I'm going to wait before I jump to any conclusions, but I will say this...
If Israel

was able to simply slip some strike aircraft deep enough into Iran that they could strike the heart of the country, or accomplish a similar feat simply using drones, there is some significant explaining that people are going to have to do about Iran's "vaunted" air defense that has been discussed in this forum ad nauseum. I've been assured that Iran's air defense is significantly improved and it would be extremely difficult to cause serious damage to any of their key inland facilities with even a saturation attack, let alone a small scale strike.
While telegraphed, or not, Iran launched more than 300 ordinance, including a hefty number of ballistic missiles at Israel. It appears that approximately 8-10 missiles got through and did minor damage to Israeli military infrastructure. If Israel has indeed been able to cause any serious damage to Iran with a small scale, limited strike, that's major egg on Iran's face, after how much money and resources they've poured into building a robust air defense network sourced domestically, as well as from Russia.
I'll wait to hear more before I comment further, but if initial reports are true (and they're often not) Iran is looking pretty bad right now.