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The rumor that the Danlanud (Airbase Commander) and Dansatpom (Airbase Military Police Unit Commander) already moved elsewhere. Take it with grain of salt.
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The rumor that the Danlanud (Airbase Commander) and Dansatpom (Airbase Military Police Unit Commander) already moved elsewhere. Take it with grain of salt.
ConfirmedThe rumor that the Danlanud (Airbase Commander) and Dansatpom (Airbase Military Police Unit Commander) already moved elsewhere. Take it with grain of salt.
One can only hope.Naval system = sistem Angkatan Laut.
Naval system from US = aegis, SM2, SM3, Mk41 vls, etc.
KSAU Copot Danlanud dan Dansatpom Lanud JA Dimara, Merauke, Papua
Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU), Marsekal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo, memutuskan mengganti Komandan Lanud (Danlanud) Johanes Abraham Dimara dan Komandan Satuan
thanks Mod ... newbiee unyu say hello to everyone ....Hey welcome to the party
(X) Doubtunyu
The rumor that the Danlanud (Airbase Commander) and Dansatpom (Airbase Military Police Unit Commander) already moved elsewhere. Take it with grain of salt.
I feel sorry for the Danlanud. Although it is true that the burden of command lies solely on his shoulder, the incident was not something that was carry out under his order, let alone any policy.
The burden of beuracracy ....I feel sorry for the Danlanud. Although it is true that the burden of command lies solely on his shoulder, the incident was not something that was carry out under his order, let alone any policy.
Oh man I am getting excited already, cant wait to see the outcome. The US govt decission may influence our future geopolitic, regional security and national interest allignment approach. I really hope both side can allign their common interest and focus on that.
Resiko jabatan.I feel sorry for the Danlanud. Although it is true that the burden of command lies solely on his shoulder, the incident was not something that was carry out under his order, let alone any policy.
Not really from where I see it.Excited? I don't think there'll be too much surprises. We discussed the items a lot in here. It's like watching The Sixth Sense but knowing that Bruce Willis is already dead (sorry, spoiler).
Why air force not revive 41 and 42 skuadron with SU 34 for instead, better than keep pulling G on SU 35, if we still want the russian product, not to mention again how we compare those rafale, F15 or any interceptor we (will) have, those are capabilities we need to upgrade not just a shooping list for multirole fighter
If we talk about diversion of suplier from the west sis, F15 EX is to good to be true, i think rafale is also capable as a bomberF15 EX bomb truck is any day better than Su34
If we talk about diversion of suplier from the west sis, F15 EX is to good to be true, i think rafale is also capable as a bomber
Skadud-41 was a strategic bomber squadron, while Skadud-42 was more of a heavy maritime strike squadron. We already operate those Sukhoi fleet that actually do have respectable combat range (in unopposed airspace). Adding or replacing them with Su-34 will be extremely complicated matters, even with or without CAATSAWhy air force not revive 41 and 42 skuadron with SU 34 for instead, better than keep pulling G on SU 35, if we still want the russian product, not to mention again how we compare those rafale, F15 or any interceptor we (will) have, those are capabilities we need to upgrade not just a shooping list for multirole fighter
Exactly, which is why I've mentioned it several times here already. Although it's a strike fighter NOT bomber (two different term entirely with different role & capability) But in most case it will take times to retiring or transferring those Sukhoi fleet. Furthermore, we can't just transfer those Sukhoi's to anyone without the expressed consent of comrade PutinIf we talk about diversion of suplier from the west sis, F15 EX is to good to be true, i think rafale is also capable as a bomber
how many for us?Another Lot of AMRAAM
US Air Force awards Raytheon Missiles & Defense $518 million Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile contract
An F-35A Lightning II test-fires an AMRAAM air-to-air missile off the California coast. (Photo: U.S. Air Force)
TUCSON, Ariz., (March 26, 2021) - Raytheon Missiles & Defense, a Raytheon Technologies business, was awarded a U.S. Air Force contract for Lot 34 of the AMRAAM® missile. The Department of Defense announcement states:
Raytheon Missiles and Defense, Tucson, Arizona, has been awarded a $518,443,821 firm-fixed-price, incentive contract for Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) Production Lot 34, with priced options for Lots 35 and 36. This basic contract award provides for the production of the Lot 34 AMRAAMs, Captive Air Training Missiles (CATMs), guidance sections, AMRAAM Telemetry System (ATS), initial and field spares, and other production engineering support hardware and activities. Work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona, and is expected to be completed Dec. 31, 2023. This contract involves unclassified Foreign Military Sales (FMS) to Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Indonesia, Japan, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, South Korea, and Qatar. Fiscal 2019 Air Force missile procurement funds in the amount of $5,348,048; fiscal 2020 Air Force missile procurement funds in the amount of $108,158,773; fiscal 2019 Navy weapons procurement funds in the amount of $26,003,961; fiscal 2020 Navy weapons procurement funds in the amount of $77,192,047; fiscal 2021 Navy weapons procurement funds in the amount of $3,804,680; fiscal 2020 Air Force research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E) funds in the amount of $5,306,972; fiscal 2021 Air Force RDT&E funds in the amount of $3,877,865; fiscal 2020 Navy RDT&E funds in the amount of $2,216,700; fiscal 2021 Navy RDT&E funds in the amount of $2,043,378; fiscal 2021 Air Force operation and maintenance (O&M) funds in the amount of $378,993; fiscal 2021 Army O&M funds in the amount of $497,466; and FMS funds in the amount of $283,614,938 are being obligated at the time of award. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, is the contracting activity (FA8675-21-C-0034).
"AMRAAM continues to serve as the air-to-air missile of choice for 40 international countries and the United States," said Paul Ferraro, vice president of Air Power at Raytheon Missiles & Defense. "It will continue to deliver combat proven, beyond visual range capability in support of the air dominance mission for years to come."
how many for us?