Experienced member
Yaaayy... you mean there are few big tickets that will be CANCELLED, right?Just busy to fixing the schedule until Indo defense, many big news would be announced
Yaaayy... you mean there are few big tickets that will be CANCELLED, right?Just busy to fixing the schedule until Indo defense, many big news would be announced
yeah, but the idea of putting western missile on Su-27 family turn out to be possible.
Yea and how do Ukraine knew the location to be exact? Why the raptor stationed in Poland? why the P8 is still actively hovering around the "international or friendly airspace" nearby? Perhaps its the same thing when P8 hovering around Singapore airspace when they were not allowed to do in ours? Hard to tellActually not really. As far as i gathered, they basically jury rigged SU-27 to launch HARM missiles. I believe the SU-27 and HARM is not communicating. They pre-programming the missiles and using tablets to launch it to believed general location of the AA site. HARM's own trackers/radar do the rest.
It is doable in the Ukraine's situation(USA is willing and they are already at war with Russia) but it won't be doable for the rest of the world.
US provided the hardware and intel, Ukraine push the button.Yea and how do Ukraine knew the location to be exact? Why the raptor stationed in Poland? why the P8 is still actively hovering around the "international or friendly airspace" nearby? Perhaps its the same thing when P8 hovering around Singapore airspace when they were not allowed to do in ours? Hard to tell![]()
The grim is if Putin already consider this is the war between Russia and NATO, not Ukraine anymore. How can he accept NATO keep slaughtering his forces while zero NATO casualties? Worst case, nuclear option.US provided the hardware and intel, Ukraine push the button.
Russian target goes kaboom.
The full French text :
Rafale : une partie de la commande signée en Indonésie est entrée en vigueur Six Rafale sur les 42 commandés ont été mis en vigueur. L'Indonésie est officiellement devenue le 7e client du Rafale de
Dassault Aviation.
Michel Cabirol
20 Sept 2022, 6:00
(Crédits : Dassault Aviation)
Une partie de la commande de 42 Rafale, signée en février dernier par l'Indonésie, a été mise en vigueur, selon des sources concordantes. Soit six Rafale sur les 42. Ce qui veut dire que le premier acompte a été versé par l'Indonésie à Dassault
Aviation. Il l'a été récemment, précise-t-on à La Tribune. Pourquoi seulement 6 sur 42 ? Le contrat Rafale en Indonésie est découpé en deux tranches, une première de six appareils plus ou moins financée (environ 1,3 milliard de dollars), suivie d'une autre de 36 appareils sans véritable budget. Pour autant, les prix des Rafale sont indexés sur une commande globale de 42 appareils.
« Nous nous sommes mis d'accord pour l'achat de 42 Rafale» avec « un contrat signé pour les six premiers », avait indiqué en février lors de la cérémonie de signature le ministre de la Défense indonésien Prabowo Subianto après une
rencontre avec son homologue française Florence Parly à Jakarta.
L'Indonésie est officiellement devenu le septième client à l'export. La liste des clients internationaux du Rafale pour un avion que les mauvaises langues disaient invendable, continue donc de s'allonger : Égypte (55 appareils), Qatar (36), Inde (36), Grèce (18), Croatie (12), Émirats Arabes Unis (80) et maintenant l'Indonésie (6 sur 42). Dassault Aviation attend d'ici à la fin de l'année d'éventuelles nouvelles commandes (Serbie et Inde, notamment). Des décisions qui pourraient néanmoins glisser en 2023.
Un contrat total de 8,1 milliards de dollars
Le versement de cet acompte met fin à une incertitude sur cette commande en raison d'un contexte politique compliqué en Indonésie. « Ces deux contrats ne sont pas encore en vigueur », avait d'ailleurs indiqué le 20 juillet le PDG de Dassault Aviation Eric Trappier lors de la présentation des résultats semestriels de l'avionneur. Dassault Aviation avait signé un contrat pour la vente de 42 Rafale F3R (30 monoplaces et 12 biplaces) pour un montant total de 8,1 milliards de dollars en incluant les armements, avait précisé en février le ministère des Armées. Les premières livraisons des Rafale interviendront trois ans après la mise en vigueur du contrat. Soit en 2025.
