Parry Brima
New members of AMARG. We need more C-130s right?
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Did we have seen or heard anything tangible so farWe still have $1.1 bil that's already been approved by all parties (including MoF and Bappenas) for fighter procurement. So we'll definitely buy something
For only $1.1 bil, those Austrian Eurofighters would be the wisest choice![]()
New members of AMARG. We need more C-130s right?
with 1.1 us bio we could buy secondhand f15 better than thypoon in long term, imoNew members of AMARG. We need more C-130s right?
Did we have seen or heard anything tangible so farIf it's not, then the budget could very well have been reallocated for COVID-19 mitigation
What they decided to Parked there in FY 2022 is more stronger than the current whole Indonesian Air Force by a very big margin
with 1.1 us bio we could buy secondhand f15 better than thypoon in long term, imo
I don't think MoF cares about 'what' MoD wanted to buyMy bet for F16 to come here still strong. Although MoD and MoF didnt want it.
Lets see what Uncle Sam offer to us. They wouldnt stay cool seeing their market taken over.
Building a China empirethe So called "Sponsor".
Let's see who will win.If US want their F16 offer to be "dilirik" by us, they have to bring a good offers of Eagle 3 too.![]()
Mendapat 'Lampu Hijau' dari Washington, Lockheed Martin Yakinkan Penawaran F-16 Viper ke Indonesia
Bahwa Lockheed Martin menawarkan F-16 Viper Block 72 kepada Indonesia, tentu bukan berita baru, sejak tahun 2019, saat Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna menjabat sebagai Kepasa Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) sudah diwartakan rencana akuisisi F-16 Viper, bahkan disebut TNI AU akan kedatangan dua skadron
Why must you hurt me in this way.What they decided to Parked there in FY 2022 is more stronger than the current whole Indonesian Air Force by a very big margin
DynastyBuilding a China empire
Homina homina homina...The Ministry of Defense to Spend Rp. 1,760 T, Connie: There are funds not yet clear for what
Reporter: Egi Adyatama
Editor: Amirullah
Saturday, 29 May 2021 13:04 WIB
Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto conveyed the plan to procure 36 Multi Role Combat Aircraft Dassault Rafale fighter jets during a briefing during the TNI Meeting at TNI Headquarters in Cilangkap on February 16, 2021. The Dassault Rafale fighter aircraft designed by Dassault Aviation has many advantages, one of which is equipped with several advanced radars . Wikipedia ANTARA / doc. PENTAK LANUD SIM
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Military observer Connie Rahakundini Bakrie said that the Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan) is preparing a Presidential Regulation (Perpres), which covers the need for defense and security equipment (alpalhankam) to reach Rp 1,760 trillion or the equivalent of USD 142 billion. Connie said she was surprised because the figure seemed too big but without clarity.
"What the Minister of Bappenas has cleared and explained to me is a fund of USD 20 billion. The difference of 104 billion must be explained by the Ministry of Defense," Connie said when contacted by Tempo, Saturday, May 29, 2021.
Read more:
Sebut Kemenhan akan Belanja Rp 1.760 T, Connie: Ada Dana Belum Jelas untuk Apa
Anggota Komisi Pertahanan mengaku belum tahu rencana Kemenhan
^^ So it was true what the French media La Tribune was reporting about the presidential decree/regulation. Lets see if indeed the French and Indonesian MoD will meet in the coming weeks as it was also reported by them.
Pssssttt......Homina homina homina...
Eagle 3, 2 squadrons
Rafale, 3 squadrons
KF21, 4 squadrons
U214, 12 units
MBT, 300 units
I know, look at my emoticonsPssssttt......
Get wake up, you dreaming to much.
Ibu Connie : Master plannya mesti buttom up, ini datanya dari manaHomina homina homina...
Eagle 3, 2 squadrons
Rafale, 3 squadrons
KF21, 4 squadrons
U214, 12 units
MBT, 300 units
Read from news it seems the huge budget is for allocation up to 2044.Connie
Ibu Connie : Master plannya mesti buttom up, ini datanya dari mana![]()