Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)


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7:07:09 timestamp on the seminar video

Well, I can't deny it 🥰


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Still have't watch the video yet, maybe later.


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Indonesian defense minister likely to attend KF-X rollout event in S. Korea​

All News 17:03 April 01, 2021


Kang Eun-ho (4th from L), head of South Korea's Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA), meets with Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto (3rd from R) in Surabaya, Indonesia, on March 17, 2021, in this photo provided by the South Korean Embassy in the Southeast Asian nation. Kang visited Indonesia to attend a ceremony for South Korea to hand over a 1,400-ton submarine to the Indonesian Navy later in the day. The 61-meter submarine, dubbed Alugoro, was the third and last unit South Korea delivered to Indonesia under a 1.3 trillion-won (US$1.15 billion) contract in 2011. (PHOTO NOT FOR SALE)

SEOUL, April 1 (Yonhap) -- Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto is expected to attend an upcoming rollout ceremony showcasing a prototype of South Korea's first indigenous fighter jet, sources said Thursday, in what could be a sign the country remains committed to the joint development project.

Indonesia had promised to shoulder 20 percent of the 8.8 trillion-won (US$7.9 billion) development cost, but it has stopped making payments after investing 227.2 billion won with around 600 billion won overdue, spurring speculation that the country is seeking to quit the KF-X project.

Whether Indonesia will send senior officials to the rollout ceremony expected to take place in the first couple of weeks of April has been a focus of attention because it would signal the country will remain a partner for the project.

"As far as I know, Indonesia has delivered to our government an intent that senior military officials, including Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, will attend the KF-X rollout event," a source said.

Kang Eun-ho, the head of South Korea's arms procurement agency, visited Indonesia last month and handed over the invitation.

Eyes are on whether the defense cooperation between the two sides will get back on track on the occasion of Prabowo's visit. Besides the fighter jet project, Indonesia signed a deal with South Korea in 2019 to purchase three submarines, but the business has also made little progress since then.


Parry Brima

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"Well-placed sources say Prabowo has also finally settled on Boeing’s new F-15EX multi-role fighter over the French-made Dassault Rafale."

The article doesn't seem right. Or perhaps this is related to the $1.6 bil.



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@Indos , could KFX go super cruise?

I believe so, even Gripen NG with one F414 engine can supercruise

Considering that (IIRC) the first prototype and, later, first production batch won't be equipped with internal weapon bay, if it can reach super cruise with external weapon load - for air to air mission, at least - then it's all good.


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Considering that (IIRC) the first prototype and, later, first production batch won't be equipped with internal weapon bay, if it can reach super cruise with external weapon load - for air to air mission, at least - then it's all good.

And we need to understand that KFX block 1 will still be quite stealthy if it only intended for A2A combat, we can only use 4 AA missile in the belly. It is semi internal already




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I believe so, even Gripen NG with one F414 engine can supercruise
I think this can't be used as reasons even F18 with two engine don't have supercuise capability , Gripen engine is different variant of F414 btw.

I don't think KFX is designed with sustained supercruise capability, though the Block III will use IWB and would have reduced drag and can go faster I still don't think it have supercruise capability, still possible for a short period with after-burner just like the other.


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I think this can't be used as reasons even F18 with two engine don't have supercuise capability , Gripen engine is different variant of F414 btw.

I don't think KFX is designed with sustained supercruise capability, though the Block III will use IWB and would have reduced drag and can go faster I still don't think it have supercruise capability, still possible for a short period with after-burner just like the other.

What different in term of spec ?? It is because Gripen variant is for single engine fighter so there must be some modification to give more safety for the fighter but not in term of power. F 18 Superhornet that you mean? Since F18 A/B doesnt use F 414, but F404. F 18 Superhornet is much bigger airframe compared to KFX/IFX

KFX will use F414-GE-400




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EF, Rafale, Gripen all are delta wing fighter and able to supercruise, somehow delta wing design good for supersonic flight compared to swept wing.

With current KFX design choose stronger engine like F119 that is designed for supercruise flight.


