Indonesia Indonesian Army,Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD)


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Menhan Prabowo Brainstorming Perencanaan Alutsista dengan TNI AD, TNI AU dan TNI AL​

Jumat, 11 Juni 2021


Jakarta – Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto, Kamis (10/6), memimpin Rapat Brainstorming Perencanaan Alutsista TNI AD dan TNI AU di Kemhan, Jakarta setelah sebelumnya mengadakan kegiatan yang sama dengan TNI AL. Ketiga kegiatan itu dilaksanakan secara terpisah.

Hadir dalam Brainstorming dengan TNI AD, Kamis para pejabat Mabes TNI AD sebagai pengguna, Asrena Kasad Mayjen TNI Hendrasto Joko Saksono dan Aslog Kasad Mayjen TNI Jani Iswanto, M.A.

Sementara dalam Brainstorming bersama TNI AU di hari yang sama, hadir dalam pertemuan Kasau Marsekal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo bersama Asrena Kasau Marsda TNI Andyawan Martono P., S.I.P., Aslog Kasau Marsda TNI Djamaluddin, M.Si (Han), dan Kadis Aeronautika TNI AU Marsma TNI Eddy Supriyono, S.E., M.M.

Brainstorming Perencanaan Kebutuhan Alutsista ini dimaksudkan untuk menyesuaikan kebutuhan pengguna dalam hal ini TNI dengan blueprint kebutuhan alutsista jangka panjang yang disusun Kementerian Pertahanan.

Kegiatan brainstorming dengan TNI AD, TNI AU, dan TNI AL adalah kegiatan yang sering dilakukan oleh Kemhan bersama TNI dalam merencanakan Alpahankam.

Menhan dalam kegiatan Kamis didampingi oleh Wamenhan M. Herindra, Sekjen Marsdya TNI Donny Ermawan Taufanto, M.D.S., Irjen Kemhan Letjen TNI Ida Bagus Purwalaksana, S.I.P., M.M., Dirjen Renhan Mayjen TNI Dr. Budi Prijono, S.T., M.M., CfrA, dan Kabaranahan Marsda TNI Yusuf Jauhari, M.Eng.

Sementara beberapa waktu sebelumnya, Menhan telah menerima melaksanakan Rapat Brainstorming dengan TNI AL yang juga membicarakan rencana kebutuhan alutsista matra laut, yang dihadiri oleh Arsena Kasal Laksda TNI Muhammad Ali, Aslog Kasal Laksda TNI Puguh Santoso dan Kadismatal Laksma TNI Budi Sulistyo. (Biro Humas Setjen Kemhan)



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Imo, Army should not focus to much on new tanks. New long rocket guided artillery or missiles will make much more sense for our geography as well as investing in advanced ISR systems and more robust comms.

on the other hand I support the plan to procure many of the Carl Gustaf, Infantry squad is in need for more firepower.


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Menhan Prabowo Brainstorming Perencanaan Alutsista dengan TNI AD, TNI AU dan TNI AL​

Jumat, 11 Juni 2021


Jakarta – Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto, Kamis (10/6), memimpin Rapat Brainstorming Perencanaan Alutsista TNI AD dan TNI AU di Kemhan, Jakarta setelah sebelumnya mengadakan kegiatan yang sama dengan TNI AL. Ketiga kegiatan itu dilaksanakan secara terpisah.

Hadir dalam Brainstorming dengan TNI AD, Kamis para pejabat Mabes TNI AD sebagai pengguna, Asrena Kasad Mayjen TNI Hendrasto Joko Saksono dan Aslog Kasad Mayjen TNI Jani Iswanto, M.A.

Sementara dalam Brainstorming bersama TNI AU di hari yang sama, hadir dalam pertemuan Kasau Marsekal TNI Fadjar Prasetyo bersama Asrena Kasau Marsda TNI Andyawan Martono P., S.I.P., Aslog Kasau Marsda TNI Djamaluddin, M.Si (Han), dan Kadis Aeronautika TNI AU Marsma TNI Eddy Supriyono, S.E., M.M.

