pride of being Chinese? in the west, the question why blaming China is always politically right, is not a question at all. the war already began, although it is a colored revolution, like that between the US and the former Soviet Union, any delusional hope should not exist at all. Now, we would like to raise another question to end this video. How many people in the world will pursue Chinese Dream, when they find American Dreams are so fragile?

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