Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)


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Wait, so we still renegotiating with them?
Drama isn't over yet?

Look on Minister of Defense website, Join Agreement on renegotiation ( negosiasi ulang). Renegotiation has been running since 2018. The deal made Yesterday is Joint Agreement on the financing term, which is Indonesia is ready to pay 20 % of development cost base on previous agreement, and 30 % of it will be in a kind of barter or something like that which later will be determined further, which I believe involve other Minister like Minister of Finance and Minister of Trade.

I think what is stated by Lembaga Keris is quite mislead. Lembaga Keris interpretation on statement written by PR team of Minister of Defense is not right IMO.



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The term renegotiation is already used since 2018. The agreement I believe is written in English and those PR team (Humas) of Minister of Defense make a direct translation of the term renegotiation and also direct translation on the deal as well which is made in English. This can produce misleading interpretation by people who dont follow the issue deeply.

The main thing that Korean wants is payment right ? and this Joint Agreement on the financing is already something that is very relieving, it is because until last meeting in 2019 September ( previous meeting ) both Korea and Indonesia still don't have common agreement on it and Indonesia keep wanting to reduce the financial contribution into 15 % and plus more TOT.
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The main thing is that the engineers will not work in unclear situation anymore as financing issue has been solved despite those 30 % must be worked on more since Korea will need to find what kind of things they need and we will offer also what we want to offer.

30 engineers/technician have already been working in KAI again and this December will be another 70 engineers/technicians that will come to KAI production facility so total of them will be about 100 in the end of this year, inshaAllah. So we will reap the benefit while waiting the financial people solve the financing issues.

I am quite optimistic to see the situation, despite we have very "economic" centric of Jokowi administration, but our financial situation is better than what had been predicted previously when they make the budget for 2021 fiscal year. This I hope more surplus will be taken in late December so SAL (Sisa Anggaran Lebih) can be used to finance PTDI facility for IFX production.

When Defense ID is legally formed (expected in December 2021 as plan), so I hope ( and expect ) that there will be another PMN given by SMI that can be used for IFX production facility. If SMI is hard to get, so Minister of SOE has prepared more than 800 billion IDR taken from SAL (Sisa anggaran of his Minister) and Equity conversion in SOE banks ( where he gets direct control of all SOE banks) to inject Defense ID that I think PTDI is the one that will get the money beside the R&D institution that will be made.

PT PAL has already get PMN for submarine facility, while PT LEN will get Pertamina financial support on their solar cell production plant project, PT LEN is in very profitable position so I believe they can be supported by commercial bank to make Radar production center that they plan to build. PT Pindad is in good condition and has used bank loan to finance many of its business activities and expansion plan as they already get huge order from Prabowo in 2020. This is why large amount of that more than 800 billion IDR I believe will likely be for PTDI as this company badly needs money for IFX production facility as current equipment is not enough.
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Think Tank Analyst
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This better explains the situation, so a big rock ( which is financing issue related to how much should be paid ( 20 % or 15%) has been lifted while little rock on how 30% barter payment will be executed still needs to wait some time. The commitment from Indonesia to start paying and continue the program and South Korea willingness to keep Indonesia participation are also very clear with this recent agreement.


Korsel dan Indonesia Selesaikan Perundingan Pelunasan Biaya Pengembangan Jet Tempur KF-21​

Write: 2021-11-12 13:19:39/Update: 2021-11-12 13:56:03

Korsel dan Indonesia Selesaikan Perundingan Pelunasan Biaya Pengembangan Jet Tempur KF-21

Photo : KBS News

Korea Selatan dan Indonesia telah menyelesaikan perundingan mengenai pelunasan biaya pengembangan pesawat jet tempur KF-21.

Badan Administrasi Program Akuisisi Pertahanan Korea Selatan pada Kamis (11/11) menyatakan bahwa Korea Selatan dan Indonesia sepakat untuk meneruskan kontrak terkait pengembangan jet tempur KF-21 dengan kondisi kerja sama yang ada saat ini, yakni Indonesia menanggung 20 persen dari total biaya pengembangan dan melunasinya dalam periode tahun 2016-2026.

Namun, kedua pihak menyepakati bahwa 30 persen dari biaya tersebut akan dibayarkan oleh Indonesia dalam bentuk barang.

Proyek KF-21 merupakan proyek pengembangan bersama pesawat tempur KF-21 yang dilakukan oleh Korea Selatan dan Indonesia dengan biaya pengembangan sebesar 8,8 triliun won sejak tahun 2015.

Indonesia telah sepakat menginvestasikan dana sebesar 1,7 triliun won atau 20 persen dari seluruh biaya proyek, dan untuk itu akan mendapatkan satu unit pesawat tempur KF-X dan transfer teknologi untuk dapat memproduksi 48 unit pesawat tempur generasi berikutnya di dalam negeri.

Akan tetapi, Indonesia menangguhkan pelunasan biaya tersebut sejak semester kedua tahun 2017 dan Presiden Jokowi dalam kunjungannya ke Seoul pada 2018 lalu sempat meminta perundingan kembali.

Hingga saat ini, Indonesia masih memiliki kewajiban yang tertunggak sebesar 800 miliar won.

