Breaking News Iran-Israel Tensions


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This stuff is quite hard to get to the bottom of, it took me many years and there is still many doubts. Naturally its stuff that 99% of the world knows nothing about. So its hard to find anyone in life to discuss this stuff with who isn't a freemason. Then you got the problem that freemasons are sworn to secrecy so they wont openly discuss their secrets with a non-mason, then you got the fact that the majority of masons are the outer ring, their kept intentionally ignorant. They are not meant to know the deeper secrets or purposes of the craft as Pike mentions in his book. Most people who are masons are masons because it benefits them in their life. Opportunities are immense if you are member of a lodge. Because masons vow to show favour to each other, even swearing to lie in court to defend a mason even if he commits murder. You go for a job interview and your a mason while the other guy isn't, if its a mason interviewing you for the role, their is a high chance you will get it etc. Its great for business and personal attainment, its the main reason most join.

But i came across many books that explained that masonry at some point split into two camps. You got the dominate side which is grand lodge masonry with its mother lodge in england. Then you got the weaker side which is grand orient with its mother lodge is paris.

To keep a long story short, from what i came to understand in the american civil war that the north was supported by grand orient/french freemasonry, while the south was supported by grand lodge/British freemasonry.

despite the two sides being at odds with each, they still recognise each other as above all non-masons. So Pike despite being a general for the south and probably a grand lodge mason, is still massively respected by grand orient. All they disagree on are small details. Zionism falls under British masonry. Things like the Muslim brotherhood were founded by Grand orient masons. Now the conflict could all be there order out of choas agenda, and at the top its all the same thing. But i dont know if any information exists out there to confirm such a thing.

What i try to do is find material written by people who are part of the club, i find that is the best way to get real picture as to whats going on in the world. No media will ever cover this topic in any serious manner and thats for good reason.

Want to know what freemasons think, find the books they write and read them. And like i said before "freemasonry" is the elephant in the room.
You gotta admit that if you can adhere to the principles of the lodge then it's the best way of organizing and reaching your goals.

But I am damn sure it takes hundreds of years to implement it and find the right people to keep it going.


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The harder they resist, the harder they get crushed. It's the sad reality.

Don't forget that they aren't fighting up in mountains with caves and tunnels. They're corned in a tiny, urbanized strip of land. There is no where to run or hide.

Not only would supplying weapons to them be difficult, but it also wouldn't change much on the ground. Only an external power can make a difference.

Whoever was behind the October 7 attacks essentially sacrificed Gaza.
Are you saying being slave and treated badly as animal is better than dying for your freedom

Agha Sher

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Iran seems to be hellbent on changing the equation with Israel. Iran's president and many other officials stated that any attack on Iran's interests going forward will be met by a direct attach from Iran on Israel. Iran's interest includes Syria and Iraq.

Fuzuli NL

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you can sure as hell bet the americans see this too. If you remember when it came to syria and Turkey wanting to move, the narrative even shifted to assad and iran being good guys helping the fight against Isis, while Turkey was solely targeted as the enabler and supporter of isis committing genocide on the allies of the west the kurds.

Tomorrow if there was a war between Turkey and Iran, the americans would engineer it so both sides bleed with no decisive victory. If it look like Turks were doing them over, they would find ways to supply iran as an example.

The way it looks to me, the americans want shia terrorism to spread across the region. They see it as a hedge against sunni power. Just like the Isreali general once said, the major threat was Turkey, Iran can be contained. Shia'ism is the minority element in the region. What the americans/Isrealis dont want is a major sunni power emerging that can take the lead. Only one nation in the region can do that and that's Turkey.

Also worth pointing out that as Iranian shia'ism spreads across the region, the chances of Turkey and Iran coming together diminish. Turkey and Iran working together would be the nightmare scenario for isreali, america.

Much of this show going on right now can really be about enabling iran to spread out deeper and further into the middle east. Unless we see tangible outcomes that do serious damage, then we could all be caught up in american/isreali games. So far other then a few generals and no americans or isreali dead, despite all the talks, all the shows nothing has occurred in which either side weakens the other. I think Turks lost more soldiers fighting a few months in Afrin then the Iranians have lost fighting Isreal in 40 years of "hostility".
Very accurate insight.


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If Iran and the Zionist Entity fire at eachother, the sky will be full of missiles and falling debris.
Interesting choice of words. Both Israel and Iran are religious states. Only one entity - the Islamic entity - fired so far.