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I always curious about KFX design, that hole on the "shoulder", the air inlet design is just like F22 bot KFX and F22 air inlet have gaps with the fuselage, and i am guessing in F22 the air that pass through this gap is defected downwards meanwhile in KFX it is deflected downwards and upwards (through the hole), I wonder why they add the hole and not just copy the F22, what is the technical reason? Without the hole the fuselage will give cleaner look and less complicate angled surface.
Hm.. hm...

Still aesthetically its not a problem.


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(Eksklusif) Lockheed Martin Ingin Indonesia Kembali Pertimbangkan F-16 Block 72​

Reporter: Non Koresponden
Editor: Istman Musaharun Pramadiba
Jumat, 2 April 2021 08:00 WIB
Produsen jet tempur asal Amerika, Lockheed Martin, menawarkan F-16 Block 72 sebagai alternatif jet tempur F-35 yang gagal didapatkan Indonesia. Meski F-16 sudah ada sejak tahun 70an, F-16 Block 72 adalah varian terbaru yang mengadopsi sejumlah teknologi F-35. (Sumber: Lockheed Martin)
Produsen jet tempur asal Amerika, Lockheed Martin, menawarkan F-16 Block 72 sebagai alternatif jet tempur F-35 yang gagal didapatkan Indonesia. Meski F-16 sudah ada sejak tahun 70an, F-16 Block 72 adalah varian terbaru yang mengadopsi sejumlah teknologi F-35. (Sumber: Lockheed Martin)

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Indonesia belum mantap untuk membeli pesawat jet tempur F-16 Block 72 buatan Lockheed Martin. Dalam wawancara dengan Tempo, representatif Lockheed Martin menyatakan bahwa Indonesia memutuskan untuk menunda dulu pembelian jet tempur tersebut dan mengkaji opsi-opsi lain.

Kabar yang mereka dengar, per wawancara, adalah Indonesia sudah melirik jet tempur buatan Eropa yaitu Dassault Rafale serta Eurofighter. Keduanya adalah pesawat jet multi peran. Walau begitu, Lockheed Martin berkeyakinan F-16 Block 72 tetaplah pesawat jet yang lebih pas untuk memperkuat TNI Angkatan Udara.
"Kami sudah menerima kabar dari Pemerintah Amerika bahwa Kementerian Pertahanan Indonesia menunda pengadaan F-17 Block 72. Kabar itu kami terima akhir Januari lalu dan yang kami paham Kementerian Pertahanan mengkaji alternatif lainnya," ujar F-16 Indonesia Business Development Director dari Lockheed Martin, Mike Kelly, pada Kamis pekan lalu, 25 Maret 2021.

Seperti diketahui, Indonesia sudah lama berniat memperbarui lini jet tempurnya. Dari sekian banyak jet tempur yang ada di pasaran, Indonesia sempat mengincar jet tempur generasi ke-5, F-35, yang juga dibuat Lockheed Martin. Di industri pertahanan, F-35 dikenal karena salah satu variannya yang memiliki fitur VTOL atau lepas landas secara vertikal ala helikopter.

Indonesia tidak mendapatkan jet yang mereka inginkan. Pemerintah AS dikabarkan menolak permohonan pembelian F-35 atas berbagai alasan teknis. Salah satu alasannya adalah proses transisi dari lini jet tempur generasi ke-4 ke generasi ke-5 yang tidak bisa sembarangan. Indonesia diketahui belum memiliki infrastruktur penunjang untuk lini jet tempur generasi ke-5 seperti F-35.

