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at least painted in the same color lah hahaPadat karya ..itu ajah operator nya ga tau kl itu civil version and not a military grade...![]()
Di warning Do not tuch you broke it you " ngijoli " it.at least painted in the same color lah haha
Di warning Do not tuch you broke it you " ngijoli " it.
And that is just a test platform so
Isn't those infrared light gonna make the tank easily seen from miles away by the enemies in combat situation!!??
8x8 Pandur. If they replace the Anoa with 6x6 Pandur, then that would be same as USASOC Pandur (AGMS) used in NE Syria backing YPG/YPJ (SDF)PT Pindad will send 18 Pandur and 12 Anoa for Peace Mission in Lebanon
PT Pindad kirim 18 Pandur dan 12 Anoa untuk Misi Perdamaian di Lebanon - ANTARA News
ANTARA - PT Pindad secara resmi akan mengirimkan 18 kendaraan tempur Pandur dan 12 unit Anoa sebagai bagian dari peremajaan kendaraan tempur ...www.antaranews.com