India India Deploys Three Warships To South China Sea


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I wonder what Chinese strategic thought process behind picking fight with both USA+its allies and India at once. Are they that confident? Wouldn't it make much more sense to permanently resolve the border dispute with India and soley focus on Western front. There can be legitimate case be made about Taiwan being part of PRC. And this island is a massive prize in everyway. Why jeopardize that by picking a fight with India over some barren lands and mountains? If India didn't feel threatened, it wouldn't have made sense for it to actively side with USA against PRC over Taiwan/SCS and play a supportive military role like the one we are discussing now. Chances are, India would have remained passive, except in the field of diplomacy of course. @Nilgiri

CCP is full of strategic missteps regarding its nation (China), state (PRC) and its neighbourhood (nations, states and nationstates).

Right from dawn of not retiring Mao after the civil war (of which WW2 overlapped with) ended....and having to shoulder the terrible burdens he imposed given the man believed in a perpetual war within his own country for the CCP to have the mandate....and the attempted replacing of ultimate truth outside of human control (i.e heaven) in providing this mandate with one under human authority (that was posited to be perfect now under the marxist theology).

To then a bit later ....the terrible nature of the size of the cult/ego image being too big to sweep under the carpet (like Kruschev managed to do with Stalin and Brezhnev decidedly did not reverse that later)...... leading to stress and strain of that cult image preserverance to this just one example (on just the notional foreign front of it)..... with Mao openly being thankful to Japan's role in China in WW2 (as it simply brought him to power in his zero-sum equating).

i.e can one be a patriot to the nation and nationstate, when the state has not held such a thing to any basic account but rather smothered it with apologia (and far worse) instead no matter the greater cost. This upsets the formation of proper strategic planning for the nationstate right from the inside out.

The Taiwanese more than any other are aware of they are the same nation, but a different state that shared the arc at proximity with the other one.

So compared to all of that formenting within, the CCP's missteps with the ersatz reclaiming of the Manchu state's borders (Tibet, Turkestan) in the way it was done both short and longer term in the full view of internal admonition/scapegoating and other complexes previously aired with the Manchu (to shield the larger Han portion of the nation inheritance in its zero sum way) at the same time....

....compared to all of that, the CCP decision to react to Vietnam like it did in 1979 and created/confirmed what it has in the Vietnamese psyche to it (past the serious failure of the PLA and the drubbing it got) and every such thing pales in comparison...... from that inability to counter Mao's praise of Japan's genocidal actions to begin with and all the rest of it that followed it internally under Mao.

It is no surprise the CCP does its reckless charge of explain where it comes from needs a long deep delve into these things I summarise.

The degree to which it gets away with whatever level of this expansionism simply relies on those around it having the will and capacity to resist and coordinate has been the case with any expansionism to begin with anywhere.

If the Vietnamese gave the drubbing they did fully within just that context....its simple matter of scaling all of that up in the tiers required with everyone else and full recognition of what serve as decent deterrence and buffer space that can be sacrificed in the interim.....while the larger time bombs created by the CCP tick away and impact the Chinese nation and whatever the struggle and resource absorption will be there longer term for that addresal (and its foreign power impact).

In the interim everyone else with interest of containing CCP expansionism dont need to go out of their way to understanding the "strategic thought process" as its really not any of those 3 words deep down. They need to just reckon with the effects of what the CCP has been, is and will be....and what its disjoint and backfilling has been with the nation and the mandate.....the severe chasms of it. These are the optimal points of pressure.

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