India India - China Relations


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On Sunday (November 7), the Chinese State media posted manipulated pictures of the Galwan Valley clash that took place between the Indian forces and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on June 15 last year. The images, posted by a Chinese journalist, were morphed to suggest the complete surrender of the Indian army before a dominating Chinese side.

Shen Shiwei, the International News Editor of the China Global Television Network (CGTN), claimed in a tweet, “New pictures of last June’s Galwan clash emerged on social media, showing surrendered Indian soldiers captured by Chinese PLA.” He further added, “Indian soldiers violated newly-reached consensus and launched provocative attacks against Chinese personnel, leading to serious physical conflicts.”

Social media users debunk the narrative of Chinese information warfare machinery
Netizens were quick to bust the Chinese propaganda peddled through the micro-blogging site. A Twitter user (@Rahhul_Kumar_) pointed out several discrepancies in the images posted by Shen Shiwei. He underlined 6 points that clearly suggested that the image was digitally tampered with by the Chinese information warfare machinery.

“Just look at the Boot of that soldier(encircled) he is wearing some footwear and does not even look like what our soldiers wear. Not even a single INSAS is loaded. Jacket and pants are mismatching with the other soldiers… Almost each and every soldier is wearing a different kind of jacket…an actor/soldier can be seen wearing a sweater… just look at no 1 pointer. Does his hair, jacket seem like (that of) professional army soldiers. Note: read actor where it’s written soldier”

Read full article for complete picture


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Yes I know..... this stuff I generally don't pay attention to tbh.....its OSINT porn.

There will be constant dripfeed leaking (fake, mix, real....disinfo psy ops etc) much like covid being endemic fully now (its stuck and baked in to the world).

I am rather watching the cowardly/incompetent spine of our govt on this matter....they are clueless largely how to handle this stuff....after talking big...and making all kind of useless concessions as well.


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Tibet's spiritual leader the Dalai Lama criticised the leaders of China on Wednesday saying they "don't understand the variety of different cultures" there and there is too much control by the main Han ethnic group.

But he also said he had nothing against "Chinese brothers and sisters" as fellow humans and he broadly supported the ideas behind Communism and Marxism.

The 86-year-old Dalai Lama, taking part in an online news conference anchored in Tokyo, was answering a question about whether the international community should consider boycotting the Beijing Winter Olympics over the suppression of minorities, including those in the western region of Xinjiang.

"I know Communist Party leaders since Mao Zedong. Their ideas (are) good. But sometimes they do much extreme, tight control," he said from his base in India, adding he thought things would change in China under a new generation of leaders.

"Regarding Tibet and also Xinjiang, we have our own unique culture, so the more narrow-minded Chinese Communist leaders, they do not understand the variety of different cultures."

Noting that China consisted not only of ethnic Han people but also other, different, groups, he added: "In reality, too much control by Han people."

China seized control of Tibet after its troops entered the region in 1950 in what it calls a "peaceful liberation". Tibet has since become one of the most restricted and sensitive areas in the country.

Beijing regards the Dalai Lama, who fled to India in 1959 after a failed uprising against Chinese rule, as a dangerous "splittist" or separatist. He has worked for decades to draw global support for linguistic and cultural autonomy in his remote, mountainous homeland.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin, asked at a regular press briefing on Wednesday about relations with the Dalai Lama, referred to "an out-and-out separatist political group".


The Dalai Lama said he broadly supported the ideas of Communism and Marxism, laughing as he related an anecdote about how he once thought of joining the Communist Party but was dissuaded by a friend.

When asked about Taiwan, the centre of increased military tension in the region, he said he thought the island was the true repository of China's ancient culture and traditions since on the mainland it was now "too politicised".

"Economically Taiwan gets a lot of help from mainland China," he said. "And culture, Chinese culture, including Buddhism, I think mainland Chinese brothers and sisters can learn a lot from Taiwanese brothers and sisters."

Though the Dalai Lama said he had no plan to meet China's leader, Xi Jinping, he said he would like to visit again to see old friends since "I am growing older" - but would avoid Taiwan since relations between it and China are "quite delicate".

"All religions carry the message of love and use a different philosophy of views. So now the problem (is) the politicians, in cases some economists ... use this difference

of religion. So now, religion is also politicised - so that is a problem."

"I prefer to remain here in India, peacefully," he said, praising it as a centre of religious harmony - despite complaints from Muslims in recent years.

In the end, though, he said believed all religions had the same message.


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The Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama in an online news conference hosted by the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan from his headquarters at Dharamsala in India today in reply to a question said, he wants India as his home for rest of the life and he prefers even his death in India. He said there's complete freedom and religious harmony in India and it is a very good tradition. He said India is very free country and he really enjoys living here.

