Isa Khan

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Commander Shaikh Imtiaz Bin Firoz, (H1), psc, BN


The blue economy concept came to the discussion to meet the challenges of the 21st century. After the maritime boundary delimitation with neighboring countries, the Government of Bangladesh stated its interest in pursuing the blue economy concept. However, there are number of challenges on the way to adopt an effective blue economy concept. Bangladesh Navy (BN) is also performing their role to support the national blue economy. The fundamental intention of this paper was to analyze the present capabilities of BN, whether its development can enhance the capability to support national blue economy program of Bangladesh or not. It seems that if BN can improve its overall capability, it would support the national blue economy in a better way.


The ocean of the world is essential to our planet’s existence. This provides the largest source of protein for humans and absorbs about 25 percent of our carbon dioxide emissions as well as most of the extra heat in the world. The ocean also contains half of the oxygen in the planet. For their livelihoods, cultures and traditions, billions of people depend on it. The seabed currently provides extension of production for 32 percent of the global source of hydrocarbons. The sea also provides tremendous potential for the creation of sustainable “blue energy” from wind, water, tidal, thermal and biomass sources. According to the World Bank, the blue economy is the “Sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the health of ocean ecosystem″.

In Bangladesh, discussions on blue economy started after the settlement of maritime boundary delimitation dispute with Myanmar (2012) and India (2014). Proliferation of marine resources in this area offers scope to Bangladesh for sustainable economic development, which needs an integrated maritime policy. Bangladesh Navy (BN) is responsible to acquire bathymetric and oceanographic information of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) as per the Rules of Business provided by the Government. With the existing hydrographic and oceanographic capabilities, BN can support the national blue economy activities.

In that context BN started their journey of hydrographic survey with two survey crafts namely BNS TALLASHI and BNS DARSHAK in the year 1983 and successfully published the first chart in the same year. With the hard work by the hydrographers, BN could publish international and national charts for the whole coastal area and EEZ of the country. BN also started producing Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) which is necessary for navigation.

The improvement of hydrographic and oceanographic capabilities of BN is now taking shape to support the national blue economy. There are many areas in the coast and EEZ where the hydrographic survey was not conducted by multibeam echo sounder which is very essential in modern days. Furthermore, the other capabilities like the efficiency of personnel, providing training, interoperability among the maritime agencies etc also require improvement. The existing BN hydrographic and oceanographic capabilities may support the national blue economy in a limited scale. However, there are scopes to improve the hydrographic and oceanographic capabilities of BN to support the national blue economy.

In this paper existing resources, capabilities and probable contribution of BN to support the national blue economy will be analysed. Thereafter, the existing challenges and ways out will be highlighted in this paper. However, the main analysis will be made for finding out the ways to improve the role of BN to support the national blue economy.


The aim of this paper is to highlight the ways to improve the hydrographic and oceanographic capabilities of BN to support the national blue economy.

Concepts of Blue Economy, Hydrography and Oceanography

Genesis of Blue Economy

The UN University (UNU) first conceptualized Blue Economy in 1994. A Belgian born economist and entrepreneur, Gunter Pauli, was invited by the University to establish a think tank with the objective of creating a new economic model that added jobs and value to society without increasing polluting waste, emissions or cost of investments. Interestingly, this initiative was seeded by the UNU almost three years prior to the Kyoto Protocol. Consequently, Pauli established the Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives (ZERI) in Switzerland. ZERI’s focus was to move commerce and industry towards sustainability without subsidies and tax cuts. Finally, in 2010, ZERI came up with a proposal of 100 innovations and presented it in a Report to the Club of Rome titled The Blue Economy. Thus, ZERI could be considered as the cradle of Blue Economy.

Importance of Hydrography and Oceanography to Support the Blue Economy

Hydrography is hardly mentioned in the everyday parlance of the public. Furthermore, it is neither discussed nor regarded as a pressing national issue. However, hydrography is an essential tool for different ocean activities, livelihoods and revenue earnings. In addition to maritime safety, hydrography gives sustenance to the blue economy, involving activities such as: energy, maritime transport, telecommunications, tourism, fishing, meteorology, among others. To emphasize the importance of the blue economy, the theme for the World Hydrography Day 2013 was “Hydrography - Underpinning the Blue Economy”. In 2018 the theme was selected as “Bathymetry - the foundation for sustainable seas, oceans and waterways”. These two self-explanatory sentences speak about the importance of hydrography and oceanography in support of blue economy more specifically for a sustainable blue economy. If hydrography and oceanography do not function, then vessels do not get to their destination or environmental data gathering is not happened. Some of the aspects of the blue economy where hydrography and oceanography functions are :

a. Nautical Charting (Navigation).

