Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


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Israel hit joint Turkish-Palestinian Red Crescent warehouses.

Turkish Red Crescent :

“We have received information and images today that the humanitarian aid warehouse belonging to the Palestine Red Crescent, which we supported as Turkish Red Crecsent to build in Gaza was seriously damaged as a result of heavy bombardment and was unusable. The warehouse in question belongs to the Palestine Red Crescent, with which we work together in our humanitarian aid activities, and we do not have a warehouse belonging to the Turkish Red Crescent in Gaza.

We strongly condemn any attack on humanitarian aid workers and facilities, especially the Palestine Red Crescent employees and volunteers who work desperately to meet humanitarian needs under severe conditions."


Brace Yourself

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In short, US military power failed miserably against the Afghans with Kalashnikovs and sandals!
Again Like Raveger you have ignored another important Party which is Pakistan. It was never Mericans vs Afghans/Taliban without the third party (Pakistan).

Mericans have their sense back after realizing Pakistan is playing with them in the region with no hope of ending of Taliban threat coming from Pakistan.

Pakistan Army-
1. Receiving millitary equioment.
2. Muslim country made WMD.

That's why even all gazan are Killed or displaced merica will stiill support Zionist. Cause the leash is in White House. Just some billion dollars and Arabs will not stand against them.


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Refraining from a ground invasion and showing restraint in the face of what they've endured, is a good faith way of demonstrating to the Saudis that Israel a country worth fostering relations with. A full out ground war in Gaza, sets the chances of Saudi-Israeli normalization back by many, many years.

Refraining from carpet bombing Gaza would have been a good faith way of demonstrating to the Saudis that Israel is a country worth fostering relations with. But they missed that chance.

Netanyahu is too worried about clinging to power. He doesn’t care about the long term interests of Israel. He will do whatever he thinks serves him personally well. He would happily see thousands of jews die if it would mean him staying in power a few more years. As for the killing of Palestinians, he doesn’t even care about his own people, so of course hi doesn’t care about killing arabs.


7 767
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Did the japan didn't have a time table before pearl harbour ?? This is real life not a RTS game . Sometime opportunities and danger were goes hand in hand ... I can't predict anything ... But , the moment they smell weakness ... They will pounce and pounced it hard !!

And why would the Chinese want to repeat the Japanese error and start a losing war?

Key words is the moment russia closing in kiev and Americans get bogged down in the grounds ...

If they’ll wait for Russia to close in on Kyiv, they have a long time to wait, so they can stick to their long term army modernization plans.

Marquis de Sade

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There is absolutely no evidence that the thousands of Gazans that the Gaza health ministry (controlled by Hamas) claim to have been killed is actually the case. Certainly the numbers are higher than anyone wants to see among civilians, but the numbers are almost certainly exaggerated in significant fashion.

Furthermore, remember when Hamas claimed that Israel bombed the Al-Ahli hospital killing 500 people? Then we found out that a bomb / missile hit the parking lot of the hospital and that the death toll was FAR FAR less than what has been reported.

The same nonsense we see and here, over and over. This is not what genocide looks like.

They were published with names, surnames and social security numbers and Western NGO's in the region confirmed it.

If revisionists claim that the numbers of jews terminated in WO II are exaggerated, the jewish organisations unleash hell on them.

But zionists activists are free to deny the claims of their own victims. Please dont be so sensational.


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Wether this is a propagnda or not it isn't relevan . We all knew what the end game of Israel in the long term

The manufactured climate and narrative will be that Isreal is perpetually under threat, if no threat exists they will make sure to create it. Isrealis won't stop with Palestine, that thin strip of land provides them no real security or strategic depth. The Yinon plan is the end game, it may take a hundred more years to achieve, they may even completely fail at some point and be completely destroyed because of their trouble making ways.

Today they easily cultivated the narrative that genocide is acceptable, "muh Isreal has the right to defend herself" doesn't matter who she kills or bombs, be it hospitals, women and children. Just look at some of the posters on this forum, i have no love for the Palestinians and see it in Turkiye's interests to get on with Isreal in the short to mid term, but what they are doing is criminal.

But the common Muslim is to blame, too lazy and too ignorant to study his enemies and their methods. So he continues to be played like a fiddle. For the last 100 years Muslims have been played, i suspect for the next 100 they will be played.

Maximilien Robespierre

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This thread will turn into a river when Israelis do start their ground op.

Palestinians should have known Israel was going to beat em when they started their missile+ground attacks.

A person who fell down shouldn't cry about the consequences.
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This thread will turn into a river when Israelis do start their ground op.

Palestinians should have known Israel was going to beat the s**** out of em when they started their funny missile+ground attacks.

A person who fell down shouldn't cry about the consequences.

every time i see those dopey missile attacks all i can think of is that f'k all is being strategically achieved for the Palestinians and it always provides isreal with a great excuse to go in and smash them up. This incremental game over a period of time expands Israel and reduces Palestine.

Hamas and Iran have been great business for Isreal, moving forward they will continue to be.


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Discussing three reports posted below; pointing out the Iraq Anbar Plan was a year ago, and the two reports by Misgav Institute Report and Israeli intelligence being only two-weeks old endeavors as less than credible.

Israel-Palestine war: Has Biden lost control of Netanyahu?​

David Hearst

29 October 2023 14:07 GMT | Last update: 11 hours 38 mins ago

Israel, enraged over its own '9/11 moment', is hitting out on all fronts, but the rabbit hole Netanyahu has led America down again and again is deeper this time


US President Joe Biden (L) and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meet in Tel Aviv, Israel, on 18 October 2023 (Reuters)

A year ago, three Iraqi Sunni politicians from Anbar province were in one of the Dead Sea's many luxury hotels being courted by Israeli officials.
The subject was not Palestine but Anbar, the largest and one of the most sparsely populated governorates in Iraq. The hosts reminded their Iraqi guests that their province was just under one third of the land mass of Iraq.
It had huge untapped water reserves, which only the Israelis and the Americans had the expertise to tap. It could become the food basket of the Middle East, the Israelis enthused. It had petrol and gas reserves to exploit. They could also help Anbar extract mineral reserves.
The only thing missing in Anbar was enough people to man such a renaissance.
Then the Israelis popped the question the meeting was really all about: "What if we offered you 2.3 million Palestinians?" They, too, are Sunnis, the Israeli side said: "Palestinians are hard working, they have the same culture as you, and besides having more Sunnis in Anbar could help tilt the Sunni-Shia balance in your favour".


Brace Yourself

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This thread will turn into a river when Israelis do start their ground op.

Palestinians should have known Israel was going to beat the s**** out of em when they started their funny missile+ground attacks.

A person who fell down shouldn't cry about the consequences.

I will haha those who may cry about WAR CRIMES!!! in the future 💀

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