Indonesia Indonesian Army,Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD)


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Somehow now they publish article supporting TNI modernisation.

Its hard for high tech alutsista to be built locally. For a warship and submarine we can build the hull and install the subsystem. For a jet fighter building the airframe is complicated albeit smaller than a warship.
I didn't expect any ToT with local assembly for new jet fighter that we purchase. The govt should commit seriously in KFX program for defense investment and not just talk.


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Hey, i think that BM 59 already phased out of service.

Although it was better than M14, the localized version was full with problems.

My uncle being almost killed in Seroja operation for his Magz suddenly dropped during fight .... it is hell


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My uncle being almost killed in Seroja operation for his Magz suddenly dropped during fight .... it is hell
While my own uncle survived that debacle . An ambush still took his left eye and a finger .
He still feel bitter to the departed mr Habibie tho' . While he understand the reasoning he still felt the pain of loosing so much dear to him while doing the tour there ..
The only reason he doesn't lashed out in the public is because he also from the bugis and much of the elders are always try to talk some sense in him , also as a bugis tradition we don't air our dirt in the open .


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Somehow now they publish article supporting TNI modernisation.

Its hard for high tech alutsista to be built locally. For a warship and submarine we can build the hull and install the subsystem. For a jet fighter building the airframe is complicated albeit smaller than a warship.
I didn't expect any ToT with local assembly for new jet fighter that we purchase. The govt should commit seriously in KFX program for defense investment and not just talk.
that is jokowi style of saying "i dont want to import big ticket item during my last years of presidency especially for weapons and in pandemic time"

Van Kravchenko

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My uncle being almost killed in Seroja operation for his Magz suddenly dropped during fight .... it is hell
I just think that would be happened. Since not use rock and lock like M14 or AK 47 series, BM59 use direct pushed in magazine with two spring loaded locking wedge in front and back of the magazine. Hence, if one of the locking wedge failed the magazin will be droped.

Not just that, in other report 🇮🇩 made BM59 have tendency to jam from overheat and the buttstock prone to break apart due to the quality of the wood.


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that is jokowi style of saying "i dont want to import big ticket item during my last years of presidency especially for weapons and in pandemic time"
I don't think so

RI1 has said that on many occasions (turning defense budget into defense economy/investment)


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Perintahkan Prabowo soal Alutsista TNI, Jokowi: Cari yang Lebih Bagus Lagi​

06 Oktober 2021

Pameran alutsista HUT TNI ke-76 (photo : SuaraPemerintah)

JAKARTA, - Menko Polhukam Mahfud MD ikut meninjau pameran alutsista TNI bersama Presiden Jokowi, Wakil Presiden (Wapres) Ma'ruf Amin, Menhan Prabowo Subianto, dan Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto, Selasa (5/10/2021) di depan Istana Merdeka, Jakarta dalam rangkaian HUT ke-76 TNI. Mahfud pun mengungkap pesan khusus Presiden Jokowi kepada Menhan Prabowo soal alutsista TNI.

Kata Mahfud, Presiden Jokowi sempat berpesan kepada Menhan Prbaowo untuk mencari alutsista yang lebih bagus lagi. Menurut Mahfud, Prabowo menyatakan siap menjalankan instruksi dari Presiden tersebut.

"Presiden mengatakan cari yang lebih bagus lagi. Menhan bilang siap nanti kira-kira dua tahun yang akan datang insya Allah bisa sejajar dengan negara maju" ujar Mahfud di Jakarta, Selasa (5/10/2021).

Dia menjelaskan, saat ini TNI jauh lebih profesional baik itu dari segi kemodernan alutsista yang dimiliki maupun kemampuan pengetahuan yang kian komprehensif.

"Kalau dulu 76 tahun lalu pakai bambu runcing sehingga ada lagu bambu runcing itu kan menggambarkan TNI di zaman dulu. Sekarang ini sudah hebat-hebat, ada atraksi udaranya juga luar biasa," ucapnya.