b. Port and Harbor Maintenance (Dredging).

c. Coastal Engineering (Engineering and Modeling).

d. Coastal Zone Management (Coastal and Marine Governance).

e. Offshore Resource Management, Development and Exploitation
(Economic Activities).

f. Weather Forecast.

g. Climate Change Research.

Blue Economy Concept of Bangladesh

Presently, the Blue Economy has no consistent concept throughout the world. It is now comprehended in different ways by different countries and different organizations. They are defining blue economy as development philosophy, economic policy, strategic framework or the extension of marine economy. Blue Economy in Bangladesh is about sustainable economic development, considering advantages and strategies of managing the resources of blue ocean, where economy grows and people prosper, ensuring the carrying capacity of blue ocean. It is evident that blue economy demands a balance of conservation, utilization and exploitation. After the maritime boundary delimitation with neighboring countries in 2014, the Government of Bangladesh stated its interest
in pursuing the blue economy concept as part of the country’s growth strategy.

Present Capabilities and Recent Developments of BN

Present Capabilities of BN

A Blue Economy Cell was established in NHQ on 07 February 2017 to coordinate matters with different ministries and agencies. Later a Blue Economy Directorate (Adhoc) was established in NHQ under Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Operations) who is also performing the duties of Chairman of National Hydrographic Committee (NHC).

Hydrographic Office/ Services. Bangladesh Navy Hydrographic Department (BNHD) is vested with the responsibility of hydrographic survey in the coastal and offshore area of Bangladesh. Besides, Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) conducts surveys for inland waters. The BNHD consists of a fleet of five survey ships and craft, Bangladesh Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Center (BNHOC) and BN Hydrographic School.

The Directorate of Hydrography at the Naval Headquarters is the national representative of Bangladesh to International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and exercise functional authority over BNHD. All the hydrographic activities of the country are coordinated through the National Hydrographic Committee (NHC). NHC addresses the hydrographic and other related activities at the national level. Different ministries and stakeholders are the members of NHC. The Assistant Chief of Naval Staff (Operations) of BN is the Chairman of that Committee.

Hydrographic and Oceanographic Surveys. BNHD carries out survey operations with the help of her survey fleet which comprises of a purpose-built deep-sea survey vessel namely BNS ANUSHANDHAN, two offshore survey vessels namely BNS SHAIBAL and BNS SUROVI and two coastal survey crafts namely BNS TALLASHI and BNS DARSHAK. BN also has two specialized survey boats in her inventory. All these ships/craft are fitted with modern hydrographic equipment for carrying out effective survey operations.


Survey Activities. BN survey fleet carries out hydrographic survey operations every year as per the annual survey programme. BN Chief Hydrographer in consultation with Hydrography Directorate in Naval Headquarters promulgates annual survey programme considering national maritime interest pertaining to navigational safety. Due to the dynamic nature of coastal area, BNHD must continue regular updating of national and international series charts to ensure safe navigation. Not only that, BNHD also carries out a good number of survey activities considering the requirement placed to BN Chief Hydrographer.

Oceanographic Activities. After the settlement of the maritime boundary with neighbours, Bangladesh has given special emphasis on oceanographic research activities. Bangladesh Government is planning to acquire an Oceanographic Research Vessel. BN Officers are also undergoing higher study on Oceanography in various institutions of Bangladesh including Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University, Dhaka University, etc. Since other Bangladeshi universities and research organizations are not capable to proceed to sea due to unavailability of vessels, BN helps with suitable platforms. BNHD always remains supportive to oceanographic researchers to ensure that they get maximum opportunity to carry out research activities for acquiring better knowledge about the marine environment.

Bangladesh Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Centre (BNHOC)

BN Chart Depot was established in 1983. After modernization of the hydrography department, the responsibility and sector of hydrographic survey increased manifold. But BN Hydrographic Department did not have a full-fledged organization to monitor the survey works, data processing, cartographic works, storing of data, circulation and in general a research institute. The necessity was felt to establish a center as the hub of all hydrographic activities of BN.