Pour honorer tous les contrats d'armement signés - notamment avec la France, l'Italie (Fincantieri) et la Grande-Bretagne (Babcock International) - par Prabowo Subianto mais non véritablement budgété, le ministre a besoin d'un budget de défense de plus de 21 milliards de dollars en 2023. Loin, très loin de l'actuel budget de la défense (9,3 milliards de dollars en 2022). Seul le président Joko Widodo, qui est aussi son très grand rival sur la scène politique indonésienne, a la possibilité de débloquer la situation via un décret présidentiel. Emmanuel Macron s'était entretenu fin juin avec Joko Widodo, en marge du Sommet du G7 à Elmau. Ils avaient évoqué le renforcement de la relation bilatérale entre l'Indonésie et la France. En obtenant l'acompte tant attendu, Dassault Aviation a réussi à mettre un pied en Indonésie, qui est devenue un nouveau client des avions de combat de Dassault Aviation.
Michel Cabirol
Hopefully there will be light on the other big ticketsTo honor all the arms contracts signed - in particular with France, Italy (Fincantieri) and Great Britain (Babcock International) - by Prabowo Subianto but not really budgeted
Lol "complicated political context"The payment of this deposit puts an end to uncertainty about this order due to a complicated political context in Indonesia.
There always be political context, but as long as it is give benefit to our local industry, that's not bother me.Hopefully there will be light on the other big tickets
Lol "complicated political context"
Saya pikir itu model F4.Dassault Aviation telah menandatangani kontrak untuk penjualan 42 Rafale F3R (30 kursi tunggal dan 12 kursi dua) dengan jumlah total 8,1 miliar dolar termasuk persenjataan, kata Kementerian Angkatan Bersenjata pada Februari.
Putin launch a different kind of war with other European nation and now they experiencing economic issues as a result. I dont think Puttin nor NATO want an open war, they both know the final result even before the war started.The grim is if Putin already consider this is the war between Russia and NATO, not Ukraine anymore. How can he accept NATO keep slaughtering his forces while zero NATO casualties? Worst case, nuclear option.
He also must accept that he is so f*cked now, nothing can help his image except big wins in Ukraine or ....... Keep losing ground, Putin.
Not really, if my memory serve me well, the major difference is the engine. The rest are software and minor hardware upgrade. Tho spec wise the new engine look promising, but then the question will be is the new engine reliable like the previous model? There is not enough data yet to say about it.Saya pikir itu model F4.
Edit : I thought it was F4 model.
Don't know somehow it automatically translated to Indonesian
then, when it arrived, it will already obsolete. Isn't it ?
For sure not, that's why those who backed Ukraine little hesitant to gives Ukraine high profile lethal aid that may could lead Russia think that they fight really against NATO countries as many those who give lethal aid are member countries.I dont think Puttin nor NATO want an open war
Election interference. Active Measures to backed political candidates that in favor of Putin from whatever political spectrum, the wildest can be seen was protest in Czech few days/weeks ago, far-right and far-left were both in the same protest lol, really red-brown anti-NATO alliance, nice specimen of horseshoe theory.Putin launch a different kind of war with other European nation
Both F3R and F4 uses the Snecma M88-2Not really, if my memory serve me well, the major difference is the engine.
Is F3r still available after 2024 production lot?Both F3R and F4 uses the Snecma M88-2
there are plans for higher thrust M88-3 which is cancelled and more economical M88-4 ECO but so far no launch costumer yet.
Do not confuse the M88-4 ECO and the M88-2-4E (in which all Rafale used for serial production post 2012). So the F3R and F4 uses the M88-2-4E engine
Not related. Snecma was on the blueprint of Cold War era West German concept VTOL, the FW-860. Very weird if this was ever made, even the prototype.Snecma
The F3R might be obsolete by the French's standard since they'll soon be upgrading their Rafales to F4.1 and F4.2.Saya pikir itu model F4.
Edit : I thought it was F4 model.
Don't know somehow it automatically translated to Indonesian
then, when it arrived, it will already obsolete. Isn't it ?
The F3R might be obsolete by the French's standard
Global South 101But for us? Heck, those new shiny F3Rs will be the most advanced fighters we'll have until the arrival of F-15IDs.