Sebelumnya diberitakan, Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) melakukan peninjauan pameran alutsista di depan Istana Merdeka. Jokowi menyebut ini bentuk transparansi pemerintah kepada masyarakat terkait penggunaan anggaran negara.

"Kita harapkan publik, masyarakat, bisa tahu misalnya kita telah memiliki Astros sebanyak 56, misalnya. Ini roketnya bisa meluncur jarak 39 km. Dan yang lain-lainnya nanti ditanyakan ke Panglima TNI, KSAD, KSAL, dan KSAU," tuturnya.

Jokowi menyebut alutsista yang dipamerkan termasuk dalam pembelian baru.

"Inilah yang kita miliki. Dan ini adalah pembelian-pembelian baru. Misalnya kalau yang Astros tahun berapa? Ini baru aja di 2014 kita membeli ini. Jadi keliatan sekali barangnya masih barang baru semuanya," ujar Jokowi.


Van Kravchenko

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that is jokowi style of saying "i dont want to import big ticket item during my last years of presidency especially for weapons and in pandemic time"
Its contrary with the other news.

I don't think so

RI1 has said that on many occasions (turning defense budget into defense economy/investment)

Perintahkan Prabowo soal Alutsista TNI, Jokowi: Cari yang Lebih Bagus Lagi​

06 Oktober 2021

Pameran alutsista HUT TNI ke-76 (photo : SuaraPemerintah)

JAKARTA, - Menko Polhukam Mahfud MD ikut meninjau pameran alutsista TNI bersama Presiden Jokowi, Wakil Presiden (Wapres) Ma'ruf Amin, Menhan Prabowo Subianto, dan Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto, Selasa (5/10/2021) di depan Istana Merdeka, Jakarta dalam rangkaian HUT ke-76 TNI. Mahfud pun mengungkap pesan khusus Presiden Jokowi kepada Menhan Prabowo soal alutsista TNI.

Kata Mahfud, Presiden Jokowi sempat berpesan kepada Menhan Prbaowo untuk mencari alutsista yang lebih bagus lagi. Menurut Mahfud, Prabowo menyatakan siap menjalankan instruksi dari Presiden tersebut.

"Presiden mengatakan cari yang lebih bagus lagi. Menhan bilang siap nanti kira-kira dua tahun yang akan datang insya Allah bisa sejajar dengan negara maju" ujar Mahfud di Jakarta, Selasa (5/10/2021).

Dia menjelaskan, saat ini TNI jauh lebih profesional baik itu dari segi kemodernan alutsista yang dimiliki maupun kemampuan pengetahuan yang kian komprehensif.

"Kalau dulu 76 tahun lalu pakai bambu runcing sehingga ada lagu bambu runcing itu kan menggambarkan TNI di zaman dulu. Sekarang ini sudah hebat-hebat, ada atraksi udaranya juga luar biasa," ucapnya.

Sebelumnya diberitakan, Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) melakukan peninjauan pameran alutsista di depan Istana Merdeka. Jokowi menyebut ini bentuk transparansi pemerintah kepada masyarakat terkait penggunaan anggaran negara.

"Kita harapkan publik, masyarakat, bisa tahu misalnya kita telah memiliki Astros sebanyak 56, misalnya. Ini roketnya bisa meluncur jarak 39 km. Dan yang lain-lainnya nanti ditanyakan ke Panglima TNI, KSAD, KSAL, dan KSAU," tuturnya.

Jokowi menyebut alutsista yang dipamerkan termasuk dalam pembelian baru.

"Inilah yang kita miliki. Dan ini adalah pembelian-pembelian baru. Misalnya kalau yang Astros tahun berapa? Ini baru aja di 2014 kita membeli ini. Jadi keliatan sekali barangnya masih barang baru semuanya," ujar Jokowi.


does RI1 read the situatuion or 08 has pushed further to acquire more defence items ?