To perform all those tasks BNHOC was established in the year of 2001 and BN Chart Depot was merged with that center. With the enhanced capability of international standard hydrographic survey, BN brought home the prestigious membership of International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) in 2001. Subsequently BN were entrusted by IHO with 09 international charts. BNHOC has already published 49 national charts and 11 ENC of all the major seaports, rivers and EEZ areas of Bangladesh.

BN Hydrographic School

BN Hydrographic School was established in 1983. From the very beginning the school has conducted various courses. The Basic Hydrographic Course conducted by BN Hydrographic School is recognized by the International Board on Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (IBSC) as Cat ‘B’. Apart from BN officers and sailors, BN Hydrographic School also provides training to IHO member states trainees as well as personnel from non-military survey agencies of the country.

Recent Developments of BN

Different equipment and technologies used for Hydrographic and oceanographic survey are changing and modernizing day by day. To cope with the challenges of 21st century BN is also developing herself. Few of the ongoing projects are appended below :

a. BN Chief Hydrographer. The post of BN Chief Hydrographer in a rank of Commodore has been already approved by the Government of Bangladesh. All the hydrographic and oceanographic activities of BN were conducted under his supervision. Close coordination with the Government agencies, departments, institutions and ministries will be needed in this regard.

b. Survey Vessels. 02 in number catamaran type Hydrographic Survey Vessels and 02 in number Survey Boats constructed at Khulna Shipyard Limited, which are already in operation. These vessels/boats are equipped with MBES and other state of modern hydrographic survey equipment’s.

c. New Technologies and Equipment’s. Incorporation of new technologies and equipment is a continuous process. BN is also in progress of acquiring following equipment in recent years :

(1) Shallow Water Multibeam Echo Sounder.

(2) Side Scan Sonar.

(3) Single Beam Echo Sounder.

(4) Auto Tide Gauge.

(5) Total Station.

(6) Various Hydrographic and Cartographic Software.

(7) Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler.

Limitations of BN to Support National Blue Economy

Limitations of BN

Since the inception BN has developed a lot. Initially the work process was not digital, and the survey work was time consuming. Presently all the survey work is being carried out digitally. But the technologies and equipment’s are also upgrading very fast. Few of them are mentioned below :

a. Shortage of Skilled Manpower. Shortage of skilled manpower has become a burning issue for BN. Most of the ships and establishments of BN are directly suffering from skilled manpower. To meet the challenges of the 21st century and to keep pace with world hydrographic and oceanographic trends, personnel of BN need proper and modern training. Though BN has a good number of officers and sailors, most of them remain out of departmental jobs for long times. The most skilled personnel are picked up by NHQ and some other organizations for their communal or deputation duties. Even, when they are appointed/ drafted in any hydrographic ship or organization they are performing temporary (Ty) duties in different bases, forward bases and projects.

b. Shortage of Purpose-Built Hydrographic Ships. BN has a total of 5 hydrographic ships. Amongst them only BNS ANUSHANDHAN and two newly built catamaran type vessels are purpose built hydrographic ships. Besides these two modified mine sweepers comprising BN hydrographic survey fleet. Most of the equipment’s are portable while there are no modern survey boats onboard except BNS DARSHAK and BNS TALLASHI. BN remains committed throughout the year for military hydrography and oceanographic data collection. She does not have equipment to conduct biological and chemical oceanographic data collection. Though BNS ANUSHANDHAN has water sampler by winch it can collect water sample up to 1200 meters depth, it does not have dry and wet laboratory onboard to test the samples.

c. Shortage of Modern Survey Equipment. The technologies of hydrographic and oceanographic survey are very fast moving. New technologies and equipment are paramount for modern survey. Previously BN only used to conduct surveys and produce paper nautical charts. To meet the challenges of 21st century and for sustainable development by supporting national blue economy program continuous upgradation of equipment and technologies are required. Incorporation of shallow water multi beam echo sounder, Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle (ROV), Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), different types of oceanographic sampler are felt necessary.

d. Absence of ORV. BN conducts hydrographic survey to fulfill the national requirement. For harnessing the resources of our sea in an efficient manner, we need to have detail information of the ocean, sea floor, sub soil and whatever there on and above. To extract the utmost benefit of the ocean, knowing the ocean has no alternative. Therefore, the requirement of Oceanographic Research Vessel (ORV) is felt by the maritime community.