Pesawat F-35 Angkatan Udara Inggris mendarat dan lepas landas di kapal induk terbaru Inggris HMS Queen Elizabeth, 14 Oktober 2019. Netanyahu membantah laporan bahwa kesepakatan itu adalah bagian dari perjanjian normalisasi antara Israel dan UEA, dan sumber Gedung Putih mengonfirmasi bahwa itu tidak ada dalam kesepakatan damai, menurut Jerusalem Post, 21 Agustus 2020. (

Sebagai alternatif, Pemerintah Amerika menawarkan F-16 Block 72. Meski F-16 sejatinya sudah ada sejak tahun 70an, varian yang ditawarkan ke Indonesia adalah inkarnasi tercanggihnya. F-16 Block 72 mengadopsi sejumlah teknologi yang dipakai F-35. Salah satunya adalah radar Advanced Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) yang mampu digunakan untuk deteksi jarak jauh dengan akurasi tinggi. Selain itu ada Ground Collision Avoidance System (GCAS) yang mampu mencegah jet untuk jatuh.

Tak hanya Block 72 adalah varian tercanggih dari F-16, jet tempur tersebut juga diklaim lebih efektif dan efisien secara ongkos operasional. Salah satu alasannya karena menggunakan mesin tunggal, bukan mesin ganda yang membutuhkan lebih banyak bahan bakar, suku cadang, serta biaya perawatan. Selain itu, varian Block 72 masih bisa menggunakan infrastruktur penunjang F-16 yang sudah dimiliki Indonesia.

Kelly tidak menyangkal bahwa F-16 Block 72, walaupun varian tercanggih F-16, tetap tidak secanggih F-35. Oleh karenanya, ia memahami Indonesia merasa perlu mengkaji berbagai opsi dulu. Walau begitu, ia mengklaim tidak ada jet tempur dengan kualitas setara F-16 Block 72 di rentang harganya.

"Kami tidak tahu apakah ada kompetitor langsung dari F-17 Block 72. Apa yang kami bisa katakan, ada perbedaan mendasar antara operasional jet tempur mesin tunggal (F-16) dan mesin ganda. Apa yang kami dengar (sebagai kompetitor) adalah (Dassault) Rafale dan Eurofighter (Typhoon)."


Selain ingin membeli jet tempur F-15EX, Indonesia juga ingin memborong jet tempur Dassault Rafale buatan Prancis. Jet tempur Dassault Rafale dilengkapi dua unit mesin Snecma M88, mesin ini membuat pesawat ini mampu melesat hingga 1,8 mach atau 1.912 km per jam. REUTERS

"Dengan Lockheed Martin sebagai produsen rangka, Pratt and Whitney untuk mesin, dan Northrop Grumman sebagai radar, F-16 Block 72 memiliki komponen yang tak kalah dari F-35. Ini adalah produk yang pas untuk Indonesia, terutama transisi ke generasi 5," ujar Kelly menegaskan.

Kelly berharap Indonesia tidak terlalu lama menahan pembelian jet tempur baru atau mengesampingkan F-16 Block 72 sepenuhnya. Ia pun menjamin Lockheed Martin siap bernegosiasi lagi ataupun menghadirkan tim teknis jika Indonesia perlu diyakinkan lagi soal kualitas F-16 Block 72. Namun, jika Indonesia tetap menginginkan F-35, maka hal itu kembali ke negosiasi antara Pemerintah Amerika dan Pemerintah Indonesia.

"Keputusan soal jet apa yang akan ditawarkan adalah hak Pemerintah Amerika via proses Foreign Military Sales (FMS, penjualan luar negeri). Jika ingin tahu lebih jauh, maka harus bertanya ke Pemerintah Amerika," ujar Kelly sambil menambahkan bahwa F-16 Block 72 telah digunakan di Bahrain, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Taiwan, dan Moroko.

Per berita ini ditulis, kabar yang beredar adalah Kementerian Pertahanan sudah mengalihkan matanya ke F-15 EX buatan Amerika serta Dassault Rafale buatan Prancis. Keduanya diklaim sebagai jet tempur serbaguna dengan kemampuan yang versatil untuk pertahanan wilayah kepulauan seperti Indonesia.


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Even after China rising as a equal rival this uncle sam still think it can dictate everything what it want.
By 'standard' of geopolitical balance US supplying singapore and australia with the best of the best mean while it refuse to sell the things what we need. Not include complicated process and burdensome terms. Ptuiiihhhhh💢

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