Indonesia Indonesian Strategic Industries


Indonesia Correspondent
12 1,843
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PTDI President Commissioner Reviews Black Eagle UAV Development and Production Facilities

The visit began with a demonstration and presentation on the progress of the development of the Black Eagle Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) UAV which is planned to have a flight test in Nusawiru, Pangandaran in the near future. Likewise, a presentation on the progress of the Wulung UAV which is planned to have a flight test in Batu Jajar, Padalarang.

"Here I am speaking as PTDI's Commander, also as the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, I will support and commit to making this Black Eagle program a success. In addition, just yesterday I also spoke with the Minister of Defense and received direction from the President regarding what our next defense will be like, the Minister of Defense even wants to provide CN235 aircraft to each Army, Navy, and Air Force, 20 aircraft, adjusted to PTDI's capabilities," said Air Marshal Mohammad Tonny Harjono, PTDI's President Commissioner.



Indonesia Correspondent
12 1,843
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PTDI President Commissioner Reviews Black Eagle UAV Development and Production Facilities

The visit began with a demonstration and presentation on the progress of the development of the Black Eagle Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) UAV which is planned to have a flight test in Nusawiru, Pangandaran in the near future. Likewise, a presentation on the progress of the Wulung UAV which is planned to have a flight test in Batu Jajar, Padalarang.

"Here I am speaking as PTDI's Commander, also as the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, I will support and commit to making this Black Eagle program a success. In addition, just yesterday I also spoke with the Minister of Defense and received direction from the President regarding what our next defense will be like, the Minister of Defense even wants to provide CN235 aircraft to each Army, Navy, and Air Force, 20 aircraft, adjusted to PTDI's capabilities," said Air Marshal Mohammad Tonny Harjono, PTDI's President Commissioner.

Drone MALE Elang Hitam test Low Speed Taxi (PTDI)



Indonesia Correspondent
12 1,843
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PT DI Officially Appointed as Spares Acquisition Center for TNI AU EMB-314 Super Tucano Components


As part of the effort to strengthen the operational readiness of the TNI AU EMB-314 Super Tucano fleet, in January 2025 PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) and Embraer agreed to a Framework Agreement (FA) signed by the Director of Commerce, Technology and Development of PT DI, Moh Arif Faisal and Director of Customer Support & Services Embraer, Marcio Rodolfo Moreira.

This confirms the commitment of both industries to improve the combat readiness of the EMB-314 Super Tucano as one of the TNI AU's strategic assets in maintaining national security stability.

Through this FA, PT DI has been officially appointed as the Spares Acquisition Center to meet the needs of the TNI AU Super Tucano components. Embraer and PT DI will also discuss and explore further developments to improve local capabilities in aircraft maintenance, component repair and overhaul, and modification.


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