Strengthen security, Air Police operate Agusta Westland (AW) 189 and AW 169
National Police Chief Gen. Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo (third left) prepares to break a jug to mark the start of operation of the Agusta Westland (AW) 189 and AW 169 Helicopters after the commemoration ceremony for Polairud's 71st Anniversary at the Pondok Cabe Air Police Headquarters, South Tangerang, Banten, Wednesday (1/01). 12/2021).
The Air Police will operate a new fleet of nine AW 189 helicopters and two AW 169 helicopters in order to participate in strengthening Indonesia's defense and security. BETWEEN PHOTOS/Muhammad Iqbal/rwa.
National Police Chief Gen. Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo (third left) prepares to break a jug to mark the start of operation of the Agusta Westland (AW) 189 and AW 169 Helicopters after the commemoration ceremony for Polairud's 71st Anniversary at the Pondok Cabe Air Police Headquarters, South Tangerang, Banten, Wednesday (1/01). 12/2021).
The Air Police will operate a new fleet of nine AW 189 helicopters and two AW 169 helicopters in order to participate in strengthening Indonesia's defense and security. BETWEEN PHOTOS/Muhammad Iqbal/rwa.