As you predicted, the sky was full of missiles and falling debris. No doubt there was damage caused by drones and missiles being shot down en route from Iran to Israel. I wonder how the states overflown by Iranian strike vehicles see the violation of their airspace and how they view violation of their airspace by Israel. That raises a question for me - at what altitude does a vehicle cease to be violating the sovereignty of the country it is overflying?

What was a revelation to me was that an excellent air defence system can bring down 99% of a mix of ballistic missiles and drones launched at a country.


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What was a revelation to me was that
excellent air defence system can bring down 99% of a mix of ballistic missiles and drones launched at a country.

It was more than excellent air defence system. Four air forces led by USAF, Israeli air force themselves and then 6 types of Air defence systems. Patriot, Devid's Sling, Arrow-2/3, Iron Dome, AEGIS ships.


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wonder how the states overflown by Iranian strike vehicles see the violation of their airspace and how they view violation of their airspace by Israel. That raises a question for me - at what altitude does a vehicle cease to be violating the sovereignty of the country it is overflying?

This is not about the violations, it never is. The Israelis are the No.1 airspace violator in the Middle East. In fact I could recall two times in the past where the IAF trespass Jordanian air space.

First is during the raid on Osirak, where the Jordanian king could even see low flying F-16s passing over his yacht.

As far back as 1980s, the Indonesian air force pilot while training to fly A-4s in Israel testify that as part of their syllabus, the IAF instructor would regularly teach them to penetrate Jordanian air space.

In both case the Jordanian political-military establishment let them pass.

This is never about airspace violations, it's more about Arab leaders treachery to Islam and their own kin.

Agha Sher

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To be honest, for the middle east to become better we need things to go out of control. Right now, things being in control benefit the occupiers (USA and Isreal) + their Arab puppets. If the middle east shall become free and prosperous, things must get out of control. Only in this way, there is a chance for things to get better, albeit it will be painful.


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It was more than excellent air defence system. Four air forces led by USAF, Israeli air force themselves and then 6 types of Air defence systems. Patriot, Devid's Sling, Arrow-2/3, Iron Dome, AEGIS ships.
Sure, it was not just Israel shooting drones down.

Israel has a lot of fighters. I wonder how many drones would have got through without the participation of 4 foreign air forces.

In any event, if missiles were used to down the drones, the strike was very effective in cost terms. I guess the cost of building and launching the drones was immensely smaller than the cost of shooting them down using A2A missiles.


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This is not about the violations, it never is. The Israelis are the No.1 airspace violator in the Middle East. In fact I could recall two times in the past where the IAF trespass Jordanian air space.

First is during the raid on Osirak, where the Jordanian king could even see low flying F-16s passing over his yacht.

As far back as 1980s, the Indonesian air force pilot while training to fly A-4s in Israel testify that as part of their syllabus, the IAF instructor would regularly teach them to penetrate Jordanian air space.

In both case the Jordanian political-military establishment let them pass.

This is never about airspace violations, it's more about Arab leaders treachery to Islam and their own kin.

Jordanian Royal Family was placed there by the British.

The king is also Half British too by the way.

Hence why Jordan defends Western interests in the Middle East numerous times.

The Royal Family is tied with blood.

Forget Kuwait somebody needs to invade Jordan.


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I asked a question about state airspace violation, not about Islam.
It's airspace violations, but its not the underlying issue.

Jordan is OK when Israel violated it's airspace, but when it comes to Iran, they act like they've been treating their sovereignty as all sacred

Scott Summers

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Interesting choice of words. Both Israel and Iran are religious states. Only one entity - the Islamic entity - fired so far.

As you predicted, the sky was full of missiles and falling debris. No doubt there was damage caused by drones and missiles being shot down en route from Iran to Israel. I wonder how the states overflown by Iranian strike vehicles see the violation of their airspace and how they view violation of their airspace by Israel. That raises a question for me - at what altitude does a vehicle cease to be violating the sovereignty of the country it is overflying?

What was a revelation to me was that an excellent air defence system can bring down 99% of a mix of ballistic missiles and drones launched at a country.


50% of the missiles didnt launch or failed to launch.

From the 65 old crap missiles that reached Israel, only 55 were brought down.

10 missiles were a hit. Penetrating different airpaces from different countries and reaching the two most fortified airbases of Israel. And this wile they announced the attack a week before.

For a country that is isolated and sanctioned for almost 40 years, that is a succes.

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