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Indonesia Dapat Hibah 15 Unit Rantis Bushmaster Senilai Rp291,5 Miliar
Indonesia mendapatkan hibah 15 unit kendaraan taktis (Rantis) Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicle (BPMV) dari
Komisi I DPR Setujui TNI Terima Hibah 15 Rantis Bushmaster dari Australia
Komisi I DPR RI menyetujui penerimaan hibah 15 unit rantis Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicle (BPMV) dari pemerintah Australia untuk PMPP
Terima Hibah 15 Rantis dari Australia, Panglima TNI: Tak Ada Timbal Balik
"Jadi tidak ada (udang di balik batu), timbal-baliknya tidak ada. Jadi murni dihibahkan kepada kita," kata Panglima TNI Laksamana Yudo
Indonesia Receives Grants for 15 Bushmaster Rantis Units Worth IDR 291.5 Billion
Indonesian Deputy Minister of Defense (Wamenhan) M Herindra stated that the 15 Rantis units consisted of 13 Troops type units, 1 Command type unit and 1 Ambulance type unit.
"The Ministry of Defense and TNI did not incur any costs in receiving grants from the Australian government for PMPP TNI," he continued.
DPR Commission I Approves TNI Receives 15 Grants Bushmaster from Australia
Received Grant of 15 Rantis from Australia, TNI Commander: No Reciprocity
Huh, Bushmaster MRAP is still more expensive than Anoa. Anoa is about 800k USD - 1 million USD while Bushmaster is 1.3 million USD. If Sanca project continued, it wouldn't be as widespread as Anoa.
I wonder how much is a Turangga APC, considering it seems to have limited MRAP capability. Though the Anoa has been mine-tested and was claimed as passed, so probably Anoa may have the same capability as MRAP.
Dalam Sepekan, Dua Prajurit TNI AD Gugur Ditembak KKB - | Informasi Berita Terkini dan Terbaru Hari Ini Hankam Dan TNI %
Keluarga besar TNI AD berduka salah satu prajurit terbaik mereka Robertus Simbolon, anggota TNI yang tergabung dalam Satgas Raider 303/TKR gugur dalam kontak senjata dengan Kelompok Kriminal Bersenjata (KKB) di Sugapa, Intan Jaya, Minggu (9/4/2023) sekitar pukul 16.00
Brace yourself ... The worst news hasn't been cleared out yet ...6 TNI Members Killed in Shooting Contact with Papuan Terrorists, 9 People Taken as Hostages
They were all gone?Brace yourself ... The worst news hasn't been cleared out yet ...
I'm sorry ... It's not my place to share some sensitive info . Just prepare for the worst shall we ...They were all gone?![]()