Indonesia Indonesian Army,Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD)


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He seemed to forget the jasmine. Although that would depend on the "type of asmaan / ghaib " Some (usually the good one) prefer jasmine

hmmm.... ketauan belum pernah ngerasain pakai AP Boots saat operasi nich.

AP Boots
AGI = -2 (minus)
movement over jungle terrain = +30% (AP Boots is really that good in jungle environment)
Onething for sure is when we are wearing those AP boot we were provided with a sense of security and could just blaze the trails and didn't care at all about some poisonous things in forest floor whatsoever ( bushes thorns , viper pit , scorpions and centipedes alike ... ) While it kind of akward for the first time just like wearing a steel toed safety shoe it way better compared to the alternatives .
Twice i got stroked by the vipers and all of their fangs are stucked in the plastic skin while my foot get scoot free because of the gap it provided .
Just prepare for a tons of spare socks for a hazardous atmospherical polution prevention .. 😁😁

Recomended seller ... 👍👍


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Onething for sure is when we are wearing those AP boot we were provided with a sense of security and could just blaze the trails and didn't care at all about some poisonous things in forest floor whatsoever ( bushes thorns , viper pit , scorpions and centipedes alike ... ) While it kind of akward for the first time just like wearing a steel toed safety shoe it way better compared to the alternatives .
Twice i got stroked by the vipers and all of their fangs are stucked in the plastic skin while my foot get scoot free because of the gap it provided .
Just prepare for a tons of spare socks for a hazardous atmospherical polution prevention .. 😁😁

Recomended seller ... 👍👍
What I don't like with any 🇮🇩 footwear is the lack of size option. I wear Euro size 44. And it is very difficult to get that kind of size from any 🇮🇩 brand of footwear.
Anyway, AP Boots is one "Karya Anak Bangsa" that actually work as advertised

Anyway, AP Boots test :


Van Kravchenko

Indonesia Correspondent
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I wear Euro size
No wonder, no one would make mess with ya, your body perhaps beyond average 🇲🇨 male has.

For shoe with UE size 43 and beyond usually hard to find due to small stock, perhaps you should visit two or more store to get it.

I wonder if the use of AP boots is give significant performance for a soldier in swamp or "pedalaman" papua/kalimantan
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Garuda Airborne in US

100 Indonesian army soldier train with 82nd Airborne Division and US Army



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No wonder, no one would make mess with ya, your body perhaps beyond average 🇲🇨 male has.
Actually, many had tried. And all of them are of smaller stature than I am. Guess they believe they could slip in under my arm's reach. And besides I'm not exactly above average either. Many around me are of similar physical stature (albeit heavier in build). In my maternal extended family, I even below average. Got cousin who is 2.2m tall with muscular body build

For shoe with UE size 43 and beyond usually hard to find due to small stock, perhaps you should visit two or more store to get it.
I've already tried to come to their factory & head office (which is in the same neighbourhood where I live). They do have model up to Euro size 46, but unfortunately they don't have any ready stock. So I've always end up wearing 1 size smaller

I wonder if the use of AP boots is give significant performance for a soldier in swamp or "pedalaman" papua/kalimantan
If by "swamp" you were referring to mangrove forest with the water at least a chest high (my chest), then you're better off wearing 🇺🇸 Vietnam issue Jungle Boots or their current modern derivatives such as those offering from Nike or Altama boots (both are quite expensive)
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Love this steel beauty, I hope we can fill the Kupang Air Base with SKA of fighters soon to be their umberella
Having heavy armour is nice. But they will be toothless without indirect fire support to back them up.
The way I see it, both Matra Darat & Laut (Marinir) have critical need to expand indirect fire support both quantitatively and qualitatively. Remember, it's always the indirect fire that kill the most

Van Kravchenko

Indonesia Correspondent
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indirect fire that kill the most
Is it the one that Soviet do On german Troops during Operation Barbarossa with their 122 mm or just like Turkish backed Millitant do to their enemy counterpart using Bayraktar?

Well, perhaps your statement partially right. But in most of the time Indirect fire main role is to suppress enemy so the main body of strike force could attack swiftly towards enemy defence.


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Having heavy armour is nice. But they will be toothless without indirect fire support to back them up.
The way I see it, both Matra Darat & Laut (Marinir) have critical need to expand indirect fire support both quantitatively and qualitatively. Remember, it's always the indirect fire that kill the most

Is it the one that Soviet do On german Troops during Operation Barbarossa with their 122 mm or just like Turkish backed Millitant do to their enemy counterpart using Bayraktar?

Well, perhaps your statement partially right. But in most of the time Indirect fire main role is to suppress enemy so the main body of strike force could attack swiftly towards enemy defence.
Every weapon system has its own role, combined arms is the key


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Is it the one that Soviet do On german Troops during Operation Barbarossa with their 122 mm or just like Turkish backed Millitant do to their enemy counterpart using Bayraktar?

