this is crunch
instead of upgrading them, we should replace them
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instead of upgrading them, we should replace them
Use them as a targetinstead of upgrading them, we should replace them
For LST, we have the Bintuni-Classinstead of upgrading them, we should replace them
Our opv 90 will be ffbnw captas?, OPV90 (?)
I forgot what role that the OPV90 will haveOur opv 90 will be ffbnw captas?
I forgot what role that the OPV90 will have
Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo's BRS ship is ready to join the Navy's fleetKRI WSO 991
KRI dr Wahidin Sudorohusodo 991
Kapal BRS dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo siap bergabung dengan armada TNI AL
Kapal Bantu Rumah Sakit (BRS) dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo produksi PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) siap bergabung dengan satuan armada TNI AL, setelah dinyatakan lulus
Isn't that make her no longer protected by Geneva code and a valid target to be attacked?Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo's BRS ship is ready to join the Navy's fleet
View attachment 38347
Meanwhile, the commodore inspection team noted that the BRS Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo was able to reach 22.0 knots in the speedlog, exceeding expectations of 19 knots at 90 percent of the MCR.
The Head of the Navy's Communications and Electronics Service (Kadiskomlekal) Admiral Joko Edi Supriyanto acknowledged that the ship's communication was perfect, compared to other ships belonging to the Indonesian Navy.
"Only there is a need for additional communication devices, because this ship will be used as a command ship," he said.
The BRS vessel is also capable of performing turning circle tests, Z maneuvering tests, and crash stop astern tests. This proves that the BRS Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo-991 is ready to carry out humanitarian missions.
After the commodore inspection is carried out, which is marked by an official report from the Disadal. BRS ship dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo will be handed over to the Indonesian Navy on Friday, January 14, 2022.
8 submarine by the end of 2024, and its already 2022."Indonesian Navy tries to get its hand on bigger and more advanced submarines that offer greater time on station and greater breakthrough capability than those that make up its current fleet. Submarines must be able to be deployed for at least 60 consecutive days to accomplish the aforementioned missions. This type of submarine must also incorporate key technologies that are still politically and financially viable, such as the lithium-ion battery, Very Low Frequency (VLF) communications systems, and/or submarine-launched anti-ship missiles."
Really? I thought it was MoD who wants the land strike capable sub. Maybe the MoD opt for conventional ones to pursue the quantityThe navy want advanced submarine, MoD said we don't need any advanced submarine
what is the definition of 'advanced' here?The navy want advanced submarine, MoD said we don't need any advanced submarine.
Do you have source??8 submarine by the end of 2024, and its already 2022.
The navy want advanced submarine, MoD said we don't need any advanced submarine.
Top class on every aspects?what is the definition of 'advanced' here?
If the navy want submarine that can stay at the sea for 60 days, that means they intend to play far from our territorial water / maybe just want to stay at patrol area longer.Kita tidak butuh kapal selam yang begitu canggih bisa menyusup berbulan-bulan, kita hanya butuh menjaga negara kita," katanya.
Noh dengerin wkwk. Paling minimal lanjutin Nagapasa class biar sampe komplit ToTnya lah. Sukur sukur bisa dapet barang prancis atau jerman.
Prabowo: Kalau Ada Uang Beli F15-Rafale, Datang 3 Tahun Lagi!
Menhan Prabowo menegaskan pengadaan alutsista tak bisa buru-buru butuh tahunan untuk sampai datang ke Indonesia walaupun ada uang untuk
I think its the navy that want submarine that can launch missiles (not sure about the type of missiles).Really? I thought it was MoD who wants the land strike capable sub. Maybe the MoD opt for conventional ones to pursue the quantity
Ini Spesifikasi 2 Kapal Perang yang Hendak Dijual Presiden Jokowi
Kapal perang KRI Teluk Mandar 514 dan KRI Teluk Penyu 513 sama-sama merupakan jenis kapal pendarat (landing ship tank.LST) kelas Tacoma. Dua kapal ini dibuat perusahaan... | Halaman
Who want to buy those?Jokowi Wanna Sell 2 Old LST
President Jokowi has sent a letter requesting the sale of two warships to the Indonesian House of Representatives. The two warships are KRI Teluk Mandar 514 and KRI Teluk Turtle 513.
The request for the sale of the two warships was expressed by Deputy Chairman of the DPR, Muhaimin Iskandar as chairman of the session at the Plenary Meeting of the Opening of the Third Session of the DPR, 2021-2022 on Tuesday (11/1/2020). 2022).
"Letter Number R52 Pres 10 2021 dated October 29, 2021 regarding the application for approval of the sale of state property in the form of Ship X KRI Teluk Mandar 514 and Ship KRI Teluk Turtle 513 at the Ministry of Defense," said Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Muhaimin Iskandar as chair of the session in the DPR Plenary Meeting Room. , Parliament Complex Senayan, Jakarta.
Member of the House of Representatives Commission I Major General TNI (Ret.) Tubagus Hasanuddin explained that the essence of the letter was that the Minister of Defense (Menhan) through the President requested a change in the status of the two KRIs because they were no longer used as battleships or warships.
"Essentially the letter is about a letter asking for a change in the status of the KRI, submitted by the Minister of Defense to the President, 2 KRIs are no longer valid," Hasanuddin said when confirmed.
The reason, Hasanuddin explained, was that the two KRIs no longer had qualified technology, so they had to be disposed of, and could no longer be battleships or warships.