Onething for sure is when we are wearing those AP boot we were provided with a sense of security and could just blaze the trails and didn't care at all about some poisonous things in forest floor whatsoever ( bushes thorns , viper pit , scorpions and centipedes alike ... ) While it kind of akward for the first time just like wearing a steel toed safety shoe it way better compared to the alternatives .He seemed to forget the jasmine. Although that would depend on the "type of asmaan / ghaib " Some (usually the good one) prefer jasmine
hmmm.... ketauan belum pernah ngerasain pakai AP Boots saat operasi nich.
AP Boots
AGI = -2 (minus)
movement over jungle terrain = +30% (AP Boots is really that good in jungle environment)
Twice i got stroked by the vipers and all of their fangs are stucked in the plastic skin while my foot get scoot free because of the gap it provided .
Just prepare for a tons of spare socks for a hazardous atmospherical polution prevention ..

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