I hope Panadol and Bodrex factory still intact to producing headache medicine for Ministry of Treasury


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Would someone with more in-depth knowledge about the Indonesian Army correct me if I'm wrong, please?

We already have Kostrad or the Indonesian Army Strategic Reserve Command, while it has "Reserve" in its name, but for all intent and purpose, Kostrad is actually the "main" army of Indonesia.

As for Komcad, it looks more similar to US National Guard or probably Vietnam's Self-Defense Militia. The troops are basically military trained civilians who have their own careers outside of the military. Of course, the difference is that they have the obligation to return to active military duty anytime the nation's need them to, for example if we're being attacked or invaded, or to assist in disasters.

So does my understanding correct?

Anyway, it still puzzles me why there's a "Reserve" in Kostrad if it's totally different than Komcad... So if anyone can explain it to me lilke I'm five years old, I'll be very grateful.


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Would someone with more in-depth knowledge about the Indonesian Army correct me if I'm wrong, please?

We already have Kostrad or the Indonesian Army Strategic Reserve Command, while it has "Reserve" in its name, but for all intent and purpose, Kostrad is actually the "main" army of Indonesia.

As for Komcad, it looks more similar to US National Guard or probably Vietnam's Self-Defense Militia. The troops are basically military trained civilians who have their own careers outside of the military. Of course, the difference is that they have the obligation to return to active military duty anytime the nation's need them to, for example if we're being attacked or invaded, or to assist in disasters.

So does my understanding correct?

Anyway, it still puzzles me why there's a "Reserve" in Kostrad if it's totally different than Komcad... So if anyone can explain it to me lilke I'm five years old, I'll be very grateful.

From Kostrad own site

Berdasarkan Struktur Orgas (Tap -05 tgl 5 Agustus 1958) di Tanah air telah dibentuk Kodam hampir di setiap provinsi, namun saat itu masih bersifat teritorial dengan kemampuan terbatas, terdiri dari Kodam, Korem, Brigade dan Batalyon.

Menjelang akhir tahun 1960 pimpinan AD menganggap perlu membentuk satuan militer yang bersifat mobil berkemampuan Linud yang siap tempur menjalankan tugas di seluruh tanah air, maka dibentuklah Cadangan Umum AD, dimana gagasan dan ide ini keluar dari Kasad Jenderal A.H Nasution pada tahun 1960, dan sebagai realisasi dari gagasan ini, maka keluarlah skep Kasad No. KPTS.1067/12/1960 tgl. 27 Desember 1960. Gagasan itu mempunyai latar belakang yang sangat mendesak, terutama karena keterkaitannya dengan masalah Irian Barat yang pada waktu itu masih menjadi sengketa dengan Belanda.

Pada awal tahun 1961 tepatnya 6 Maret 1961 (ditetapkan sebagai hari lahirnya KOSTRAD) telah diresmikan Cadangan Umum Angkatan Darat ( CADUAD) dimana Mayjen TNI Soeharto ditunjuk menjadi Panglima KORRA I CADUAD, sedangkan kepala stafnya dijabat oleh Brigjen TNI Ahmad Wiranata Kusuma. Untuk pengisian personel KORRA I CADUAD diambil dari Kodam-Kodam, dari pendidikan dasar masing-masing kecabangan. Sehingga akhirnya KORRA I / CADUAD mempunyai kekuatan I Divisi Inf dengan memiliki pasukan inti 1 Brigade Para, satuan Banpur dan satuan Banmin.

Berdasarkan pengalaman dari Komando Mandala ini, maka Mayjen TNI Soeharto membuat telaahan staf yang intinya perlunya dibentuk pasukan cadangan strategis. Akhirnya gagasan ini disetujui, maka berdasarkan Skep Kasad No : KPTS 178/2/1963 tgl 19 Feb.1963 diputuskan bahwa KORRA I CADUAD resmi menjadi KOSTRAD. Dengan tugas pokoknya untuk melaksanakan operasi militer baik secara berdiri sendiri maupun bagian dalam suatu operasi gabungan dalam rangka mempertahankan Negara Kesatuan Repiblik Indonesia.

