Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)


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Just curious, is there any obstacles for us to get meteor?
Meteor is a consortium buid missile, so do we need to get approval from each country? Is it difficult?


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I'm not so confident about getting AGM-88's, If I recall correctly for some reason South East Asian states aren't really able to get AGM-88's even Singapore hasn't been able to get their hands on them. However, both RMAF and RSAF routinely practice flying HARM profiles despite not having AGM-88's in their inventory, something the TNI-AU should consider doing as well. If we do go with both Rafale and F-15EX, then the SEAD role will probably go to the Rafale, since the Rafale can do it equipped by using its SPECTRA EW suite and normal guided munitions. Which is why we should probably get GBU Paveways, more JDAMs and AASM Hammers for both the Rafale and F-15EX. A game changer for us I think if we also acquire JSOW for the F-15 and SCALP for the Rafale.

With Rafale and F-15EX in the mix, its almost certain that our Flankers would be out of the picture sooner or later (they are going to be 30 years old soon anyway) and the way I see it the Rafale will be the one that retains some of our Flankers capability when it comes to SEAD and anti-shipping with conventional AShM's. Also MICA IR can replace the role of R-27 in the TNI-AU as our long range infra-red missile (this will come in handy if we have to go up against stealth adversaries)
I see. Thanks.

That's an interesting info regarding SEA states and HARM acquisition although it might be different this time around - especially from the business standpoint.

I say this, because one of the reason why the US also offered F/A-18 to us was probably because they also knew we're considering Rafale. If the F-15EX that is being offered to India is meant to counter their additional Rafale purchase, then for us it's the Hornet. Now that F/A-18 is out of the picture, I'm assuming that they'll offer some unique armaments that the Rafale doesn't have.

But if not, then it will be like what you wrote although I don't know whether the US will allow the F-15EX to carry Hammer missile as well.

Re: MICA IR: Indeed. While Meteor is said to have anti-stealth capabilities, but if we won't get it, then IR missiles are still our best option against stealth.


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I make an estimation with Brazilian meteor deal (US$ 260 million = 100 meteor), and make assumptions if Indonesia buy meteor with the same amount of money we pay for amraam c7 (US$ 95 million = 36 amraam), and come out with 36 meteor!!
wait.. so meteor and amraam price are not so different?? 🤔


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Yea, I have a feeling of rather intense discussion happened between Mindef and TNI specially TNI-AU regarding fighter jet purchase. One clue I see is when they created Life Cycle Cost discussion. I believe this discussion was held to get all stakeholder perspective in line.

What put a smile on my face is I dont see Eurofighter words in the latest statement. That used platform might be affordable to get but rather expensive to maintain and upgrade in comparison to its cost to capability. Like I always said before the replacement for Heavy Fighter SU-35 op req, capability is only F-15. Im Glad Mindef and TNI reached an agreemant 😁

Parry Brima

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Yea, I have a feeling of rather intense discussion happened between Mindef and TNI specially TNI-AU regarding fighter jet purchase. One clue I see is when they created Life Cycle Cost discussion. I believe this discussion was held to get all stakeholder perspective in line.

What put a smile on my face is I dont see Eurofighter words in the latest statement. That used platform might be affordable to get but rather expensive to maintain and upgrade in comparison to its cost to capability. Like I always said before the replacement for Heavy Fighter SU-35 op req, capability is only F-15. Im Glad Mindef and TNI reached an agreemant 😁

There are at least couple possibilites.

First, the list only contains new procurement, not secondhand stuff. That's why we only see heavy frigate and no Bremen class. Also the list only mentions TKMS U214 and no TKMS U209 Tupi class.

Second, the Typhoon has been in the picture for interim readiness fighter only. We can scrap the plan because the F-15EX can fulfill our interim needs. I can see Boeing gives us a complete squadron by 2022 (Mindef already said 6 will come this year).

But of course there's always argument that we want to buy 100 fighters. With only 36 + 36 we still lack 28 fighters, nevermind 36 + 15. KFX/IFX still far away (probably 2030). So there's always possibility that we will add more secondhand fighters, whether it's Typhoon, Rafale, F-15E, etc.
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