However, Bangladesh has very limited oceanographic research capability. Due to the economic constraint, skilled manpower, lack of high-tech instrument and platforms the country is far lacking behind of carrying out oceanographic research and quantifying and extracting of much needed resources from sea. BN has the capabilities to cooperate with other oceanographic organizations to improve the existing oceanographic capabilities of Bangladesh by utilizing its organization, manpower, knowledge and experience of the ocean.

e. Absence of Oceanographic Lab. BN does not have any oceanographic lab facilities. Though the survey ships can collect limited amount of oceanographic data, BN doesn’t have any capabilities to store, examine and research with them. Sometimes collected soil samples were sent to the Department of Soil Science or Institute of Marine Sciences of Chittagong University for testing. Before establishing any coastal structure, BN is frequently asked to provide certain oceanographic, geological and meteorological data.

To derive maximum benefit from the national blue economy program the establishment of a fully equipped oceanographic laboratory in BNHOC has become very important. After insertion of submarine in BN fleet, the requirement has increased a lot. Along with space and equipment a certain number of trained personnel is also needed for the proper use of the labs. A full facilitated oceanographic database is also needed to store the data for future use.

Improving Capabilities of BN to Support National Blue Economy


From the study, it is well understood that the BN has the capabilities to support national Blue Economy through the skilled manpower, while utilizing knowledge, platform and sensor/gears/facilities. There is no hesitation that if BN can improve her overall capability, it would support National Blue Economy in better way.

Creating More Skilled Manpower

As skilled manpower is the prerequisite to develop any sector, BN needs to give emphasis to development of skill of her personnel. To meet the challenges of 21st century and to keep pace with world hydrographic and oceanographic trends, personnel of BN need proper and modern training. However, emphasis can be given on following points :

a. Increasing Training Facilities. The area and the dimension of BN hydrographic and oceanographic survey in BoB has increased many folds. Which demand more manpower with sufficient skill to handle the added responsibilities and future challenges. Modern training facilities with required infrastructure may help creating required skilled manpower. Increasing the capabilities/ training facilities of BN Hydrographic School may help to create more skilled manpower.

b. Requirement Based Training. Ocean research is a complex matter and with the advent of new technologies it will be more complex in future. This trend suggests a greater need for a technically skilled workforce both for academic research and support as well as implementation of monitoring and observations. BN is responsible to make professional hydrographers, cartographers and some of them may be sent to CU/DU for Master’s in Oceanography study and Bangladesh Meteorological Department/Bangladesh Air Force/ Department of Meteorology in DU.

c. Appointing Personnel in Related Field. BN has a handsome number of officers and sailors. Emphasis may be given to drafting/ appointing them in respected departmental jobs. Skilled personnel must not be in communal or deputation duties for a long time. When they are appointed/ drafted in any hydrographic ship or organization, they shouldn’t be sent for Temporary (Ty) duties which are communal in nature.

Keep Pace with Technology

Now a days hydrographic and oceanographic surveys are totally dependent on modern sensors and equipment to meet the IHO standard. At present BN has a good number of gears, equipment and sensors to conduct IHO standard hydrographic survey. But in terms of oceanographic survey capability of BN is quite limited. At the same time a few gears and equipment are age-old or nonoperational. Continuous upgradation of equipment and technologies is required to keep pace with demand. Incorporation of shallow water multi beam echo sounder, Remotely Operated underwater vehicle (ROV), Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), different types of oceanographic sampler can give a big boost.

Acquire Oceanographic Research Vessel

The main hindrance to the oceanographic research in Bangladesh is the non-availability of oceanographic research vessel. Until now, BN has provided limited support to other organizations working in the field of oceanography. However, considering the vastness of research activities for exploration and exploitation of maritime areas of Bangladesh this assistance is bare minimum, and it is necessary to have at least one or two oceanographic research vessels for the greater interest of the nation.

Building better Cooperation with other Agencies

There are numbers of agencies working directly and indirectly to work with ocean data of BoB, like BN, Chattogram Port Authority, Payra Port Authority, Mongla Port Authority, SPARRSO (Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization), BMD (Bangladesh Metrological Department), different universities, GSB (Geological Survey of Bangladesh) and many more. Resource sharing, data sharing and knowledge sharing among the agencies would enhance the overall ocean survey capability of Bangladesh. A governing body under the Prime Minister’s Office like National Maritime Division and a post like Chief Hydrographer to the Government would help build better cooperation among the agencies.