Menurut Badan Administrasi Program Akuisisi Pertahanan Korea Selatan, kedua belah pihak telah melakukan enam kali perundingan terkait pelunasan biaya tersebut sejak Januari 2019.

Sementara itu, Indonesia telah mengirim 30 orang teknisi yang berpartisipasi dalam proyek pengembangan jet tempur hingga akhir bulan Agustus lalu dan berencana mengirim 100 teknisi lain ke Korea Selatan hingga akhir tahun ini.

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one hurdle in acquiring US made C4ISR platform is lack of agreement in military information security. IIRC we just have the framework by 2020.. so until this is further enhanced, US military thinks that security in indo is lacking..

human rights issue is just political noise.. with necessity and money involved, both parties can waive it

btw this is related to MQ-1C acquisition post further page back


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Biden administration wrestles with selling armed drones to Indonesia​

The country's human rights abuses, and past purchases of Russian equipment, are among the concerns in Washington.
This kind of sh*t, again... :rolleyes:

They need us on their side when things really go South for them against China. Of course we know what they're going to do to the government of any "third world" countries who refuse to play by their book as has repeatedly shown in the last 75 years.

This is precisely why we need to uphold our "bebas aktif" policy so whenever these issues are being brought up by them, we can easily say f*ck it and choose to buy weapons from another countries instead.
are they actually think that all of those war they have don't have any HR abuse???
even if it exist AND got recorded AND went viral, do they actually give a sh*t???
Do as I say, not as I do.

In this case, both China and US are just two sides of the same coin. While China doesn't bark about HR abuses, but they always keep saying about "world peace" while doing otherwise.

Another reason why we must pursue our independence in defence sector as much and as soon as possible. We've been screwed over so many times - and will always be - if we failed to develop our defence industry to at least on par to Turkey's level.


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This kind of sh*t, again... :rolleyes:

They need us on their side when things really go South for them against China. Of course we know what they're going to do to the government of any "third world" countries who refuse to play by their book as has repeatedly shown in the last 75 years.

This is precisely why we need to uphold our "bebas aktif" policy so whenever these issues are being brought up by them, we can easily say f*ck it and choose to buy weapons from another countries instead.
This is exactly the repercussions of our "bebas-aktif" policy. What exactly have we shown to them that gives them confidence that we'll be a dependable partner in the region? For example, compare our response to the formation of AUKUS vs China's hypersonic missile test a month later. Unlike the Gulf states, they have the funds that will make their propositions attractive enough from a financial standpoint for them to consider, meanwhile us? We have neither friends nor money.

Parry Brima

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This kind of sh*t, again... :rolleyes:

They need us on their side when things really go South for them against China. Of course we know what they're going to do to the government of any "third world" countries who refuse to play by their book as has repeatedly shown in the last 75 years.

This is precisely why we need to uphold our "bebas aktif" policy so whenever these issues are being brought up by them, we can easily say f*ck it and choose to buy weapons from another countries instead.

Do as I say, not as I do.

In this case, both China and US are just two sides of the same coin. While China doesn't bark about HR abuses, but they always keep saying about "world peace" while doing otherwise.

Another reason why we must pursue our independence in defence sector as much and as soon as possible. We've been screwed over so many times - and will always be - if we failed to develop our defence industry to at least on par to Turkey's level.

Agree, we need to learn our lesson back then from our experience with both US and Russia. Both have punished us in the past with this kind of thing. We don't want to fall into the same hole, do we?

The current geopolitical landscape dictates us that "bebas aktif" means no US, China, and Russia. The only option that we have now (and it's a very good option) is Europe.

disclaimer : I'm not in any way affiliated with the canteen guard. So far I only shared his twitter status which he can't monetize. I've never tricked you to click his youtube videos to give him views (=money) :ROFLMAO: .

Van Kravchenko

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Rheinmetall Skyshield video promotion below got my atttention.

I wonder if ID consider to buy this package to modernized their AA battery. Perhaps they can moint it on Hino truck, but i didnt think L300 can handle such load. 😁


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Rheinmetall Skyshield video promotion below got my atttention.

I wonder if ID consider to buy this package to modernized their AA battery. Perhaps they can moint it on Hino truck, but i didnt think L300 can handle such load. 😁
It's not completely mobile tho as you can see the power cable on the ground

Var Dracon

3 511
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Rheinmetall Skyshield video promotion below got my atttention.

I wonder if ID consider to buy this package to modernized their AA battery. Perhaps they can moint it on Hino truck, but i didnt think L300 can handle such load. 😁
What about we use that unused SBS tank? Making it a cheap AA platform, like Russia did with GM chassis


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New USAF aviator helmet.


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Do as I say, not as I do.

In this case, both China and US are just two sides of the same coin. While China doesn't bark about HR abuses, but they always keep saying about "world peace" while doing otherwise.

Another reason why we must pursue our independence in defence sector as much and as soon as possible. We've been screwed over so many times - and will always be - if we failed to develop our defence industry to at least on par to Turkey's level.

yeah, don't know that the Indonesian resources is incapable to reach it or simply can't / won't see what it takes to get to it
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