Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations


Maximilien Robespierre


Erdogan: “We may suddenly knock on your door one night”​

Yeah he won't and can't do anything he is playing for the crows while ruining our already ruined image.

He was saying the same stuff about syria but when USA stepped in he hit the R.

Politicians are the master of manipulation I admire how they can manipulate the uneducated masses like they are bunch of tyranids.


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Yeah he won't and can't do anything he is playing for the crows while ruining our already ruined image.

He was saying the same stuff about syria but when USA stepped in he hit the R.

Politicians are the master of manipulation I admire how they can manipulate the uneducated masses like they are bunch of tyranids.

At least Tayyip Erdogan gives us music tunes like Dombra lmaooooo

In Australia we get nothing from our boring corrupt politicians.

Maximilien Robespierre

China is taking revenge of previous year's provoking of merica. When US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi flew into Taiwan despite warnings of China.
China also supplies Israeli army with plate carriers and other ballistic equipments, they are not on your side they already oppress muslims worse than israelis.

Brace Yourself

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Yeah he won't and can't do anything he is playing for the crows while ruining our already ruined image.
At least Erdogan doesn't clipped his leaps like arab leaders. You should understand the weight of a Nations Head when he speaks. He is not just a politician.

He was saying the same stuff about syria but when USA stepped in he hit the R.
Turkey should've acquired own Nuclear Bomb 30 years ago, before USR collasped. Not having own wmd what causes nations to obey the western powers. It's not Erdogan's fault.

Maximilien Robespierre

At least Erdogan doesn't clipped his leaps like arab leaders. You should understand the weight of a Nations Head when he speaks. He is not just a politician.

Turkey should've acquired own Nuclear Bomb 30 years ago, before USR collasped. Not having own wmd what causes nations to obey the western powers. It's not Erdogan's fault.
He didn't clipped is leaps and ruined our already ruined image plus economy with his islamist rheotorics, foreign policy isn't about religion our your own ideology.

Supporting hamas will bring nothing but play to our enemies hands, Whats happening in palestine is an arabic cause
It is none of our business

They even tried to shutdown celebration of 100th anniversary of our republic because of gaza.


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China also supplies Israeli army with plate carriers and other ballistic equipments, they are not on your side they already oppress muslims worse than israelis.

generally every non-Muslim civilisation that has geostrategic ambitions tends to the play the muslim world for fools. China is a prime example. Maybe the most oppressed and humilated Muslims on earth when Isrealis are not directly bombing Palestinians is taking place in China. East Turkestan invaded and annexed by the communist Chinese and her people under brutal oppression and even thrown in concentration camps. China should be the last one to talk about the oppression in Palestine, they are more criminal then the Isrealis. And the communist/jewish ideology is maybe the most dangerous ideology on earth, not just for civil liberties but for the religion of islam itself.

Allah is no fool, he sees how were all behaving, he sees our hypocrisy and like Muhammad said the first in line to hell are the hypocrites. In many ways i suspect us, the general muslims are going to be first in line to this hell. The Palestinians themselves support the Chinese oppression of Muslims, why would Allah help them? Your ok with your brother being destroyed, his women being raped, why should i then help you? Can you imagine on judgement day trying to make excuses for our two faced ways? Nah, your done as far as heaven and hell are concerned.

So Islamic civilisation continues to be a grand failure and unless a complete perspective change occurs, where the Muslim draws a line and everything immoral and wrong he is against, no matter the cost to his personal standing, he will continue to be humilated globally.

But this perspective change is controlled by western powers who control their islamist proxies like Saudi and Gulf states who push salafist/wahhabist way that divides the Muslims and makes us easy prey for the enemy to exploit.


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China is taking revenge of previous year's provoking of merica. When US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi flew into Taiwan despite warnings of China.

Come on bruh .... 😂😂
I want a serious thought here . I said a crocodile tears was an understatement here ...

Yemenis has more respect from me than the saudis . Even before all of this ..


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@Brace Yourself
Forums have some rules. Apart from the rules, there are good manners. This is not anyone's personal blog. You don't have to paste every tweet you see about Gaza here. Do you think you're the only one with a tweeter connection? Do you think that without you we would not have information about Palestine?

@Kartal1 Dear moderators !in some topics, a member can only write 3 entries in a day. Personally, I do not write on a topic more than three times a day. I will ignore this member, but he should know that he exhibits unpleasant behavior.


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This missile barrage toward cities by Houthi didn't work as intended, not surprised considering the excellent and layered air defence from US navy destroyers, Saudi ABM/SAM systems and Israel's own ABM/SAM system.

They should've diverted more energy towards anti-shipping in Bab Mandeb strait.

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