where are they going to assemble ?? Malaysia??
they're only means of transport is still by sea, and by having to transverse those body of water meant their army will be very dependent on transport ships, the PLA doesn't have many transport ships to begin with and what they have will be geared for any Taiwan contingency, how much man and armor could they lift in one go???
let's say, just losing 1/4th of their transport ship could be catastrophic, along with the men and material transported with it, the distance between mainland CN to ID is further than the distance between CN and TWN that will add to their headache.
look around you, none of the major player in the Pacific cared much about growing their tank fleet, not the US with the US Marines or the US army stationed in Japan, not Taiwan, not Japan. all of the mentioned are gearing for precision weapons (and many geared towards ship killing) , because they know China's sheer numerical advantage will be cancelled immediately if they could not crosses the body of water separating them with their neighbors and their Navy decimated.
U.S. Army Flexes New Land-based, Anti-Ship Capabilities | Aviation Week Network
Faced with a rapidly growing Chinese Navy, the U.S. Army is seeking to adapt a land-based targeting system for a maritime strike role.aviationweek.com
The Marines' New Unmanned Ship Killing Missile Launcher Truck Breaks Cover
Naval Strike Missiles fired from unmanned launcher vehicles are important components of new distributed concepts of operations the Marines are developing.www.thedrive.com
Japan's ATLA Developing Hypersonic Anti-Ship Missile - Naval News
Japan's Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA) started developing a hypersonic guided missile able to attack both ships or ground targets. The missile, qualified as "game changer" by the Japanese Ministry of Defense's agency, will use scramjet engine technology for propulsion.www.navalnews.com
Article expired
News on Japan, Business News, Opinion, Sports, Entertainment and Morewww.japantimes.co.jp
LDP starts talks on Japan enemy base attack capability
The team will discuss alternatives to the Aegis Ashore plan, including enemy base strike capability, and draw up a proposal by the end of July.www.japantimes.co.jp
To Invade Taiwan, A Chinese Fleet Might Have To Sail Through 400 Harpoon Anti-Ship Missiles
Just five days after the U.S. State Department cleared Taiwan to buy 199 American-made air- and ground-launched cruise and ballistic missiles capable of striking targets in mainland China, the State Department also approved a Taiwanese buy of a startling 400 ground-launched anti-ship missiles.www.forbes.com
even Taiwan, which had been authorized to buy M1 Abrams decided not to go for it. with the limited money they got, they preferred more Harpoons instead.
here's some materials that you might be interested in.
Tightening the Chain: Implementing a Strategy of Maritime Pressure in the Western Pacific | CSBA
CSBA is an independent, non-partisan policy research institute established to promote innovative thinking and debate about national security strategy and investment options.csbaonline.org
Seizing on Weakness: Allied Strategy for Competing With China’s Globalizing Military | CSBA
CSBA is an independent, non-partisan policy research institute established to promote innovative thinking and debate about national security strategy and investment options.csbaonline.org
Never say never ..... Just like a condom . Better have it then not need it compared to opposite .
Look dude .... I agree with you wholeheartedly but we are not the one making the decision here ....
Every option and decision has it's own consequences there ... If the top brass think the armored threat are real and imminent what argues could i make otherwise ?? The way i see it top brass have already make a very concerning grimm calculation there . The scenario along is we would have to depend our self for a while until some substansial help come to our aid and made a differences . Somewhere along the PLA could thrust inland unabated even with all the deterrent element you've been mentioned above and even the choked point static sea wall lines if ever presented . And honestly ?? There is no way we could opposed the PLAN thrust should they ever commited for goung rogue with our present and upcoming ( signed contract yet not have been effective due financing issues ) inventory...
Should this scenario ever be realized ?? God forbid i hope is not ... But , the flash breaking point is only a matter of time . How the matter fan's out ?? There where the analysis and intels should talks ...