my bet they don't even read what it is mean to achieve and preserve Indonesian independence and Freedom in UUD 1945!!! Mendayung di antara dua karang atau politik bebas aktif that's only guide being written by Hatta during his early years as Vice President and in brief as Prime Minister of Indonesia in context of Cold War between US of A and Uni Soviet in which mostly happened in mainland of Asia, Europe and in some extent latin America and Africa. The current situation at the time and now is vastly different, what we are facing today and yesterday is very different. Soviet Union is long gone from history, there is China as the rising second Super power and they are fucking close to our water and shore, they had major influence on many level in Indonesia (economy and politically). To made a balance against their influence Indonesia need to find a major partner allies and US of A is fit the bill, they are not near Indonesia (in which they had limited interest to Indonesia territory sovereignty), they are the largest economy in the world (for the time being), the largest military in the world (for a long time shot) and their policy and internal politics fundamentally is being guide by their constitution not by single party and strong man which in itself made them a stable partner. The fucking guidance of mendayung di antara dua karang is not fucking rellevant at all for Indonesian situation right now when we are facing such near and close threat!!