China-Iran-Russia form triple hybrid alliance
Under the Iran-China strategic cooperation agreement;
- Establishment of an intelligence base in the port city of China, Iran
- With the installation of 10 million CCTV cameras in the 7 largest cities of Iran and 5 million CCTV cameras in other cities, it is planned to keep the public under constant surveillance.
- It is said that the internet will be restructured so that it can be censored comprehensively.
- China and Russia deployment of strategic bombers at Hamedan, Bender Abbas, Chakhar and Abadan air bases after the arms embargo on Iran ended on October 15
- Opening of Iran's ports of Chakhahar, Bushehr and Bender Abbas to Chinese and Russian warships
- It is said that within 14 months, 50 thousand Chinese and Russian soldiers will protect Chinese companies that will invest in Iran's oil and gas fields.
Under the Iran-China strategic cooperation agreement;
- Establishment of an intelligence base in the port city of China, Iran
- With the installation of 10 million CCTV cameras in the 7 largest cities of Iran and 5 million CCTV cameras in other cities, it is planned to keep the public under constant surveillance.
- It is said that the internet will be restructured so that it can be censored comprehensively.
- China and Russia deployment of strategic bombers at Hamedan, Bender Abbas, Chakhar and Abadan air bases after the arms embargo on Iran ended on October 15
- Opening of Iran's ports of Chakhahar, Bushehr and Bender Abbas to Chinese and Russian warships
- It is said that within 14 months, 50 thousand Chinese and Russian soldiers will protect Chinese companies that will invest in Iran's oil and gas fields.
Adem Yılmaz | Çin, İran'ı dünyanın en büyük istihbarat ve casusluk merkezlerinden biri haline getirmeyi mi planlıyor?
İran'da son günlerde sıkça gündeme gelerek tartışma konusu olan gelişmelerden birisi de İran-Çin arasındaki 25 yıllık stratejik işbirliği anlaşmasının içeriğine dair ortaya atılan iddialar. İlk olarak Çin Devlet Başkanı Şi Cinping'in 2016 yılında İran'a gerçekleştirdiği ziyarette gündeme gelen...
China Looks To Build Espionage Hub In Iran Under 25-Year Deal |
China has moved onto the next stage of its plan to turn Iran into a fully fledged client state, with the Asian giant now planning to roll out large scale spying facilities in Iranian cities
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