Establishment of Oceanographic Lab

An oceanographic lab under BNHOC will enable storage, examine and research with collected oceanographic data to derive best use of it. To obtain maximum benefit from the national blue economy program, the establishment of a fully equipped oceanographic laboratory in BNHOC has become very important. An ocean lab with trained personnel and a fully facilitated oceanographic database will enhance the capabilities of BN a lot.

Creating R & D Cell

Hydrographic and Oceanographic survey is conducted based on standard theories, knowledge, sensors, gears and of course by skilled workforce. Research and Development (R & D) cell would help finding out the grey areas, limitations, errors, difficulties as well as the effective solution thereof. Besides these lots of coastal mega projects are going on like deep seaport, LNG terminal, Matarbari Power Plant, etc. Their shot term and long-term effect on our coastal area and overall blue economy needs meticulous study. Hence creating an R & D cell for BN would improve her critical survey capability. Effective support from Bangladesh Oceanographic Research Institute (BORI) would help R & D activities of BN.

Conclusions and Recommendations


After the maritime boundary delimitation with the two neighbouring countries when a general consciousness is growing about the ocean and its economic use, at that time the research paper “Development of BN Hydrographic and Oceanographic Capabilities to Support National Blue Economy” aimed to identify the present capabilities and limitations of BN to support national blue economy program and find out the scopes of development for BN. The BoB have always played a key role throughout the history of Bangladesh. It is an area full of resources both for living and nonliving.

It is also a great source of potential hydrocarbons. The livelihood of coastal people and country’s overall economy is highly dependent upon the sea. With the effects of climate change, rising sea level and salinity are two big concerns to the coastal population. The monsoon and the oceanic weather have a profound influence on the activities on land. Thus, increasing the working capabilities of hydrography and oceanography is essential for Bangladesh.

After analyzing the capabilities of BN, it is found that BN has medium capabilities in hydrographic and limited capabilities in oceanographic survey. It has five survey vessel, world standard training school, skilled manpower and good amount of survey gears and equipment. The study identified that BN is providing necessary chart, tidal table, notices to mariners and other publication to international shipping. BN may help in Integrated Coastal Zone Management for subsequent coastal economic development.

It may also support concerned agencies by providing critical oceanographic, metrological and seabed data for maritime security and research work. These all are eventually supporting Blue Economic aspiration of Bangladesh. Thus, BN may be a potential part to support the national Blue Economy which demands attention of due concerned authorities. To meet the challenges of the 21st century and to support the national blue economy program BN needs to overcome her limitations. However, the likely challenges of BN to support blue economy program are shortage of skilled manpower, shortage of purpose build hydrographic ships, absence of oceanographic research vessel, absence of ocean lab and coordination with other agencies.

Skilled manpower with modern equipment and purpose-built ships. All most 17 ministries and many agencies are working for Blue Economy aspiration. Making bridges amongst the agencies and getting expected cooperation is a serious issue. A governing body under the Prime Minister’s Office like National Maritime Division and a post like Chief Hydrographer to the Government would help build better cooperation among the agencies. As a leading maritime agency, BN should take an active role in the National Blue Economic cell to ensure fruitful engagement of BN in National Blue Economic activities. BN may take an active role to enhance the overall capability of BN through bilateral and international support. Such support may focus to facilitate BN to engage in National Blue Economic endeavor in much professional way.


BN has huge potential to support National Blue Economic initiative. Hydrography and Oceanography are multidisciplinary subjects; hence capabilities may be enhanced through resource and expertise sharing among the agencies. Sustainable development in hydrographic and oceanographic sectors may require international cooperation. In seeking such endeavor for capacity building of BN and enhance cooperation at all levels following recommendations are made :

a. NHQ may take a leading role to formulate National Maritime Division (NMD) at the earliest which may work directly under the Prime Minister’s Office and will be headed by Chief Hydrographer to Government (Rear Admiral of BN).

b. NHQ may take the necessary step to acquire one well equipped and purpose-built Oceanographic Research Vessel (ORV) for BN within a short period to meet the future challenge of National Blue Economy aspiration.

c. NHQ may take the necessary step to establish an oceanographic lab and R & D cell under BNHOC.


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