Dalam bentuk organisasinya Kostrad mempunyai bentuk Komando lapangan yang terdiri dari :

  1. Markas Komando
  2. Markas Divisi, Brigade dan gugusan tempur bantuan tempur dan Bantuan administrasi.
Kostrad berkedudukan sebagai kotama dan dalam segi pembinaan Kostrad berkedudukan langsung dibawah Kasad. Sedangkan dalam segi operasional Kostrad berkedudukan langsung dibawah Panglima TNI.

So in short, Kostrad is Strategic Reserve Units to be used when the threat assessment deemed regular Regional Command units can't handle the threat projection or need to be solved as soon as possible.


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Bloddy hell..
They really WELLLLLLLLLL equiped with the modern gears. They seriously looks like WELLLLLLLLLL trained soldiers. 😐

I'm quite confused why some people criticize Komcad BCS they (look) better equipped than some regular units

1. They will only use the gear and firearms during training/mobilisation
2. The only 'major' item that they are 'better equipped' with is the SS2-V5
3. Regular units have other equip and firearms: AGL, MG, Scope, NVG, Grenade, DMR, Mortar, ATGM, etc, which Komcad ha never even been trained with (CMIIW)
4. Afterall regular units are better trained and have more mil qualification (para, demolition, etc)

Would someone with more in-depth knowledge about the Indonesian Army correct me if I'm wrong, please?

We already have Kostrad or the Indonesian Army Strategic Reserve Command, while it has "Reserve" in its name, but for all intent and purpose, Kostrad is actually the "main" army of Indonesia.

As for Komcad, it looks more similar to US National Guard or probably Vietnam's Self-Defense Militia. The troops are basically military trained civilians who have their own careers outside of the military. Of course, the difference is that they have the obligation to return to active military duty anytime the nation's need them to, for example if we're being attacked or invaded, or to assist in disasters.

So does my understanding correct?

Anyway, it still puzzles me why there's a "Reserve" in Kostrad if it's totally different than Komcad... So if anyone can explain it to me lilke I'm five years old, I'll be very grateful.
I believe 'Cadangan' in Kostrad means they are 'Cadangan' if the local military command (Kodam) is not able to handle the threat by themselves


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From Kostrad own site

Berdasarkan Struktur Orgas (Tap -05 tgl 5 Agustus 1958) di Tanah air telah dibentuk Kodam hampir di setiap provinsi, namun saat itu masih bersifat teritorial dengan kemampuan terbatas, terdiri dari Kodam, Korem, Brigade dan Batalyon.

Menjelang akhir tahun 1960 pimpinan AD menganggap perlu membentuk satuan militer yang bersifat mobil berkemampuan Linud yang siap tempur menjalankan tugas di seluruh tanah air, maka dibentuklah Cadangan Umum AD, dimana gagasan dan ide ini keluar dari Kasad Jenderal A.H Nasution pada tahun 1960, dan sebagai realisasi dari gagasan ini, maka keluarlah skep Kasad No. KPTS.1067/12/1960 tgl. 27 Desember 1960. Gagasan itu mempunyai latar belakang yang sangat mendesak, terutama karena keterkaitannya dengan masalah Irian Barat yang pada waktu itu masih menjadi sengketa dengan Belanda.