Brainstorming Perencanaan Kebutuhan Alutsista ini dimaksudkan untuk menyesuaikan kebutuhan pengguna dalam hal ini TNI dengan blueprint kebutuhan alutsista jangka panjang yang disusun Kementerian Pertahanan.

Kegiatan brainstorming dengan TNI AD, TNI AU, dan TNI AL adalah kegiatan yang sering dilakukan oleh Kemhan bersama TNI dalam merencanakan Alpahankam.

Menhan dalam kegiatan Kamis didampingi oleh Wamenhan M. Herindra, Sekjen Marsdya TNI Donny Ermawan Taufanto, M.D.S., Irjen Kemhan Letjen TNI Ida Bagus Purwalaksana, S.I.P., M.M., Dirjen Renhan Mayjen TNI Dr. Budi Prijono, S.T., M.M., CfrA, dan Kabaranahan Marsda TNI Yusuf Jauhari, M.Eng.

Sementara beberapa waktu sebelumnya, Menhan telah menerima melaksanakan Rapat Brainstorming dengan TNI AL yang juga membicarakan rencana kebutuhan alutsista matra laut, yang dihadiri oleh Arsena Kasal Laksda TNI Muhammad Ali, Aslog Kasal Laksda TNI Puguh Santoso dan Kadismatal Laksma TNI Budi Sulistyo. (Biro Humas Setjen Kemhan)

i hope AD would focus on improving arhanud , yonif / yonmek (more sophisticated battle taxi) , more boom stick (carl gustaf plan is good) , air cavalry.


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My only beef on this expansion plan aside from the source of money is how litle concern or attention to the state of our artillery branches . We lacked the ranged unit so much it blows my mind that no body pay attention to elephant in the room .
While it was presenting an unique opportunity to overhauled our own aproaches in the said field too ...
Time are changing .... Fixed emplacement/towed artillery bunkers are a bygone trends in today atmosphere ...
I'll say .... Let's all go mobile and 155 from today onward . Tracked for Kodam and wheeled for a mobile regiments . And that cover both howitzer and rockets element ....

And somehow i get a sweetspotted for a chezch Dita ...

Drones and glide munition is quite interesting recently for long range precision strike.

Something like carl gustav is good to have in large number, although we should try to make our own version.


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Imo, Army should not focus to much on new tanks, long rocket guided artillery or missiles will make much more sense for our geography as well as investing in advanced ISR systems and comms.

on the other hand I support the plan to procure many of the Carl Gustaf, Infantry squad is in need for more firepower.

They need hammer kind units, accompanied with assorted techies and support units. UCAV, MLRS, artillery firefinder and stand off loitering munition
Drones and glide munition is quite interesting recently for long range precision strike.

Something like carl gustav is good to have in large number, although we should try to make our own version.

UCAV, loitering munition, tanks, modern APC, helicopters, attack helicopters, surveilance targeting aircraft is a must


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Army should have things like this in mind, one battery in Western Borneo, one in the Natuna, the other one in the Riau Archipelago or Makassar strait . We could seal and make any naval invasion attempt miserable and complex. Ship killing should be a tri-service standard capability.

Ps: just example, am sure there are other alternatives

more Leopard 2 doesn't make military calculations more complex.


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They need hammer kind units, accompanied with assorted techies and support units. UCAV, MLRS, artillery firefinder and stand off loitering munition

UCAV, loitering munition, tanks, modern APC, helicopters, attack helicopters, surveilance targeting aircraft is a must
Well yes but the priority is different.

We will need more ground assets to be stationed in Kalimantan to compensate little natural defense there, the geography there is not that mountainous like our other big island.


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Army should have things like this in mind, one battery in Western Borneo, one in the Natuna, the other one in the Riau Archipelago or Makassar strait . We could seal and make any naval invasion attempt miserable and complex. Ship killing should be a tri-service standard capability.

Ps: just example, am sure there are other alternatives

more Leopard 2 doesn't make military calculations more complex.

Leopard 2 had their own use, and that's the jobs of HBCT Kostrad as the spearhead units to break through enemy Defense line. Nagorno Karabakh had shown us on how the Azeris able to rolled off the Armenian defense line with their superior T 90 fleets after UCAV and loitering munition softened the enemies hard points. You should be better than this


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so, Is it as AH leaked the days before today just co incidence?

