Menguak 'Cuan' RI-Israel, Begini Hubungan Jakarta-Tel Aviv
Meski tak memiliki hubungan diplomatik formal RI dan Israel masih terlibat dalam hubungan dagang.

As a matter of vulgar curiosity, whom did you demolish with this message?Youve already displayed your lack of knowledge of Christianity and politics here on the NT Rust. You have no leg to stand on in either of those two realms. Leave these discussions to the adults ok? Thatd be great, thanks.
Your reply just increased my melancholy. It was sad to contemplate those good-hearted Titans, ben Gurion, Meir, Eshkol, Yigal, Peres (my particular favourite - one of the very few world figures whose hand I would like to have shaken), and Rabin - I wouldn't tag on Rabin, who ultimately paid his dues in full, with interest, but include him in the first circle. What a contrast to Begin, Shamir and Sharon, all figures whom I deeply disliked then, and continue to loathe even today. However, I wish you hadn't completed your sentence as you did; left me with a feeling of puke in my mouth.Long story in itself... Israel labour did lot of goof ups (but who didn't?), huge swathes of Israeli public lost confidence in the old stewardship ( meir et al. at the time) after Yom Kippur war...it served as opening for the old irgun cadre like Begin....and Likud story starts there more or less (consolidating all the right splinter groups).
Begin got a huge boost when Sadat saw him as credible party to sign peace deal with (precisely because Begin was "new" and was on the right so any peace deal would hold up for the rest of the disposition).
After this all kind of parties and leaders filled old socks and went running a bit differently now that Egypt (and Jordan) were out of the existential threat picture and the left-economic model was starting to stagnate, a new quagmire opening up in Lebanon and the reagan era consolidated certain political structures for the next few decades.
There is a massive irony behind this all as always....if you explore the (essentially peace-oriented) persona of folks like Gurion, Meir, Eshkol, Yigal, Peres and even Rabin (the many debates and interplay they had between themselves too on what Israel fundamentally ought to be and become), their early lives specifically.....and contrast them with folks like Begin, Shamir and Sharon (though Sharon was very complicated fellow let me say that)....and of course Barak and Bibi.
But so often the case, the less-inherently-peaceful folks are often seen as more credible by the outsiders to deal with (in making peace ironically)...because the peaceful-types are fighting us anyway (and whats the deal with that?...thats on them not us, we're the cleanest, honest folks etc)
This all imposes heavily on small country like Israel.
I wouldn't tag on Rabin
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better be someone who know what we need , why not the MEF initiator , perhaps andi widjajanto ?Not sure whether it's right to put this kind of news here or not
That still assuming the billed would be fill in. Ever consider the possibility there won't be anyone there?Hope the next Deputy of MoD is Mr Purnomo Yusgiantoro
Is he still an active general?irjen herindra were choosen eventually View attachment 9224
JKW administration seem fine with "Rangkap jabatan"Is he still an active general?
PRAGMATISM THROUGH THE ROOF wkwk. But, I don't think the new wamenhan will still be an active military personnel, he must be retired early. Even if the president ordered him to do the things that required him to get out of the military, he sure be "siap, laksanakan".JKW administration seem fine with "Rangkap jabatan"
MenKomInfo is needed. Every country have their own ministerial level regulatory body pertinent to telecommunication & cyberspace. Without a regulatory body it will be a serious cluster f of mess out there. Regulating radio frequency alone already complex task by itself let alone interconnectivity, cyberspace, etc.Menkominfo should be abolished, along with lembaga sensor
I think we still can have "open internet" without censorship. Porn, we can make regulation that the consumer that can access that will be only adult, how is that?, let some smart and bright people think about that or maybe hire McKinsey to formulate that, so not whole censorship but targeted.I kept seeing a bunch of children's watching porn or worse watching preaching such as that came from "Habib" on their phone.
Well I'm not anywhere bright or smart, in most test my IQ is hovering somewhere between 88 and 96 or so (TBH I'm kinda idiot here). However, limiting accessing porn content to adult is practically impossible.I think we still can have "open internet" without censorship. Porn, we can make regulation that the consumer that can access that will be only adult, how is that?, let some smart and bright people think about that
The current administration is actually doing that. Unfortunately, with so many hardships (too long to list) either deliberately or accidentally imposed by our own gov't in day to day life, many would flock to radicalization narrative even without religious motive in the first place (saw that happen to 2 of my personal friend)About all of that soft radicalization maybe we can make security project to do counter narrations against them. Counter narrations are quite effective, at least we make em busy. So, no censorship happen.