Pada awal tahun 1961 tepatnya 6 Maret 1961 (ditetapkan sebagai hari lahirnya KOSTRAD) telah diresmikan Cadangan Umum Angkatan Darat ( CADUAD) dimana Mayjen TNI Soeharto ditunjuk menjadi Panglima KORRA I CADUAD, sedangkan kepala stafnya dijabat oleh Brigjen TNI Ahmad Wiranata Kusuma. Untuk pengisian personel KORRA I CADUAD diambil dari Kodam-Kodam, dari pendidikan dasar masing-masing kecabangan. Sehingga akhirnya KORRA I / CADUAD mempunyai kekuatan I Divisi Inf dengan memiliki pasukan inti 1 Brigade Para, satuan Banpur dan satuan Banmin.

Berdasarkan pengalaman dari Komando Mandala ini, maka Mayjen TNI Soeharto membuat telaahan staf yang intinya perlunya dibentuk pasukan cadangan strategis. Akhirnya gagasan ini disetujui, maka berdasarkan Skep Kasad No : KPTS 178/2/1963 tgl 19 Feb.1963 diputuskan bahwa KORRA I CADUAD resmi menjadi KOSTRAD. Dengan tugas pokoknya untuk melaksanakan operasi militer baik secara berdiri sendiri maupun bagian dalam suatu operasi gabungan dalam rangka mempertahankan Negara Kesatuan Repiblik Indonesia.

Dalam bentuk organisasinya Kostrad mempunyai bentuk Komando lapangan yang terdiri dari :

  1. Markas Komando
  2. Markas Divisi, Brigade dan gugusan tempur bantuan tempur dan Bantuan administrasi.
Kostrad berkedudukan sebagai kotama dan dalam segi pembinaan Kostrad berkedudukan langsung dibawah Kasad. Sedangkan dalam segi operasional Kostrad berkedudukan langsung dibawah Panglima TNI.

So in short, Kostrad is Strategic Reserve Units to be used when the threat assessment deemed regular Regional Command units can't handle the threat projection or need to be solved as soon as possible.
Thanks 👍🏼

In essence, the "reserve" word in Kostrad means just like what you wrote: (as the main force) to be deployed when Kodam - as the first responder - can no longer handle the threats.

So where does Komcad fit in this picture? As a backup for Kodam? A reserve for "reserve" Kostrad or any other army units should the need arise? To organize civillian resistance in the probable scenario when most of our regular army units have been wiped out by the enemy?

Sorry for the questions, though. I haven't followed the talks and debates about Komcad as much as I should.


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Thanks 👍🏼

In essence, the "reserve" word in Kostrad means just like what you wrote: (as the main force) to be deployed when Kodam - as the first responder - can no longer handle the threats.

So where does Komcad fit in this picture? As a backup for Kodam? A reserve for "reserve" Kostrad or any other army units should the need arise? To organize civillian resistance in the probable scenario when most of our regular army units have been wiped out by the enemy?

Sorry for the questions, though. I haven't followed the talks and debates about Komcad as much as I should.

Just like other reserve citizen force units around the world, they are gonna be activated during emergency cause, like large scale disaster or large scale wars' in which the country need to mobilized the population at large scale

The US, English and most of the western countries is still keep such citizen force as force multiplier during emergency.


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Just like other reserve citizen force units around the world, they are gonna be activated during emergency cause, like large scale disaster or large scale wars' in which the country need to mobilized the population at large scale

The US, English and most of the western countries is still keep such citizen force as force multiplier during emergency.
Affirmative. Thanks again 👍🏼👍🏼


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I'm quite confused why some people criticize Komcad BCS they (look) better equipped than some regular units

1. They will only use the gear and firearms during training/mobilisation
2. The only 'major' item that they are 'better equipped' with is the SS2-V5
3. Regular units have other equip and firearms: AGL, MG, Scope, NVG, Grenade, DMR, Mortar, ATGM, etc, which Komcad ha never even been trained with (CMIIW)
4. Afterall regular units are better trained and have more mil qualification (para, demolition, etc)

I believe 'Cadangan' in Kostrad means they are 'Cadangan' if the local military command (Kodam) is not able to handle the threat by themselves
It's not critic. It's compliments.

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