Imo, Army should not focus to much on new tanks. New long rocket guided artillery or missiles will make much more sense for our geography as well as investing in advanced ISR systems and more robust comms.

on the other hand I support the plan to procure many of the Carl Gustaf, Infantry squad is in need for more firepower.

Drones and glide munition is quite interesting recently for long range precision strike.

Something like carl gustav is good to have in large number, although we should try to make our own version.

They need hammer kind units, accompanied with assorted techies and support units. UCAV, MLRS, artillery firefinder and stand off loitering munition

UCAV, loitering munition, tanks, modern APC, helicopters, attack helicopters, surveilance targeting aircraft is a must

They have learned from batle of nagorno karabakh

Any portable ranged anti-armour and anti air weaponry is a must have item for our grunt so they could be the anvil when get hammered and tip of the spears when we thrusting our advances ..
And yet , without an adequate support like a modern CS4IR , logistic and industrial prowes behind the lines as a whole working system . all of those guccis are nothing but a display of pageantry . We couldn't no longer buy thing separately and hope for the best ... It's the integration age now . And time wait for nobody . the Armenian's plight are testament for that partiality approaches .... and we all should learn something from that .


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Well yes but the priority is different.

We will need more ground assets to be stationed in Kalimantan to compensate little natural defense there, the geography there is not that mountainous like our other big island.

HBCT is would be the Kostrad Heavy hammer mobile units,capable to be deployed at momen notice via Water ways. They are right now trying to alleviate our logistic security needs that's why they spent big money on Surface combatant warships and fighter along with Submarine to accompanied and Escort our many LPD and LST fleets.

There is no matter when the assets would be placed, as when this plan is secured we are able to create our archipelago into inner lakes.


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The rivers shape and location is not that bad for us tho.


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Any portable ranged anti-armour and anti air weaponry is a must have item for our grunt so they could be the anvil when get hammered and tip of the spears when we thrusting our advances ..
And yet , without an adequate support like a modern CS4IR , logistic and industrial prowes behind the lines as a whole working system . all of those guccis are nothing but a display of pageantry . We couldn't no longer buy thing separately and hope for the best ... It's the integration age now . And time wait for nobody . the Armenian's plight are testament for that partiality approaches .... and we all should learn something from that .

Army is trying to get some stuff from Israel via our Greek friend though.


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HBCT is would be the Kostrad Heavy hammer mobile units,capable to be deployed at momen notice via Water ways. They are right now trying to alleviate our logistic security needs that's why they spent big money on Surface combatant warships and fighter along with Submarine to accompanied and Escort our many LPD and LST fleets.

There is no matter when the assets would be placed, as when this plan is secured we are able to create our archipelago into inner lakes.
cmiiw, but KOSTRAD had been exercising as if we have a continental army threatening Java, while our most likely threat will comes from the sea.

all these years we could see that they're modeled and trained after US Army Heavy BCT which is more useful when deployed in Europe. But we are not Europe, we couldn't do Wehrmacht style multi pronged attack with massive armies, our armies are confined by the size of the Islands which they were deployed.

Army need a leaner more agile posture, divesting old 105mm and turning them into mobile MLRS battalion with C4ISR support. it's good that they want more MBT's but more MBT will not deter some country, more ships, fast jets and precision munitions is the way to go.


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Army should have things like this in mind, one battery in Western Borneo, one in the Natuna, the other one in the Riau Archipelago or Makassar strait . We could seal and make any naval invasion attempt miserable and complex. Ship killing should be a tri-service standard capability.

Ps: just example, am sure there are other alternatives

more Leopard 2 doesn't make military calculations more complex.

This a static defense line . More like stalled sea wall tactic line . While leopard 2 were fully meant a thrusting spear to open the breach or mop up straggler unit and we sorely lacking in heavy armoured unit number . And MT has their own uses not a MBT substitute per se . Personally i put them in the IFV sections of utility . Different item for a different purposes .