Dalai Lama said (verbatim): Now last few decades experience, I really enjoy my position here in India. So this now Kangra, my modest permanent residence, Pandit Nehru choose, and I really enjoy here. I can communicate with everybody from parts of the world. So very free. And Dharmshala, Kangra the height not very high, not very low and very suitable for my health. And also you see, some snow mountain and some lake and some forest, I love this place. So when I met Swaran Singh (someone prompted Manmohan Singh), you see, once now many years ago when I met him, then I expressed, I want India is the home of my rest of life and even my sort of death, I prefer India. I express that way. Anyway , India complete freedom and religious harmony. Very good tradition. All major oldest traditions. The followers of all richest traditions exist in India. So very good harmony. According to my views, India is very suitable land, so from here, whatever way I make some contribution regarding promotion of peace through inner peace and religious harmony and also a preservation of Tibetan culture from here, I can do much. So I really enjoy, happy in India. '

Joe Shearer

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The OSINT guys are wrecking this ching chong bot more broadly...

This was one of the funniest posts I've read in recent times. Presumably Lewis Cheung belongs to some other forum. I would so like to tell him about how Nunkie docked Vikrant (the old one) at Bandar Abbas WITHOUT A TUG! The Shah's nephew, also a naval officer, was watching, and everybody officer not on watch was flown back to Teheran to join a five star party.


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T-72 with C-17 in Ladakh.

Credit: IAF



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@Jackdaws @Zapper @Nilgiri


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Must be a tough job being a Chinese diplomat.
I dont but I have a feeling that even at common man level they will become no. enemy state very soon . on one side its good to have aggressive China , it will push the politicians to moderenise the forces on faster pace and acquire some qualitative good equipments , Private sector will get some opportunity due to such belligerent bully on our borders


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I dont but I have a feeling that even at common man level they will become no. enemy state very soon . on one side its good to have aggressive China , it will push the politicians to moderenise the forces on faster pace and acquire some qualitative good equipments , Private sector will get some opportunity due to such belligerent bully on our borders
and more importantly we should focus on reducing imports from china and try to bridge the trade deficit which is in excess of $60bn currently. Try to lure international companies to setup shop in India


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and more importantly we should focus on reducing imports from china and try to bridge the trade deficit which is in excess of $60bn currently. Try to lure international companies to setup shop in India
To be honest , it needs another swadeshi movement but the kind of political environment we have it seems like far fetched dream .
To begin with they can atleast start imposing anti dumping duty on Chinese goods.


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and more importantly we should focus on reducing imports from china and try to bridge the trade deficit which is in excess of $60bn currently. Try to lure international companies to setup shop in India
Let's give the devil their due. They are ridiculously good at manufacturing. We still have union issues and lack of skilled workers to replace them.


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Let's give the devil their due. They are ridiculously good at manufacturing. We still have union issues and lack of skilled workers to replace them.

There is no shortage of skilled workers in India for the kind of manufacturing that can provide 100+ billion volumes in tiers of 1, 2 and then 3 and 4 and so on.

Even if you divide labour force by 2 or 3 as "available" (with blue collar training + organisation ready)....India is doing far behind now what it could be doing.

The bigger issue preventing this labour from being harnessed is the still ridiculous opaque blocking of price + investment signalling in these sectors....due to govt + bureaucrat over-intervention/scatterbraining/privilege protection from the cold war inertia setting (especially retained psychology in our political elite).

"Union issues" is more reflective of this big problem, but it is just one small (maybe more visible) cog gumming up the works.

Couptaji actually does good (albeit short) analysis in print some time back about BJP being "left hindu" in reality.

Render unto caesar that which is his....takes on its particular leftist-govt-authoritarian default form in India.

A default that simply gets scratched away at bits and whittled away on others (but the govt always allies in various ways with those as well to hedge among them). ...but it always remains a monolith.

That is not conducive to high speed dynamic mass-employment transition into industry and services (away from agri) say under one generation of time.

Severe supply side issues are baked in time frames of 10 - 20 years and even more when this is the format stuck to (with some "just enough" tinkering done around the edges)

There has to be a larger sense that evolves as to what a govt is actually there for in a country (law, order, collective security, collective infra)....that it is a component and should be contained precisely....rather than be "the" component and bulkiest operating norm for every and any issue under the then be used as cudgel stick enforcer for any non-monolith inclined triviality.

Business and commerce and the bulk of labour issues (especially the optimal use by way of price signalling and investment flow) operate in tiers not suited for govt obesity, largesse and intervention.

But you see, India did not have a govt+bureaucracy of this scale (in fact the concept barely existed) during its long civilisation (of which it saw invasion, strife and colonisation and harrowing partition in the 3rd trimester or so).

It (lack of power from being divided with no central authority) has been identified that was what precipitated all the evil that came and inflicted itself with consequence today.

It is a psychological thing driving this now that its going through and will go through for some 100 - 200 years matter how badly fit and hemmed this clothing is for what it actually (rationally) needs.

It thus has subconciously fully suckled onto the ready breast of the last big uniter of the realm....a foreign colonial extractive and heavily bureaucratic thalassocracy.

There it stays (subconciously and reductively...because the human psyche loves absolutist black and white when it has been wracked)....rather than deeply analysing what was good and what was bad....and how to change more of the bad into that which is good.

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