FFBNWThat's so cheap.![]()
FFBNWThat's so cheap.![]()
I wouldn't be certain about the prices, since i am not sure if it accounts the weapons in, or going to be supplied by acquisition agency,it definitely includes Japanese parts, sensors and weapons.467 million USD, then reduced to about 441 million USD
Hear the Japanese intentionally subsidized the deals to bags the order and snatch Indonesian Naval surface market from European OEM thus winning their very first lethal Naval items export after the failure of Soryu class dealI wouldn't be certain about the prices, since i am not sure if it accounts the weapons in, or going to be supplied by acquisition agency,it definitely includes Japanese parts, sensors and weapons.
Some foreign supplied parts are not included in prices (in some countries), thus the unit price seems little but in fact it excludes the additions which is purchased through external sources and later installed.
That's so cheap.![]()
Plus Japanese uses SeaRAM, the system alone costs $14-15 million with missiles. Some stand-alone systems can be further reduced or replaced with anything Indonesia wishes to use.Hear the Japanese intentionally subsidized the deals to bags the order and snatch Indonesian Naval surface market from European OEM thus winning their very first lethal Naval items export after the failure of Soryu class deal
Keel Laying ceremony of Oiler vessels at Batamec Shipyard |
BATAM – Komandan Pangkalan Utama TNI Angkatan Laut (Danlatamal) IV Tanjungpinang Laksamana Pertama TNI Indarto Budiarto, S.E., M.Han., hadiri acara peletakan lunas/keel laying pembangunan kapal di galangan kapal PT. Batamec Tanjung Uncang Batam Kepri, Rabu pagi (18/11/2020). Acara tersebut diawali dengan menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya, sambutan Presiden Direktur (Presdir) PT.Batamec, lalu pelaksanaan Ke el Laying, dilanjutkan penandatanganan Berita Acara Keel Laying, sambutan Asintel Kasal Laksamana Muda TNI Angkasa Dipua, S.E., M.M., doa, lalu ditutup dengan foto bersama. Pembangunan satu unit kapal type Kapal Bantu Cair Minyak (BCM) ini, dikerjakan oleh putra-putra terbaik bangsa, hal tersebut ditandai peletakkan lunas/keel laying, pernyataan resmi pembangunan Kapal BCM dengan menekan tombol sirena oleh Asintel Kasal Selain itu penandatanganan Berita Acara Peletakan Lunas/Keel Laying pembangunan kapal antara Kepala Dinas Material Angkatan Laut (Kadismatal) selaku Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen (PPK) Laksamana Pertama TNI Budi Sulistyo, CHRMP., dengan Presiden Direktur PT Batamec Maya Miranda, S.H., MIB., yang disaksikan oleh Asintel Kasal Dalam sambutannya Asintel Kasal mengatakan “PembangunanKapal BCM saat ini merupakan tindak lanjut pengadaan Alutsista dalam upaya meningkatkan kekuatan dan kemampuan TNI Angkatan Laut yang mengacu kepada Minimum Essential Force yang telah ditetapkan”, sebutnya. Lebih jauh dikatakan “Sebagai salah satu galangan dalam negeri, PT.Batamec diharapkan mampu meningkatkan mutu serta kemampuan dalam membangun kapal perang produksi dalam negeri yang berteknologi tinggi, sehingga PT.Batamec dapat menjadi referensi bagi TNI Angkatan Laut untuk tetap menjalin kerja sama dimasa mendatang”, pungkasnya. Hadir dalam acara tersebut Kadislaikmatal Laksma TNI Udyatmiko, Danguskamla Laksma TNI Yayan Sofyan,S.T., Kasubdis dalada, Kasubdisadalut, Aslog Danlantamal IV Kolonel Laut (T) Cok Bagus Alit Y, S.T., Aslog Danguskamla Kolonel Laut (T) I Negah S, Dansatgas Kapal BCM Kolonel Laut (T) Dody serta perwakilan dari Bank Mandiri. (@dispen_lantamal iv). |
Exercise Kridha Yudha 2020 , Natuna Sea November 2020, Saturday 14/11/20
View attachment 6479 View attachment 6480
so it's true then??? 30FFM
I don't think KCR 60 qualified as a major complex naval vessel
PT PAL is already boked for the Iver Huitfledts
we should, for a trillion dollar economy, our navy should be equal or more than that of Pakistan, lately Pakistan is also very ambitious with equipping their navy with more sophisticated warship such as the 054AP, Milgem, etc.The government is very ambitious this time with their Naval and Air Force building programme
we should, for a trillion dollar economy, our navy should be equal or more than that of Pakistan, lately Pakistan is also very ambitious with equipping their navy with more sophisticated warship such as the 054AP, Milgem, etc.
He said "A..." so it's only one?
so it's true then??? 30FFM
I don't think KCR 60 qualified as a major complex naval vessel
PT PAL is already boked for the Iver Huitfledts
OPV is a complex naval vessel??He said "A..." so it's only one?
It isn't ?OPV is a complex naval vessel??