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This a static defense line . More like stalled sea wall tactic line . While leopard 2 were fully meant a thrusting spear to open the breach or mop up straggler unit and we sorely lacking in heavy armoured unit number . And MT has their own uses not a MBT substitute per se . Personally i put them in the IFV sections of utility . Different item for a different purposes .
yup, the army could utilize those tanks like the Wehrmacht intend to use their tanks in Normandy or IDF in their war plan to defend Sinai: hit the enemies while they're in their most vulnerable (at the beaches). But Army should not be confined to only those tasks, it should also develop other capabilities that disturb or degrade enemy abilities to land in our beaches in the first place.

even if they didn't make landfall, missile batteries spread across our Islands could make life very hard for our foe, at least this is the logic behind US Marines divesting their tanks and tube artillery for more precision missile, doing more with less and do it with agility. We should take cue, the US military clearly knows something.


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cmiiw, but KOSTRAD had been exercising as if we have a continental army threatening Java, while our most likely threat will comes from the sea.

all these years we could see that they're modeled and trained after US Army Heavy BCT which is more useful when deployed in Europe. But we are not Europe, we couldn't do Wehrmacht style multi pronged attack with massive armies, our armies are confined by the size of the Islands which they were deployed.

Army need a leaner more agile posture, divesting old 105mm and turning them into mobile MLRS battalion with C4ISR support. it's good that they want more MBT's but more MBT will not deter some country, more ships, fast jets and precision munitions is the way to go.

Here some food for the thought . Where do you think the PLA would mass their armoured element if they going to rogue and grab for some land ?? The most obvious choice would be kalimantan because java is nothing but a suicidal even for the US standard . Highly urbanized and mass density will stopped anything on it's track .
How would kostrad would fare in they haven't exercised that approach ?? Mind you any batle in that would displayed in kalimantan would be anything but massive even if it was on lightest scale armoured unit the PLA could brought to bear ... quantity has it's own quality ....


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yup, the army could utilize those tanks like the Wehrmacht intend to use their tanks in Normandy or IDF in their war plan to defend Sinai: hit the enemies while they're in their most vulnerable (at the beaches). But Army should not be confined to only those tasks, it should also develop other capabilities that disturb or degrade enemy abilities to land in our beaches in the first place.

even if they didn't make landfall, missile batteries spread across our Islands could make life very hard for our foe, at least this is the logic behind US Marines divesting their tanks and tube artillery for more precision missile, doing more with less and do it with agility. We should take cue, the US military clearly knows something.

Obviously we are coming to different understanding of point if view . Nobody discounting their effectiveness but it's just a different set of priority here ... Didn't we've allready ordered on ukranian neptune ?? Things has been considered it's just the prioritizing goes somewhere else ... For now
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Here some food for the thought . Where do you think the PLA would mass their armoured element if they going to rogue and grab for some land ?? The most obvious choice would be kalimantan because java is nothing but a suicidal even for the US standard . Highly urbanized and mass density will stopped anything on it's track .
How would kostrad would fare in they haven't exercised that approach ?? Mind you any batle in that would displayed in kalimantan would be anything but massive even if it was on lightest scale armoured unit the PLA could brought to bear ... quantity has it's own quality ....

where are they going to assemble ?? Malaysia??

they're only means of transport is still by sea, and by having to transverse those body of water meant their army will be very dependent on transport ships, the PLA doesn't have many transport ships to begin with and what they have will be geared for any Taiwan contingency, how much man and armor could they lift in one go???

let's say, just losing 1/4th of their transport ship could be catastrophic, along with the men and material transported with it, the distance between mainland CN to ID is further than the distance between CN and TWN that will add to their headache.

look around you, none of the major player in the Pacific cared much about growing their tank fleet, not the US with the US Marines or the US army stationed in Japan, not Taiwan, not Japan. all of the mentioned are gearing for precision weapons (and many geared towards ship killing) , because they know China's sheer numerical advantage will be cancelled immediately if they could not crosses the body of water separating them with their neighbors and their Navy decimated.😶

even Taiwan, which had been authorized to buy M1 Abrams decided not to go for it. with the limited money they got, they preferred more Harpoons instead.

here's some materials that you might be interested in.


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