Well, perhaps your statement partially right. But in most of the time Indirect fire main role is to suppress enemy so the main body of strike force could attack swiftly towards enemy defence.
The role of artillery :

Aufgabe der Artillerie ist es, mit der Gewalt ihres Feuers rechtzeitig die Kräfte des Feindes zu zerschlagen und hierdurch der eigenen Infanterie zum Siege zu verhelfen

The artillery's task is to use the force of its fire to smash the enemy's forces in time and therby help the friendly infantry to victory

(H. Dv. 200/5: Ausbildungsvorschrift für die Artillerie. Heft 5: Die Führung der Artillerie. E. S. Mittler & Sohn: Berlin, 1937)

While tanks deployment could be summarized as follows :

Für den Einsatz von Panzern in der Schlacht gibt es drei Möglichkeiten :
  1. Einbruch vor den Schützen
  2. Einbruch mit den Schützen
  3. Angriff nach Einbruch der Schützen
There are three possibilities for the use of tanks in battle :
  1. Break-in before the riflemen
  2. Break-in with the riflemen
  3. Attack after the break-in of the riflemen
(Kauffmann, Kurt: Panzerkampfwagenbuch, 2. Verbesserte und erweitere Auflage, 1940)

Every weapon system has its own role, combined arms is the key
That is true. Unfortunately we currently do not have enough both in quantity & quality of each element to mutually support one another

Van Kravchenko

Indonesia Correspondent
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The role of artillery :

Aufgabe der Artillerie ist es, mit der Gewalt ihres Feuers rechtzeitig die Kräfte des Feindes zu zerschlagen und hierdurch der eigenen Infanterie zum Siege zu verhelfen

The artillery's task is to use the force of its fire to smash the enemy's forces in time and therby help the friendly infantry to victory

(H. Dv. 200/5: Ausbildungsvorschrift für die Artillerie. Heft 5: Die Führung der Artillerie. E. S. Mittler & Sohn: Berlin, 1937)

While tanks deployment could be summarized as follows :

Für den Einsatz von Panzern in der Schlacht gibt es drei Möglichkeiten :
  1. Einbruch vor den Schützen
  2. Einbruch mit den Schützen
  3. Angriff nach Einbruch der Schützen
There are three possibilities for the use of tanks in battle :
  1. Break-in before the riflemen
  2. Break-in with the riflemen
  3. Attack after the break-in of the riflemen
(Kauffmann, Kurt: Panzerkampfwagenbuch, 2. Verbesserte und erweitere Auflage, 1940)

That is true. Unfortunately we currently do not have enough both in quantity & quality of each element to mutually support one another
As i thought, you took german instruction for both Artilery and tank force.

I agree in case of full attack, Artilerry should give full support both infatry and tanks. But in nowaday's case, static Artilerry would resulting in enemy counter-artilery fire. Therefore, shoot-scoot Self Propelled Artilerry is needed.

And I TOTALLY AGREE that tank must supported by infantry

Reminds me to some words from Instructions From German HQ for Tank Commanders.

*. Intensive firing from all gun in the first minute in the assault determine the result of the battle

*. Tanks must protect infantry, therefore, i fantry must think to protect tanks

What a good old day blitzkrieg,

*Panzerlied Intensifies...


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As i thought, you took german instruction for both Artilery and tank force.

I agree in case of full attack, Artilerry should give full support both infatry and tanks. But in nowaday's case, static Artilerry would resulting in enemy counter-artilery fire. Therefore, shoot-scoot Self Propelled Artilerry is needed.

And I TOTALLY AGREE that tank must supported by infantry

Reminds me to some words from Instructions From German HQ for Tank Commanders.

*. Intensive firing from all gun in the first minute in the assault determine the result of the battle

*. Tanks must protect infantry, therefore, i fantry must think to protect tanks

What a good old day blitzkrieg,

*Panzerlied Intensifies...
And UCAV goes brrrr.

Side note: we need the infantry access to NLOS ATGM, in the last Karabakh war, this unit type function like long range artillery.

Van Kravchenko

Indonesia Correspondent
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And UCAV goes brrrr.
Stop it, there's no CUAV capable to carry 25 mm Vulcan 🤣🤣🤣

Why we need NLOS ATGM ?
Did UCAV not enough ?

The price of one NLOS ATGM missile more than the salarry of the user per year.

Also considering APS isnt come at cheap price make not all adversaries tanks equipped by APS.

Perhaps one stuff like TOW 2/ AT 6 is enough for infantry to use.


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And UCAV goes brrrr.

Side note: we need the infantry access to NLOS ATGM, in the last Karabakh war, this unit type function like long range artillery.
i always try to promote those serbian RALAS/ALAS for standoff missile if the israeli option deemed not possible , truck / ground launched kamikaze drone like U-Vision and Harop is also categorized as standoff weapon .



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And UCAV goes brrrr.

Side note: we need the infantry access to NLOS ATGM, in the last Karabakh war, this unit type function like long range artillery.

What if Azerbaijan met the opponent with Israel like capability? Superior Air Force, Superior Electronic warfare system, Superior Ground based AA Defense system, Superior Artillery and Superior Armor

Those UCAV Will not give much edge on the battlefield, when the other Arms is severely lacking and continuesly take beating. You need more balance on everything nowadays.

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